[小东教育]雅思测试4 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期一 文章[小东教育]雅思测试4更新完毕开始阅读

第4段:总结全文 第4段:总结全文 第4段:总结全文 第4段:总结全文 第4段:总结全文 第4段:总结全文 总而言之(In conclusion),对快餐食品强制增加税收并不是个办法(does not seem to be the answer)。如果政府这样做,那只能导致(it would only lead to)更严重的贫困(greater poverty),家庭会面临更大的困难(further hardship)。

最后一句“it would only”的虚拟语气用的很好,是结尾段比较常用的句型,用以引出后果或提出希望等。 结语

这篇范文结构比较新颖,并非辩证类作文传统的写法,段落内容安排生动,观点依旧清晰。举例和数据等论证法的使用贴切形象,充分有力。本文使用了大量的从句还有话题相关的词汇,可供考生积累素材。总的来说,这是一篇很有特色的文章,语言基调个性鲜明,非常建议考生模仿。 Test 4 K I N


In this part the examiner will ask the candidates some daily questions about their life, like school, hobbies and other familiar topics.

Topic 1: Hometown or city(家乡或城市) Question 1 What kind of place is your town/city? 解题思路

针对这道题目不难,可以从你们城市的生活方式,节奏快慢,民俗文化等角度作切入。 高分回答

The city I live in is a highly commercialized modern city, with variety of advanced facilities and infrastructure. Most of the families here are equipped with optical fiber, cable television and the like. Life in my city is comparatively convenient and fast-pacing. 精彩表达 ? commercialized 商业化的 ? optical fiber 光纤

? cable television 无限电视

Question 2 What’s the most interesting part of your town/city? 解题思路

一定要抓住这道题目的重点“interesting”,可以考虑从饮食,娱乐等方面着手。 高分回答 It is so fun to find out that diverse categories of food are available in the city where I live. The food ranges from native special offers such as sweet and sour spare ribs, to exotic cuisines such as steak. In addition, many of these restaurants list their menu on their website, through which customers can access the menu and put the order online. It does enable people to enjoy cuisines just at home. 精彩表达 ? be available 可获得的 ? exotic 异国的,外来的 ? cuisines 菜肴

Question 3 Has your town/city changed in any way in your life time? 解题思路 关键词为“change”,可以切入的角度有交通情况,基础设施等 高分回答

My city undergone dramatic changes in the past two decades. One of the most conspicuous change is that the public transportation system transformed from monotonous to diverse. People here used to commute by buses only, while nowadays people can select different transportation tools to reach their destinations such as metro, high-speed rail, Magnetic levitation train and so forth. 精彩表达

? dramatic 引人注目的 ? conspicuous 显著的

? monotonous 单调的,无变化的 ? commute 通勤

? magnetic levitation train 磁悬浮列车

Question 4 Would you say your town/city is a good place for young people to live? 解题思路 两面都可以说,如果说适合,就可以从教育体系、就业机会等入手;如果不合适,就可以从工作压力,生活节奏等入手 高分回答

In my view, I think my city is a perfect place for young people to live. First of all, it has an advanced educational system which provides young people with sophisticated teachers, materials and facilities. Also, it is comparatively easier for graduates to find a decent jobs in a well-developed job market in my city.


? sophisticated 精致的,富有经验的 ? decent 得体的,相当好的

Topic 2: Shopping(购物) Question 1 What kind of things do you prefer shopping for? 解题思路

可以说的种类很多,如:衣服、包包、日常用品等 高分回答

I would like to shop for commodities, which offers me great sense of satisfaction. You know, commodities includes varieties of goods like shampoos, mops and the like, which are usually sold in supermarket. Every time I finish purchasing commodities in supermarket, it seems that I have accomplished a great assignment, with such great amount of goods in my trolley. 精彩表达 ? commodity 日常用品

? sense of satisfaction 满足感 ? accomplish 完成

Question 2 In what kind of places do you like to go shopping? 解题思路

其实这道题是针对地点类型来问的,可以说的地点有很多,如 shopping mall, supermarket, online. 高分回答

I would like to shop online compared with shopping in physical stores, since shopping on the internet usually provide me with more options. Once I planned to buy an English grammar book. Information available on E-book shop not only show me more than 20 choices, but also illustrate the primary contents with comments of other users. That really simplify the process of selecting process. 精彩表达

? physical store 实体店 ? illustrate 阐明 ? simplify 简化

Question 3 What effect has online shopping had in your country? 解题思路 这是一个很俗的话题,可以从方便程度,消费习惯等作为切入点。 高分回答

Online shopping creates more opportunities for businesses as well as risks in my country. Due to the fever of online shopping, many businesses target at this virtual market, building up their own websites to compete for more market shares. However, online market, to some extent, erodes real market. Many consumers switch from online market to E-market because of its convenience and millions of options.


