《大学英语》精读-第四册-Test-Yourself-1-2选择题及其答案 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期六 文章《大学英语》精读-第四册-Test-Yourself-1-2选择题及其答案更新完毕开始阅读

A. Burdens B. Distorts C. Confirms D. Maintains

27. The ___D___truth is that some youngsters are so out of control they have to be detained .

A. Thoughtful B.internal C mature D brutal

28. Mary admired Max for his wit, although she could not A_______his philosophy of life.

A. Tolerate B invade C refute D interpret

29. This is a matter which cannot be too carefully watched since failure to comply _B______you liable to heavy penalties.

A. Enables B renders C injures D flushes 30. Their for equality.

A.scattered B. enrolled C overheard D advocated




nor___D_____the use of violence in its struggle

Test Yourself 2

31. It may be possible to claim damages against a local authority for negligently failing to ensure that construction work complied with the ___B_____ building regulations.

A magnificent B relevant C artificial D delicate

32. A substantial proportion of educational costs was __A____ to local authorities , although the latter had neither sufficient financial nor administrative means to carry out their new assignments.

A transferred B withdrawn C hurled D adjusted 33. These




fitness____A_____lead to two things: a great deal of unnecessary injury and a lot of profit to the people behind the scheme.

A invariably B virtually C originally D literally

34. Each product ___B______ by our company is quality tested at least three times , depending upon the requirements.

A derived B manufactured C demonstrated D constructed

35. Technological innovation is __C_____ to the modernization of the economy.

A unique B alien C indispensable D continual

36. The essence of being human _D______ the values we place on ourselves we place on ourselves in being human beings.

A reaches for B associates with C rests on D consists in

37. If they are A_______ they have nothing to fear , that's what they always say.

A innocent B inherent C attractive D notable

38. If is to be expected that homebuyers will be less___B_____ to borrow at today's high rates.

A restrained B inclined C obliged D exposed

39. On 6 March be was suffering from skin problems and an___C____ fall in his blood sugar







A acute B intense C dramatic D tender

40. Both girls quickly turned their faces away, just in case he would want to take_C_____ on them later for having witnessed his humiliation. A sequence B occupation C revenge D complaint

41. I had no experience of teaching art to anyone, but the headmaster __B____me that it simply involved giving the boys some paints to play with and then telling them to get on with it. A exerted B assured C grasped D addressed

42. The hotel's restaurant enjoys a good