人教版高中英语选修七 Unit3 Under the sea-语法篇(教师版)-教学文档 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期五 文章人教版高中英语选修七 Unit3 Under the sea-语法篇(教师版)-教学文档更新完毕开始阅读

第6讲 Under the sea 语法篇

__________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ 1.掌握V-ing的被动式的结构与用法; 2.能够熟练运用V-ing的被动式解题造句。 一. 含义与构成

1、v-ing形式的种类功用和各种形式:V-ing 包括动名词和现在分词两种,分别可作: 主语、宾语、表语; (动名词) 定语、状语、宾/主语补足语 (现在分词) 注意:其否定形式是在其前边加:not/never. 其各种形式如下表: 2. V-ing 形动式用法及当


语时 态 一般式 (not) doing 完成式 (not) having done (not) having been done (not) being done 态 主动形式 被动形式 式的被种类 与它的构成被要用其v-ing有两种:

逻辑主语动关系时,被动式, 的被动式

一般被动式:being done;完成被动式:having been done;V-ing形式的被动式包括动名词被动式和现在分词的被动式两种。 二. 用法


动名词的被动式在句中可作主语、宾语、表语,且在句中只表被动,不表进行。 1、作主语

So being killed by sharks was a common thing. 因此被鲨鱼吃掉是常有的事。 Being laughed at in public is a terrible thing. 在公共场合下被嘲笑是件可怕的事。 Being exposed to the sun does harm to health. 暴漏在阳光下对身体有害。 The president’s being killed led to serious consequences. 总统被杀导致了严重后果。 2、 作宾语

V-ing形式的被动式既可作动词的宾语, 也可作介词的宾语。

The bird escaped being caught. I didn’t mind being left at home. He was afraid of _________________ (abandon) by us. He did it without ___________ (ask) You can’t eat anything before _____________(operate on) I remember having been told the story. 3、作表语

第 1 页

What worried the child most was his not being allowed to visit his mother in the hospital. 使孩子最为担心的是他不被允许到医院看母亲。

注意:① 动名词的被动式作主语和表语时,常用其一般式(being done),不习惯用完成式;但作宾语时,若其动作发生谓语动词之前或强调动作已经发生,可用其完成式(having been done)。 如: I appreciate having been given the chance to study abroad. 我很感激能被给与到国外留学的机会。


③动名词的被动式作主、宾、表时,有时可采用其复合结构形式,即:名词所有格/形容性物主代词+ being done。如:

Tom’s being admitted to college is a big surprise for us. 汤姆被大学入取让我们很是惊讶。 The discovery of new evidence led to his being caught. 新证据的发现导致他被捕。 What worried the child most was his not being allowed to visit his mother in the hospital (二)现在分词的被动式

现在分词的被动式常句中作宾补和定语,一般不作状语(除个别情形例外);在句中既表被动又表进行。 1、 作宾补

现在分词的被动式(being done)作宾补时,表示正在进行的被动的动作,常与感官动词连用。 I saw James being held up in the water by old Tom. You’ll find the topic _______________ (discuss) everywhere now. As we approached the village we saw new houses _____________ (build) 注意:与过去分词作宾补的区别:过去分词作宾补表示动作已完成。 2、作定语

现在分词的被动式(being done)作定语时时,表示正在进行的被动的动作。 The meeting ______________ (discuss) now is very important.

He asked who was the girl _____________ (operate)on in the operating room.

注意:①现在分词的被动式作后置定语时,表示正在进行的被动的动作;过去分词作后置定语表示已经发生的被动的动作;不定式的被动式作后置定语表示未发生或即将发生的被动的动作。如: a meeting being held now 正在被举行的会议 a meeting held yesterday 昨天举行的会议 a meeting to be held tomorrow 明天将举行的会议

②现在分词的被动完成式(having been done) 不能做定语和宾补。

The building having been built last year (×) The building built last year (√) We found him having been killed. (×) We found him killed (√) (三)现在分词的被动完成式 (having been done) 作状语

当分词与句子的主语构成被动关系,且此分词动作(明确地)发生在句子的谓语动词之前或持续发生一段时间(或持续发生多次)时可用现在分词的被动完成式(having been done) 作状语。

第 2 页

Having been shown around the classroom, we were taken to visit the lab. 被领着参观了教室后,我们又被带着参观了实验室。 Having been told the news, they put off the trip. 被告知此消息后,他们取消了这次旅。

Having been separated for many years by the war, they couldn’t recognize each other. 因战争而分离多年后,他们都认不出对方了。

Having been told many times, the boy still didn’t know how to do it. 尽管被告知多次了, 那个小男孩他仍然不知如何去做。 注意:①若分词有自己独立的主语可构成独立主格结构。 The work having been done, they left the office. All the exam papers having been handed in, the teacher sent the students home.

