新标准大学英语视听说教程4 - 听力原文及翻译 联系客服

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Andy: Yes, you are right. London is one of the most expensive cities in the whole world.

Anyway, this one looks quite promising. One bedroom for rent in a flat in Shepherd’s Bush, shared with three other people. Janet: What’s the rent?

Andy: 110 pounds per week. It’s a bit more than I can afford but let’s see. Joe: Janet.

Andy: I will try it quickly before we start work. Joe: Janet, are you in the studio? Janet: Hi there Joe, I’m here.

Joe: Can you tell Andy that I’d like to have a word with him when he comes in? Andy: Tell him I’m not in yet.

Janet: Andy, you really shouldn’t ask me to tell lies. I’ll pretend I don’t understand. Ok, Joe. I’ll tell him, OK!

Hurry up, otherwise he will catch you.

Joe: Oh ,and Janet…Oh I thought you told me he wasn’t in? Janet: I’m sorry,Joe. I didn’t understand……

Andy: Hello, yes,I was wondering if the room was still vacant…

Joe: Well, tell him that if it’s a personal call, he can do it outside business hours, in his own time. Janet: But he is looking for a new flat.

Joe: Sorry, not interested. Andy, put the phone down, or you will be looking for a new job as well. Andy: It isn't ?Ok, thanks…Bye, too late, it’s already gone.Pity,it sounds really good. Oh ,hi Joe! Joe: Andy, I really wish you wouldn’t make private calls at work.



























Janet: So why does your landlord want you to move out? Andy: Well, he’s been living abroad but he’s coming back. J: Sounds fair enough.

A: Sure, but it’s frustrating, because I’ve lived there for nearly two years now, and I quite like it. It’s just round the corner from where I was brought up. J: Yes, it is kind of nice round there.

A: It’s really convenient for work, as it’s close to a tube station. And it’s fairly cheap, because it’s south of the river.

J: So living south of the River Thames is cheaper?

A: Oh, yes, kind of. Generally north of the River is more expensive because public transport is better, and it always has been more fashionable.

J: But around Borough Market is very fashionable, isn’t it? A: Well, it’s fashionable now, but it didn’t used to be. J: Why is the transport better north of the river?

A: Well, the tube was first built in the centre and north of London. In the south, until a few years ago, there were only a couple of tube lines. Plenty of buses, but it’s always been an advantage to be close to a tube station.

J: How about this? Three bedrooms vacant, large living room, no students, no pets.

A: Where is it? Ok, got it. That’s in Finsbury Park. That’s on the Victoria Line. Let’s give it a go. A: Hello, yes ,I’m calling about the flat in today’s Evening Standard. Can you tell me something about it? …right, yeah, five minutes from the tube…two bedrooms still vacant…Ok, I see

…So, it’s 100 pounds but with electricity, gas and water bills to be paid on top. Can I come round to see it? Ok then, I’ll come round this evening. My name is Andy Harrison…yes, that’s right. Thanks a lot…see you this evening…Bye. J: Great!

A: It sound great! I’ll go and see it tonight. Do you want to come? J: I’d love to.



