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这里有个重要的事实,那就是:对于一个能给其它人快速增肌的方法也许并不适合自己。一个对于体重超标的人的有效方法也许用在一个正想获得体重的人的身上也并不合适。 If you're anything like me, you're tired of irrelevant information and false advertising claims. That's why I began looking for training and dieting techniques that have actually been proven to increase muscle mass.

如果你和我的情况类似的话,你一定早已对那些不相关的消息和假广告感到厌倦了。这也是我为什么开始寻求锻炼和饮食方法的原因,并且这种方法已经被证实对增加肌肉很有效。 Please read this page carefully because I am going to tell you exactly what I learned and how you can apply that information to finally transform YOUR Body.


Steve gained 20 lbs of muscle, lost 22 lbs of fat 史蒂夫增加了20磅肌肉,减掉了22磅脂肪

Sam gained 40 lbs of muscle 山姆增加了40磅肌肉。

Ok, let's get started... 那么,让我们开始吧

During my search for proven muscle building techniques, I came across quite a bit of incredible training and dieting information. I also came across some hard-to-accept information that I was not ready to believe. Looking back, I now realize that this information was the major turning point in my journey to gain more mass. I had to let go of old myths:


Myth #1: If You Want To Look Like A


You Must Train Like Them


For many years I read the bodybuilder magazines religiously. I tried workout after workout.. trying to achieve the body of a professional bodybuilder. Unfortunately, I did not realize that bodybuilding was a sport. And like all other sports, the athletes are not like you or I. 许多年来,我都很虔诚的阅读健身杂志,我拼命锻炼就是想有一天能塑造一个专业健身者的体型。不幸的是,我没有意识到健身是一项运动,就如同其它所有运动一样,而运动员并不是像你或者我这样的。

For example, let's look at a sport like basketball. I can learn to play basketball. I can pay for private coaches; train exactly like Michael Jordan; eat exactly what he eats, do exactly what he does... Sure I will get decent at the game, but I will never be as good as Michael Jordan. 99.9% of us won't. Heck I won't even be goon enough to play professionally. This is because Michael Jordan, like other professional athletes have the genetics to help them excel in that sport.


The same goes for bodybuilding. First of all, the bodybuilders in this sport are gifted

genetically. Their bodies respond well to resistance training. Even if you train exactly like they do, your body won't respond like theirs.


Second, most professional bodybuilders are heavy users of steroids and illegal hormones. These drugs give them an edge and help them to recover faster. So they can train more often and build muscle faster than a non-steroid user.


Former professional bodybuilder Craig Titus put it this way: 曾经的肌肉健美者克雷格提图斯是这样说的:

\with what the average person needs to do to build muscle.\

专业健美者所用的方法和普通人所需要的健身方法毫无关系 Need I say more?


Now, I'm not telling you this to discourage you from trying to build more muscle. I'm telling you this so that you can begin to focus on the right things. You must forget trying to train like a professional bodybuilder. It won't work on us normal guys. You must train in a way that is right for your body & genetics.


Of course I still enjoy looking at bodybuilder magazines for inspiration, but that's as far as it goes. I skip their recommended workouts and suggestions.



Of Pure Muscle!\


148lbs 148磅 183lbs 183磅

Myth #2: To Build Muscle You Must Workout


The More You Train, The Bigger You Will Get!


This myth comes from reading those bodybulider magazines just like myth #1. The \train more frequently and many use mostly machines. Again they can do this because of their genetics and their use of steroids. However, we are not using either so we must do things differently.


For the average person, more training does NOT equal more muscle. I also had to stop training so often and understand that, for hardgainers, \.


Some people still believe the more you train, the bigger you get. If that were true, all I would have to do is workout 8 hours a everyday, and I'd be huge!


Unfortunately, it's not true, it doesn't work that way. 可惜的是,这不是真的,也根本行不通。

Your body does not build muscle while you are

in the gym.

Your body builds muscle while resting.


Weight training is needed only to stimulate growth. After that, your body needs rest and food to build muscle. And hardgainers need more rest and food than others.


That took me a long time to understand. Working out too often doesn't allow your muscles the necessary time to recuperate. Not only will you not grow, but you will also be setting yourself up for chronic injuries from overtraining...

我花了很长时间才明白一个道理:太过频繁的锻炼并不利于你肌肉复原所需要的时间。不只你的肌肉会停止增长,而且你还会因为过度训练患上慢性疾病。 ... And possible muscle loss! 可能的肌肉损失

Now, when you do train, the best way to gain muscle mass quickly is to use free weights. You must focus on compound free-weight training, and lift challenging (that is, heavier) weights.


This stimulates the largest amount of muscle fibers.Your body responds to this stimulus by increasing the size of your muscle fibers.