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smaller subskills that are all part of the main skill, e.g. identifying text organisation (reading); identifying word stress (listening). Skim 跳读

To read a text quickly to get a general idea of what it is about. Subskill: see skill. 小技能 Summary noun, summarise verb 归纳

To take out the main points of a long text, and rewrite them in a short, clear way, using full sentences. Text structure 文本结构

The way a text is organised. For example, an essay typically has an introduction, main section and conclusion. Topic 话题

The subject of a text or lesson. Topic sentence 主题句

A sentence that gives the main point or subject of a paragraph. This is usually the opening sentence in a paragraph.

Background to language learning 语言学习的背景

Achievable target, goal 可以达到的目标

An aim that is not too difficult for the learner to reach. Acquisition noun, acquire verb 获取

To learn a language without studying it, just by hearing and/or reading and then using it. This is the way we all learn our first language. Attention span 注意力集中时限

How long a student is able to concentrate at any one time. Auditory learner: see learning style. 听觉学习者 Cognitive (processes) 认知过程

The mental processes involved in thinking, understanding or learning. Confidence 自信心

The feeling someone has when they are sure of their ability to do something well. Teachers often do activities that help students to feel more confident about their own ability. Conscious (of) 意识到

To know that something exists or is happening, or to have knowledge or experience of something; to be aware.

Deductive learning 演绎式学习方法

An approach to learning in which students are first taught the rules and given all the information they need about the language. Then they use these rules in language activities. See inductive learning.

Demotivate: see motivation. 失去学习动力 Developmental error: see error. 发展性错误 Error 错误

A mistake that a learner makes when trying to say something above their level of language or language processing.

A developmental error is an error made by a second language learner which could also be made by a young person learning their mother tongue as part of their normal development, e.g. I goed there last week (I went there last week). See slip.


? UCLES Cambridge ESOL 2005 12

Expectation noun 期望

A belief that something will happen, e.g. He has an expectation that he will win. Exposure noun, expose verb 暴露

When learners listen to or read language without being consciously aware of it. Factor 因素

A fact or situation which influences the result of something, e.g. the factors which decide whether someone learns a language successfully or not. First language: see mother tongue, L1. 母语 Focus on form 注重形式

To pay attention to language by identifying and practising it. Goals 目标

Aims that a student or teacher may have. Guidance 指示

Help given by a teacher with learning, or with doing a task. Ignore (errors) 忽略错误

To choose not to pay attention to something such as an error made by a student. A teacher may do this if they want to help the student with fluency, not accuracy. Independent study 独立学习

Studying without a teacher present. This can be done at home, in a library etc. Inductive learning 引导式学习

An approach to learning in which students are not first taught the rules of grammar. They work out the rules for themselves by using the language. See deductive learning. Interference 干涉

When the learner’s mother tongue influences their performance in the target language. A learner may make a mistake because they use the same grammatical pattern in the target language as they use in their mother tongue.

The L1 grammatical pattern is not appropriate in L2. Interlanguage 中间语

Learners’ own version of the second language which they speak as they learn. Interlanguage is constantly changing and developing as learners learn more of the second language. Kinaesthetic learner: see learning style. 运动感觉学习者 L1/L2 母语/第二语言

L1 is the learner’s mother tongue or first language; L2 is the learner’s second or other language. Language awareness 语感

Understanding the rules of how language works.

Learner autonomy noun, autonomous adj, learner independence 学习自主性

When a student does not need a teacher to learn, but can set their own aims and organise their own study they are autonomous and independent. Many activities in coursebooks help students to be more independent by developing 独立的 learning strategies and learner training. 学习技巧 Learner characteristics 学习者特性

The typical things about a learner or learners that influence their learning, e.g. age, L1, past learning experience,

learning style. 学习类型

Learner independence: see learner autonomy. 独立学习 Learner training 培训

The use of activities to help students understand how they learn and help them to become independent learners.

Learning resources 学习资源

The materials or tools which help students learn, e.g. books, computers, cassettes etc.


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Learning strategies 学习技巧

The techniques which a student consciously uses when learning or using language, e.g. deducing the meaning of words from context; predicting content before reading. Learning style 学习类型

The way in which an individual learner naturally prefers to learn something. Auditory learner 听觉学习者

A learner who remembers things more easily when they hear them spoken aloud. This type of learner likes the teacher to say a new word aloud as well as writing it on the board. Kinaesthetic learner 运动感觉学习者

A learner who learns more easily by physically doing things. This type of learner likes to move around or move objects while learning. Visual learner 视觉学习者

A learner who finds it easier to learn when they can see things written down or in a picture. This type of learner likes the teacher to write a new word on the board as well as saying it aloud. Linguistic 语言学的

Connected with language or the study of language. Maturity noun, mature adj 成熟

Fully grown or developed. If a learner is mature in attitude, they behave in an adult way. A learner’s maturity (physical, emotional and mental) influences a teacher’s approaches and/or decisions. Memorable 难忘的

Describes something which is easy to remember. Memorise 记忆

To learn something so that you can remember it later. Mother tongue 母语

The very first language that you learn as a baby, which is usually the language spoken to you by your parents. Also

called L1 or first language.

Motivation noun, motivate verb 动力

Motivation is the thoughts and feelings which make us want to do something and help us continue doing it.

Demotivate verb demotivated adj 失去动力 To make someone lose motivation.

Unmotivated adj 没有动力的 Without motivation; having no motivation. Natural order 自然顺序

The order in which learners naturally learn some items in their first or other languages. Some language items are learnt before others and it can be difficult for teachers to influence this order. Needs 需求

The language, language skills or learning strategies a student still has to learn, or the conditions they need to help them learn.

Participation noun, participate verb 参与

To take part in something, e.g. a lesson or classroom activity. Personalisation noun, personalise verb 个性化

When a teacher helps a student to connect new words, topics, texts or grammar to their own life. Pick up: see acquisition. 语言学习 Processing language 语言处理

The way in which the brain works on language, consciously or unconsciously, in order to learn or understand it.

Proficient 精通

To be very good at something because of training and practice, e.g. speaking English.


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Silent period 沉默期

The time when students who are beginning to learn a first or second language prefer to listen (or read)