②在这种独立主格结构中,用现在分词的被动完成式形式与用过去分词形式差别不大。而为了简洁,习惯采用过去分词形式,如上面两句常表达成: The work done, they left the office. All the exam papers handed in, the teacher sent the students home. 注意:过去分词作状语与现在分词的被动完成式的区别:


Asked (= Having been asked) to work overtime, I missed a wonderful film.由于昨晚被要求加班,我错过了一场精彩的电影。

Polluted (=Having been polluted) seriously, the water in the river was not safe to drink.但是如果强调分词动作发生在句子的谓语动词之前或强调分词动作持续发生多次发(或持续一段时间)还是习惯采用现在分词的被动完成式(having been done) 作状语,但终归区别还是不大。

Having been told many times, he still repeated the same mistakes. 尽管被告诉了多次,他还是犯同样的错误。


①在want,need,require,deserve等动词之后作宾语时,常用动名词的主动式表示被动意义。 ② 在(be)worth后面只能用动名词的主动态来表示被动意义。 His suggestion is worth considering. ③ 在allow,advise,forbid,permit等动词后直接跟动名词形式作宾语,如果后面有名词或代词作宾语,其后用动词不定式作宾语补足语。如: We don’t allow smoking here. 我们不允许在这儿抽烟 We don’t allow students to smoke here. 我们不允许学生抽烟

1. (2019北京高考)The film star wears sunglasses. Therefore, he can go shopping without . A. recognizing 答案: B

B. being recognized

C. Having recognized

D. Having been recognized

第 3 页

解析: without 是介词,后要接动名词,又由于recognize与逻辑主语he的关系是被动,所以选B。 2. (2019浙江高考)Listening to music at home is one thing, going to hear it live is quite another. A. perform 答案: D

解析: 此题可以判断perform与逻辑主语it 的关系是被动关系,作hear的宾语补足语,所以选D。 3.(2019浙江奉化高三)Almost everyone of the graduates wants to deliver the keynote speech at the graduation ceremony, because for the speaker, is an honor. A. invited 答案: B

解析: 成分应该填主语的,所以要用动名词,与逻辑主语the speaker是被动关系,所以选C。 4.(2019浙江温州十校联考) He claimed in the supermarket when he was doing shopping yesterday. A. To have been badly treated C. To be treated badly 答案: D

解析: 逻辑主语he与treat是被动关系,时间关系是同时发生,所以选D。

5. (2019浙江温州高二下)________ from other continents for millions of years, Australia has many plants and animals not found in any other country in the world. A. Being separated B. Having separated C. Having been separated D. To be separated 答案: C

解析: for加一段时间标志要用现在完成时,与逻辑主语间是被动关系,与谓语动词的关系是伴随。


1. __________ in a famous university is what most students wish for. A.To educate B. Educated C. Being educated D. Educating 2. _________ into a famous university made his parents happy. A. Tom was admitted B. Tom be admitted C. If Tom was admitted D. Tom’s being admitted

3. _________ in a heavy traffic jam in a taxi while you are hurrying to the airport is quite an unpleasant experience.

A.Having caught B. Being caught C. Caught D. having been caught 4. ---- What in the world put you in a really bad mood ? ---- _______ in the traffic for hours. A. Stuck B. Being stuck C. To be stuck D. Sticking 5. --- What made Bill so angry?

--- ___________. His girlfriend promised to come at 8:30, but she hasn’t come yet. A. Having kept waiting B. Being kept waiting C. To be kept waiting D. Being kept waited Key: 1-5CDBBB


6. I hear they’ve promoted Tom, but he didn’t mention _______ when we talked on the phone.

B. Treating badly D. Being badly treated

B. being invited

C. be invited

D. inviting

B. performing

C. to perform

D. being performed

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