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These Former Skinny Guys Built Muscles Fast 这些从前皮包骨的家伙快速增加了肌肉 15 things you must do to build muscle fast 为了增加肌肉你必须做的15件事情

If you are serious about building muscle, get this free report and learn how to start building more muscle, faster!

如果你非常想增加肌肉,那么看看这个免费的宣传资料,并学习怎样更快速的增加肌肉 To get your free report, enter your name and email below.

为了便于得到免费的宣传资料,请在下方输入您的姓名和邮件地址 Email

邮件地址 First name 名

Give me my report ,now 现在就给我宣传资料

Actual photos of Anthony Ellis before and after 12 weeks. Read this letter to see his incredible transformation after only 16 weeks — you'll be amazed...


This is unlike anything you've ever seen before. I show you exactly how I did it so that you can do it too, step by step, whether you're new to weight training, can't seem to gain an ounce of muscle weight (no matter what you've tried), or are already an experienced weight trainer... 这不同与您之前所看到的任何一样东西。我会详细告诉您我是如何做到的,这样您就可以一步步的按照我所说的去做。不论您是因为对肌肉健美很陌生,因此无论用什么方法也增加不了肌肉,又或者您已经是一个经验丰富的肌肉健美者。

Now's your chance to learn my breakthrough techniques for massive muscle growth in record speed — without using any steroids whatsoever!\

现在您有机会了解这种可以快速并大量增加肌肉的高效训练方法---而且不需要用任何类固醇之类的东西。 Dear Friend —

It's true. I tried everything and I simply couldn't gain any weight. I'm not gifted with great genetics, or very athletic. I'm just an average guy who was fed up with being a skinny, 135-pound weakling. 亲爱的朋友


I needed to learn how to gain weight. Muscle mass, that is. 我所要做的是必须学习如何增加肌肉。

After sifting through all the hype and crappy supplements, I discovered a few all-natural, muscle-gaining techniques that really help skinny people build more muscle mass. And do it faster than most typical weight gain workouts.


Using these simple techniques, I not only gained over 30 pounds of muscle in 12 weeks, but I also reduced my body fat from 10% to 7%


Skinny And Average, I Hated Being Thin.


Hi. My name is Anthony Ellis. And all of my life I had been very thin (about 135 pounds after a meal) with a fast metabolism. Being extremely thin may be OK for some people. But for me, it was degrading.


In school, I was so thin that I wasn't allowed to participate in team sports like football and baseball. \

在学校,我因为太瘦而无法参加一些团队运动,像足球和棒球之类。他们说我太容易受伤。 When I took off my clothes, I was often too embarrassed to even look at myself in the mirror. I was totally ashamed of my body. To try and hide this from friends (who can be very cruel), I always wore baggy clothes and long sleeved shirts.

每当我脱下衣服时,我都感到很难为情,以致我无法面对镜中的自己。因为我感到十分羞愧。为了在朋友面前掩饰我的瘦弱,我经常穿宽松的衣服和长袖的衬衫。 Even in the summer time. 即使在夏季

I wanted to gain weight so badly that I tried everything I could. Everything! I wasted thousands of dollars on every supplement \results. Including:


? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

High calorie weight gain powders 高能量增肌粉 Liver Tablets 肝片 Boron 硼

Smilax 菝葜属

Mexican Yams 墨西哥山药

Carbohydrate Powders碳水化合物粉 Cybergenics ?

Liquid Oxygen 液氧

Colon Cleansing结肠清洗 Blue-Green Algae蓝藻

... And much more. 还有其它一些

I joined a gym, and eagerly tried many of the \in the \sounded.


I worked out 5-7 times per week, 2 hours each day. Day after day, week after week I waited for the muscle gain, but I never gained a pound! In fact, eight years later, I looked exactly the same.


It was frustrating. I couldn't understand it! I did everything that I was supposed to do, but it wasn't helping me. I knew that I would never be huge. I just want a body that I could be proud of. Was that too much to ask?


Why was this so difficult?


Here's The \Don't Tell Us Skinny Guys...


What I finally discovered after years of failed effort is that most pros are not only gifted with good genetics (i.e., they can gain muscle or lose fat easier than most people), they also enhance their results with illegal hormones and steroids. 在多年失败的尝试中,我最终发现,大多数肌肉健美者不仅天生有良好的体魄,而且他们还服用一些非法的荷尔蒙和类固醇来保持身材。

Because of this, they can train harder, eat whatever they want and still get great results. Using their training methods and advice would never work for my body type because I don't use steroids. I never want to.


And my body does not gain muscle mass easily. 要想使我的身体增加肌肉并非易事

I now realize that I am a \has an extremely difficult time gaining weight of any kind. Because of this, why would I listen to someone who gains muscle easily?

我现在终于意识到,我是一个很难长肌肉的人,通常像我这类人天生就瘦,并且很难通过其它方法增加肌肉。既然这样,那我为什么不听听那些轻而易举增加了肌肉的人的建议呢。 Anything they say will not be relevant to me. It all makes sense now, but too bad I had to waste so many years just to figure it out. 他们所说的和我没有什么关系,现在我总算明白了,可惜的是我花了数年时间才想通。

If you are a hardgainer too, most advice will be useless to you unless it specifically addresses your body type and metabolism.


Here's an important fact: What works for one person who gains weight easily will NOT work for you. And what works for someone who's overweight will NOT work for someone trying to gain weight.