人教版高中英语选修七 Unit3 Under the sea-语法篇(教师版)-教学文档 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期五 文章人教版高中英语选修七 Unit3 Under the sea-语法篇(教师版)-教学文档更新完毕开始阅读

A. to promote B. having been promoted C. having promoted D. to be promoted 7. The discovery of new evidence led to __________. A. the thief having caught B. catch the thief C. the thief being caught D. the thief to be caught 8. Do you mind _________ alone at home? A. Jane leaving B. Jane having left C. Jane’s being left D. Jane to be left

9. While shopping, people sometimes can’t help _________ into buying something they don’t really need. A. to persuade B. Persuading C. being persuaded D. be persuaded

10. China recently tightened its waters controls near the Huangyan Island to prevent Chinese fishing boats from ________ in the South China Sea. A. Attacking B. having attacking C. being attacked D. having been attacked 11. Tony was very unhappy for _________ to the party. A. having not been invited B. not having invited C. having not invited D. not having been invited

12. In the face of the big fire in October in California, many people in the fire-stricken areas moved out _________.

A. to escape burning B. to escape being burned C. escaping burned D. escaping from burning

13. She insisted __________ to Miami for her summer vacation though it would cost much money. A. on taking B. on being taken C. to take D. to be taken 14. He has always insisted on his ___________ Dr. Turner instead of Mr. Turner. A. Called B. having called C. being called D. having been called 15. Sometimes new ideas have to be tested many times before ___________. A. being fully accepted C. fully been accepted

B. accepted fully D. fully accepted

Key: 6-10 BCCCC 10-15 DBBCA

1. While we’re developing agriculture and industry, we must prevent the earth__________. A. from polluting B. Polluted C. Polluting D. being polluted 2. What worried the child most was __________ to visit his mother in the hospital. A. his not allowing B. his not being allowed C. his being not allowed D. having not been allowed

3. At the beginning of class, the noise of desks _________ could be heard outside the classroom. A. opened and closed B. to be opened and closed C. being opened and closed D. to open and close

4. The building _________ in our school is for us teachers. Though there’s noise most of the day, we still feel happy about it. A. Build B. having been built C. to be built D. being built 5. If I criticize someone, I will do it with great patience as if I were the one ____________ . A. to criticize B. Criticizing C. having criticizing D. being criticized 6. The building __________ will be completed in a month. It will be our lab building. A. to paint B. being painted C. to have painted D. painted 7. The well was found ________ when we got there. A. Digging B. to be dug C. to dig D. being dug 8. __________to work overtime that evening, I missed a wonderful film.

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A. Having been asked B. To ask C. Having asked D. To be asked

9. ________ around the Water Cube, we were then taken to see the Bird’s Nest for the 2019 Olympic Games.

A. Having shown B. To be shown C. Having been shown D. To show 10. ________ many times, he finally understood it. A. Told B. Telling C. Having told D. Having been told

11. ___________ from other continents for millions of years, Australia has many plants and animals not found in any other country in the world. A. Being separated B. Having separated C. Having been separated D.To be separated

12. The country has already sent up three unmanned spacecraft, the most recent _________ at the end of

last March.

A. has been launched B. having been launched C. being launched D. to be launched 13. _________ for two weeks, the village is in short of food. A. To flood B. Having flooded C. Having been flooded D.being flooded 14. I want to have my hair ________, because it wants _________. A. cut; cutting B. being cut; being cut C. cut; being cut D. cut; to cut 15. I still remember ________ chess in class by my teacher about twenty years ago. A. to be caught to play B. be caught playing C.catching play D.being caught playing Key: 1-5 DBCDD6-10 BDACD11-15 VBCCD

_________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ 一. 单项选择

1. -- Did you have a good time at the party? -- Thanks. I appreciated _________ to your home. A. to be invited

B. being invited D. having invited

C. to have invited

2. No one can prevent the plan __________ . A. from carrying out C. being carded out

B. to be carded out D. to carry out

3. The bird was lucky that it just missed __________ . A. Catching

B. being caught

C. to be caught

D. to catch

4. Most of the artists _________ to the party were from South Africa. A. Invited

B. to invite

C. being invited

D. had been invited

5. __________ to sunlight for too much time will do harm to one's skin. A. Exposed

B. Having exposed

C. Being exposed

D. After being exposed

6. He has always insisted on his ________ Dr. Turner instead of Mr. Turner.

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A. been called B. being called C. having called D. called

