江苏省计算机二级vb分章节解析 联系客服

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X=Y-1+N Y=X+Y-N Fun=X+Y End Function 【答案】(1)10(2)27(3)9


Option Explicit

Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim I As Integer, j As Integer Dim K As Integer I=1: J=2

K=Fun(I, Fun(I, J))+I+J Print \End Sub

Private Function Fun(A As Integer, ByVal B As Integer)As Integer A=A+B B=A+B Fun=A+B End Function 【答案】(1)11(2)2(3)43


Option Explicit

Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim st As String st=Text1

Text2=max_st(st) End Sub

Private Function max_st(st As String)As String

Dim i As Integer, sta As String 图 1 Dim P As String P=Mid(st, 1, 1)

For i=1 To Len(st)-1

If Asc(Mid(st, i+1, 1))-Asc(Mid(st, I, 1))=1 Then

______1______ Else

If Len(P)>1 And Len(p)>Len(sta) Then


End If


End If Next i

If Len(P)>1 And Len(P)>Len(sta) Then ______4_____ E1se

Max_st=sta End If End Function 【答案】(1)P = P + Mid(st, i + 1, 1)(2)p(3)P = Mid(st, i + 1, 1)(4)max_st = P 10.下面程序的功能是找出由两个不同的数字组成的回文平方数。程序界面参见图2。

Option Explicit

Private Sub Command1_Click()

Dim A(0 To 9) As Integer, I As Long, Flg As Boolean Dim L As Long, J As Integer, Sum As Integer For I=10 To 1000 L=I* I


Call ____2____ If Flg then For J=0 To 9

Sum=Sum+A(J) Next J

If Sum=2 Then

List1. AddItem CStr(I) & \& Str(L)

End If

End If 图 2 Sum=0 Next I End Sub

Private Sub Sub1(byval X As Long, A()As Integer, BL As Boolean) Dim N As Integer, Idx As Integer, I As Integer BL=False

N=Len(CStr(X)) For I=1 To N/2

If _____3______ Then Exit Sub End If Next I BL=True For I=1 To N

Idx=X Mod 10 _____4______

X=(X\\10) Next I End Sub

【答案】(1)Erase A(2)Sub1(L, A, Flg)(3)Mid(CStr(X), I, 1) <> Mid(CStr(X), N - I + 1, 1)(4)A(Idx) = 1


Option Explicit

Private Sub Command1_Click()

Dim A(10)As Integer, I As Integer, J As Integer Dim N As Integer, K As Integer Randomize

A(1)=Int(90*Rnd)+10 Text1=A(1) _____1_____ Do _____2_____

N=Int(90*Rnd)+10 If _____3______ (Text1,CStr(N))=0 Then

Text1=Text1 & Str(N)

K=K+l 图 3 A(K)=N End If Loop

For I=1 To 9

For J=I+1 To 10

If Not Rec(A(I), A(J), 2) Then

List1.AddItem Str(A(I)) & Str(A(J)) End If Next J Next I End Sub

Private Function Rec(N As Integer, M As Integer, K As Integer)As Boolean If K>N Then _____4_____


If N Mod K=0 And M Mod K=0 Then Rec=True

_____5_____ E1se

_____6______ End If End If End Function 【答案】(1)k=1(2)While K < 10(3)InStr(4)Exit Function(5)Exit Function(6)Rec = Rec(N, M, K + 1)


Private Sub Command1_Click()

Dim x As Integer, y As Integer, Z As Integer X=6: y=12: Z=20 Print fun1(x, y)

Print fun1(fun1(x, y), z) End Sub

Private Function fun1(a As Integer,b As Integer)As Long Dim Y As Integer Y=a DO

If y Mod b=0 Then Fun1=y

Exit Function Else

y=y +a End If Loop End Function 【答案】(1)12(2)60


Option Explicit Dim a As Single

Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim a As Single, b As Integer a=1. 2: b=3 Print fun1(a, b) Print a End Sub

Private Function fun1(x As Single, y As Integer)As Integer Dim i As Integer For i=1 To y x=x*2 a=a+1 Next i Fun1=a End Function 【答案】(1)3(2)9.6


Private Sub Command1_Click()

Dim X As Integer, Y As Integer, S As Integer