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Over the years, I've tried hundreds of different supplements, but only a few have actually proven to help me put on muscle mass. One of those is the MRP.


Another product I recommend is Creatine Monohydrate. 另一种我推荐的产品是一水肌酸。

Personally, I've had incredible results with this form of creatine. I know many skeptics question its effectiveness and safety, but it has absolutely worked for me.

就个人而言,通过使用这种肌酸我取得了让人难以置信的效果,我知道很多持怀疑态度的人会质疑这种产品的有效性和安全性,但它完全适合我。 I don't know if it'll work for you. 我并不知道它对你来说是否合适

But it's the #1 selling sports nutrition supplement for amateur and pro athletes. Creatine has been proven to increase strength and muscle endurance, which enable you to lift heavier weights and ultimately stimulate more muscle growth.


\ Gained Muscle\


\ 我才想起来,我竟还没有为您给我的回信好好感谢你

I just wanted to show you that your time was not wasted. I considered it a gift.\我只是想告诉您,您的时间没有白费,我认为这是份礼物。

Let Me Share With You The Best Kept Secret of Success...


The final item that helped me achieve these incredible results was consistency. I followed my plan consistently day in and day out, without fail. 让我取得这些惊人成果的最后一条就是坚持。我按照自己的计划坚持不懈,从不间断。 I didn't skip workouts or meals. If you can't do this, then forget about getting incredible results. Working out, and dieting on an inconsistent basis, won't bring a significant increase in size. I know, because that's what I did most of my life.


Do it right or don't do it at all! 要做就做正确,要不就不做

To be successful in anything, you must commit yourself and follow through. It's that simple. Once I became consistent, results came quickly.


In fact, I began to see results in less than 3 weeks!


Using these simple concepts, I created a training program I believed would work for me, and it did! Finally, I began to gain weight. After years of wasted effort and money, I began to see amazing results in less than 3 weeks!


I began to gain weight so quickly that I reached my goal of 170 lbs. in only 10 weeks, and I have to say that I was extremely happy (that's an understatement!).


Finally Something That Works For Hardgainers!


Check out my actual before and after images below:

看看下方我之前和之后的对比照片吧 Before 之前 Week12 12周后

Weight: Body fat: Chest: Bicep: Waist: Bench: Squat: 135 lbs Weight: 167 lbs 11.0% 33\11.5\26.5\145 lbs 185 lbs

Body fat: Chest: Bicep: Waist: Bench: Squat: 6.8% 40\14\30\205 lbs 295 lbs 体重: 135磅 体重: 167磅 体脂肪 11.0% 体脂肪: 6.8% 胸围(肌) 二头肌 腰围 卧推 蹲举式举重

Here's A Few More Shots


Wee1 第一周 Week 12 12周后 Weight 体重 135磅 Weight 体重 167磅 脂肪 11% 脂肪 6.8% 胸肌33 胸肌40 二头肌 11.5 二头肌 14 But as you can see below, I didn't stop there...


Before 之前 After 之后 Still going 仍然在长

This Process Not Only Changed My Body,

But It Has Also Changed My Life!


I'm now more confident and sure about myself. It has lifted my self-esteem and improved my outlook and performance in all aspects of my life.

现在我对自己更有自信了。它提升了我的自尊,改变了我的人生观和生活中各方面的表现。 Because of my incredible transformation, I was featured in the inspirational movie Body Of Work, and in Muscle Media (a popular fitness magazine).

因为我不可思议的变化,我还试镜了励志电影Body of Work,并出现在健美杂志上。 After my transformation, I got the opportunity to learn and train with great fitness experts like Bill Phillips.


Bill Phillips & Anthony Ellis 比尔菲利普斯和安东尼埃利斯

As well as author Shawn Phillips. 以及作家肖恩菲利普斯

Anthony Ellis (left), Shawn Phillips (middle) 安东尼埃利斯(左),肖恩菲利普斯(中间)

I learned and train from top MMA coaches like Tony Blauer 我受教于顶尖的综合格斗教练,像托尼布洛埃

And I \Clark Bartram. 并且我和像罗杰艾普尔怀特和克拉克巴特拉姆这样的健身名人有交往。

Even though many people considered my story a success, I continued learning and researching.


I wrote muscle building articles for bodybuilding magazines because there were no articles specifically geared towards hardgainers.