7. While shopping, people sometimes can't help _______ into buying something they don't ________ really need. A. to persuade

B. persuading

C. being persuaded

D. be persuaded

8. Little Jim should love ________ to the theatre, but his father refused him because it was late. A. to be taken

B. to take

C. being taken

D. taking

9. The well was found __________ when we got there. A. Digging

B. to be dug

C. to dig

D. being dug

10. __________ in the mountains for a week, the two students were finally saved by the local police. A. Having lost 二. 完形填空


Passing Your Love On

Waiting for the airplane to take off, I was happy to get a seat by myself. Just then, an air hostess approached me and asked, “Would you mind 1 your seat? A couple would like to sit together.” The only 2 seat was next to a girl with her arms in casts(石膏绷带), a black-and-blue face, and a sad 3 . “No way am I going to sit there,” I thought immediately. But a soft voice spoke, “She needs help.” Finally, I 4 to move to that seat.

The girl was named Kathy. She had been in a car accident and 5 was on her way for 6 . When the snack and juice arrived, it did not take me long to 7 that Kathy would not be able to 8 herself. I considered 9 to feed her but hesitated, as it seemed too10 to offer a service to a 11 . But then I realized that Kathy's need was more12 than my discomfort. I offered to help her eat, and 13 she was uncomfortable to accept, she 14 as I expected. We became closer and closer in a short period of time. By the end of the five-hour trip, my heart had 15 , and the time was really 16 spent than if I had just sat by myself.

I was very glad I had reached 17 my comfort zone to sit next to Kathy and feed her. Love 18 flows beyond human borders and removes the fears that keep us 19 . When we stretch to serve another, we grow to live 20 a larger and more rewarding world. 1. A. leaving

B. changing

B. suitable B. expression

C. taking

D. giving D. favorable D. thought D. promised D. now D. business D. recognize

B. Lost

C. Being lost

D. Losing

Key: 1-5BCBAC


2. A. comfortable 3. A. heart

C. available C. action C. regretted

4. A. decided B. wanted

B. lately B. travel B. say

5. A. immediately 6. A. treatment 7. A. know

C. recently C. pleasure

C. realize

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8. A. eat

B. feed

C. choose D. support D. trying D. fast D. stranger D. shameful D. as D. did D. cheered

9. A. offering 10. A. impolite 11. A. girl

B. needing

B. far

C. stopping C. close

B. neighbor

C. passenger C. important C. since C. cried C. broken

12. A. unusual 13. A. when 14. A. refused 15. A. warmed 16. A. good 17. A. below 78. A. seldom 19. A. separate 20. A. of

B. direct

B. although B. wondered B. jumped B. worse

C. better

C. across C. hardly C. silent C. at

D. bad

D. beyond D. sometimes D. upset D. for

16-20 CDDAB

B. through B. never

B. independent B. in

Key: 1-5 BCBAD 三. 阅读理解

6-10 ACBAA 11-15 DCBDA

During an exhibition show the skills of disabled people, an armless man used his mouth and feet to repair a watch. He completed the task in just a few minutes at the show, which was held in Beijing last Saturday. Just imagine the tiny parts that make up a watch. You have to wonder how the disabled man developed such a skill.

It was reported that 28-year-old Wang Jianghai lost his arms in an accident when he was five and began learning to repair watches at the age of 17. He has repaired more than 10,000 watches in the past 11 years. What strong self-confidence he must have to overcome the difficulties in getting this skill! What optimism he must have to face the unfairness of his hard life! And what strong determination he must have to go through the hardship in his struggle for a normal life! Such confidence, optimism and willpower are exactly the qualities many physically healthy people lack nowadays. Wang has set a good example for young people.

But today's youth seem to be more interested with their TV stars and pop singers but less interested in learning from the examples of working and studying hard to achieve higher goals. . That is undoubtedly the result of the influence of a changing social atmosphere. One must admit that there is a trend towards hedonism in our society. People are increasingly more concerned about material gains than about spiritual pursuits. While adults know they must work hard whatever way they choose to materialize the gains, the younger generation are more likely to seek ease and comforts of their senses.

This pleasure-seeking trend provides a huge market for the entertainment industry and the mass media. The media devote excessive too much coverage to anecdotes of pop and TV stars, which in turn fans wider and stronger enthusiasm for entertainment among the public, especially young people.

Ours is a developing country. Global competition in the growth of national strength presents a demand for

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