? target at 目标

? virtual market 虚拟市场 ? erode 侵蚀

? switch?to?转向

Question 4 What would you recommend that tourists buy from your country? 解题思路 可以说一些什么吃的特产啊,纪念雕像,纪念 T-shirt 等。 高分回答

I would recommend tourists to buy one of my favorite snacks, Wuxiandou, which is made of beans. This specialty of Shanghai has been popular for several decades for its good flavor and low price. So, if someone needs to purchase something to be gifts for their friends and relatives, it is definitely a good choice. 精彩表达 ? snack 小吃

? flavor 风味,滋味 PART 2

The examiner will give you a cue card which you need to talk about for one to two minutes.

Candidate Task Card(考生答题卡) Describe a popular teacher that you know. You should say: What this teacher looks like What sort of person this teacher is What this teacher helped you to learn And explain why this teacher is popoular. 解题思路

这个话题应该说不难,可以说的老师很多,数学老师,语文老师等 高分回答

In addition, he spent a lot of his leisure time to have us trained in the best way according to a well-scheduled plan. You know, a high school student does not have abundant time for training and most of the training as well as competition are supposed to be accomplished after school. Despite all these disadvantages, all of our team members overcame this limitation by sacrificing our coach’s private time. Through the efforts of Mr. Jun, our team was awarded the second prize that year.

Influenced by his great endeavor and devotion, all of our team members grows into responsible, studious and persistent adults and that’s why he is my idol forever. 精彩表达 ? talent in something 有?的才能 ? exposure to 暴露 ? formulate 规划

? psychological guidance 心理辅导 ? hooligan 阿飞,小流氓 ? timidity 胆怯 ?

endeavor 努力 ?

studious 用工的


The examiner asks questions to test whether you can speak about more complex topics that are connected to Part 2 topic.

Related Topic 1: Education in school(学校教育) Question 1 What can schools do to help students prepare for the next stage in their lives? 解题思路

可以说的角度很多,如:增加生活技能,工作技能,社交能力等。 高分回答

In order to survive in such a competitive job market, it is essential for schools to prepare the

students with necessary working skills. As I know lots of university has already offer some basic guidance such as training for writing qualified resume. More efforts should be made to guarantee the competitive advantages of the students. 精彩表达

? guidance 指导 ? resume 简历

? competitive advantages 竞争优势

Question 2 What advice would you give to someone who doesn’t like school? 解题思路 可以建议他们多交碰朋友、多参加社团活动以丰富他们的生活等。 高分回答

It is not uncommon that many students do not have strong interests in courses, which triggers their annoying feeling toward campus life. In order to eliminate their negative view toward school, school is supposed to organize more activities and clubs like basketball games, singing competition and so forth. Thus, it is less likely for the students to get bored with attending classes or pressure to pass exams.


? trigger 引发

? eliminate 消除,排除

Question 3 What can schools teach children that they can’t learn from their parents? 解题思路 这一题一定要注意话题中的限制性条件,“不能从父母那里学到的”“能从学校学到的”。 高分回答

It is clearly that certain things can only be learnt from school rather than parents. To me, school is basically a miniature of a society with teachers and fellow classmates and students might be able to get enrolled in diverse activities in the form of groups. Such forms can enable students to acquire cooperative spirits and other skills that are critical for their future development. 精彩表达

? miniature 缩略图 ? get enrolled in 参加

? cooperative spirits 合作精神

Related Topic 2: Education after school(课外教育) Question 1 In general, what opportunities are available to students after they leave school? 解题思路

针对毕业以后的发展提出的问题,不算非常难,可以从继续深造、就业等方面入手。 高分回答

A wide range of opportunities are available to students after they graduate, like looking for a job, pursuing a master degree or opening a business by themselves. For instance, my nephew partnered with his classmates, launching an E-business selling green foods. Such chances are promoted by the advanced technology. 精彩表达 ? pursue 追赶

? partner with 合伙 ? launch 发射

Question 2 How do you think school life differs from university life? 解题思路

这里主要是区分大学生活和其他学校生活的区别,可以从学业压力,就业压力等方向入手。 高分回答

School life is mostly centered around achieving a high mark in exams, while university life takes on an entirely new level. That is primary due to the fact that the ultimate goal of schools is to

enable students to get qualified to schools of higher level. So, the core issue of school is to enhance student’s performance. However, the main issue of university is

to prepare students for society. It is necessary for universities to organize more social activities. 精彩表达

? center around 以?为中心 ? take on 承担,具有 ? ultimate goal 最终目标 ? core 核心 ? enhance 促进

Question 3 How important do you think it is for individuals to carry on learning after they have finished school and university? 解题思路

刻意强调竞争激烈,不充电就无法晋升,得到好的发展。 高分回答 Learning should be a lifelong companion. It’s said that you can’t teach an old dog new tricks, but in the world of further education that doesn’t ring true at all. Personally, I’m a firm believer in the saying that one’s never too old to learn. If you keep absorbing new knowledge, you will remain active in whatever you do. Learning is the only way to gain wisdom and make steadfast progress in life. 精彩表达

? a lifelong companion 终身伴侣 ? further education 继续教育 ? ring true 听上去是真的

? make steadfast progress 稳步前进