《大学英语》精读-第四册-Test-Yourself-1-2选择题及其答案 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期六 文章《大学英语》精读-第四册-Test-Yourself-1-2选择题及其答案更新完毕开始阅读

reputation, with a lovely first-floor terrace where on fine days you dine __D____the lake.

A visualizing B picturing C dipping D overlooking

43. In Diana's words the new invention can provide \wheelchair they spend so much of their life in , making them as ___A___as the next gust of wind.\

C hospitable D marvelous

44. Materialism has until recently been_B_____ unknown in Confucian societies.

A normally B virtually C invariably D increasingly

45. Some lawyers say the law of deception must be __C_____ to include deception of machines rather than just people.

A reflected B unified C adjusted D loosened

A mobile B attractive

46. The building materials industry___C____ itself to meet the steady predictable demand of the house-building industry, thus eliminating one of the chief obstacles to the output of houses. C geared D lowered

47. As a general rule vegetable oils are much better for you than fats that are__A_____from animals.

A derived B enriched C curled D detached 48. The




harvest___D_____from year to year and from one plant to the next.

A renews B envies C baffles D varies

49. If left to reach their natural__D____,many plant species will eventually take over a wide area of ground and should be avoided in small gardens.

A bound B integrated

A capacities B occupations C suspicions D dimensions

50. Fame is the most _B____subject in the world and I'm keenly interested in speaking to certain people who've had fame and then lost if. C rewarding D misleading

51. Interestingly enough, having once entered the profession itself, age ceases to be a ____C___, for actors of any age may easily teach each other something and share emotions honestly. A necessity B pursuit C barrier D concession

52. Another _C_____ is how the yacht drifted north-west when prevailing conditions would normally have sent it towards South America. C mystery D risk

53. The company is based on a novel_D___ of direct selling, which involves representatives

A overwhelming B fascinating

A inquiry B dilemma

knocking on doors selling household goods. C symptom D concept

54. It is my experience that many students of English Literature with good A-level results dislike poetry, or at least feel __A___ by if , and can go through a three-year degree course without this attitude being radically changed.

A baffled B overlooked C deceived D restrained

55. _B_______the technological requirements of the new system , other important issues have to be resolved

A Next to B Aside from C Rather than D Contrary to 56. By






manufacturing__C____ is expected to increase three-fold, according to sales and marketing director Joe Weston.

A dimension B endeavor C

A extent B aspect