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Vowel 元音

One of the sounds shown by the letters a, e, i, o u and sometimes y. See consonant. Weak forms: see stress. Word stress: see stress.


Candidates should already be familiar with common functions such as asking, telling, replying, thanking and suggesting.

Appropriacy noun appropriate/inappropriate adj 适合的

Language which is suitable or correct in a particular situation. See register. Colloquial 口语的

Language used in informal conversations or writing. Declining, refusing an invitation 拒绝邀请

To refuse or decline an invitation, e.g. I’m sorry but I can’t. Enquiring 要求

To ask for information, e.g. What time does the train leave? Express 表达式

To show or make known a feeling or an opinion in words. Expressing ability, e.g. I can swim. 表达能力

Expressing intention, e.g. I’m planning to visit him next year. 表达意图 Expressing necessity, e.g. He needs to get a new passport. 表达需求 Expressing obligation, e.g. You must wear a seatbelt. 表达职责 Expressing permission, e.g. Can I have a look at your book? 表达许可 Expressing preference, e.g. I’d rather have coffee than tea. 表达喜好 Expressing probability, e.g. He should be in later. 表达可能性 Formal (language): see register. Formality (level of): see register. Function

The reason or purpose for communication, e.g. making a suggestion; giving advice. Functional exponent

A phrase which is an example of a function and shows the purpose of the speaker, e.g. Let’s... . This phrase is one way to make a suggestion. It is an example (or exponent) of the function of suggesting. See function. Greeting 问候

To welcome someone, often with words, e.g. Hello, how are you? Inappropriate: see appropriacy.


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Informal (language): see register. Informality (level of): see register. Instructing

To order or tell someone to do something, e.g. Please turn to page 12 and do exercise 1. Negotiating 协商用语

To have a discussion with someone to reach an agreement, e.g. If you help me now, I’ll help you next week.

Neutral 中性语

A style of speaking or writing that is neither formal nor informal, but in-between. It is appropriate for most situations. Predicting 预测

To say what you think is likely to happen, e.g. I think the story will end happily. Register

The formality or informality of the language used in a particular situation. Formal register or language is used in serious or important situations, e.g. in a job application. Informal register or language is used in relaxed or friendly situations, e.g. with family or friends. Requesting, making a (polite) request 提出要求

To ask someone politely to do something, e.g. Please could you open the window? Speculating 推测

To guess something, e.g. I think it might be an easy test.

Concepts and terminology for describing language skills 对于描述语言技能的概念及术语

Accuracy 准确性

The use of correct forms of grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation. In an accuracy activity, students typically give more attention to correctness. See fluency. Authenticity: see authentic material. Context 上下文

1. The situation in which language is used or presented in the classroom.

2. The words or phrases before or after a word which help a student to understand that word. Deduce meaning from context 从上下文中推断意思

To guess the meaning of an unknown word by using the information in a situation and/or around the word to help, e.g.

I drove my van to the town centre and parked it in the central car park. Van must be some kind of vehicle because you drive it and park it. Develop skills 开发技能

To teach students how to do activities like listening, and help them to understand how to listen. Draft noun + verb, re-draft verb 草拟,草案

A draft is a piece of writing that is not yet finished, and may be changed. A writer drafts a piece of writing. That is, they write it for the first time but not exactly as it will be when it is finished. When the writing is changed, it is redrafted. Edit 编辑

To correct mistakes in a piece of writing, and perhaps shorten or change the words of some parts of the text to make it clearer or easier to understand. Extensive listening/reading 泛读、泛听

Listening to or reading long pieces of text, such as stories. You may listen to or read some parts in detail and may skim other parts. See intensive listening/reading.

Extract 摘录 Part of a text.


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Fluency, oral fluency 流利度

The use of connected speech at a natural speed without hesitation, repetition or self-correction. In a fluency activity,students typically give more attention to the communication of meaning, rather than correctness. See accuracy.

Infer attitude, feeling, mood 感情及情绪

To decide how a writer or speaker feels about something from the way that they speak or write, rather than from what they actually and openly say or the words they use. Intensive listening/reading 精读,精听

Reading or listening to focus on how language is used in a text. See extensive reading/listening. Interaction noun, interact verb, interactive strategies 互动

Interaction is ‘two-way communication’. Interactive strategies are the means used, especially in speaking, to keep people involved and interested in what is said, e.g. eye contact, use of gestures, functions such as repeating, asking for clarification. 归类 Layout 布局

The way in which parts of a text are organised and presented on a page. Certain texts have special layouts, e.g. letters and newspaper articles. Listen/read for detail 阅读获得更多的细节

To read or listen to a text in order to get meaning out of every word. Listen/read for gist 主旨性阅读

To read or listen to a text to understand its general meaning or purpose. See skim. Listen/read for mood 情感阅读

To read or listen to a text in order to identify the feelings of the writer or speaker. See infer attitude/feeling/mood.

Note-taking noun, take notes verb

Note-taking is one of the subskills of writing. To take notes means to write down ideas in short form. Oral fluency: see fluency. Paragraph noun + verb 段落

A paragraph is part of a longer piece of writing such as an essay, which starts on a new line and usually contains a single new idea. When a writer is paragraphing, he/she is creating paragraphs. See topic sentence.

Paraphrase noun + verb 转述

To say or write something in a short and clear way, using different words. If a learner is not sure of the exact language they need to use, they can paraphrase, i.e. explain their meaning using different language.

Prediction noun, predict verb

A technique or learner strategy students can use to help with listening or reading. Students think about the topic before they read or listen. They try to imagine what the topic will be or what they are going to read about or listen to.This makes it easier for them to understand what they read or hear. Process noun

A series of actions performed in order to do, make or achieve something. Process writing 写作流程

An approach to writing, which looks at writing as a process and includes different stages of writing such as planning,

drafting, re-drafting, editing, proofreading. 草拟,修改,编辑,校正

Productive skills 输出技能

When students produce language. Speaking and writing are productive skills. See receptive skills. Proofread

To read a text checking to see if there are any mistakes in spelling, grammar etc. Re-draft: see draft.

Receptive skills 输入技能

When students do not have to produce language; instead they read or listen to a text. See productive skills.


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Scan 速读

To read a text quickly to pick out specific information. Skill, subskill 技能

The four language skills are listening, speaking, reading and writing. Each skill can be divided into