[小东教育]雅思测试4 联系客服

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abstract psychologist; difficult

题目中的定位词 psychologist 直到文章第 F 段才出现,本段明确提到 concrete nouns are easier to remember than abstract ones,因此答案为 abstract。 40 music easier; sound similar; go together

答完上一题的 difficult 后,本题马上可以定位到接下来的关于 easier 的内容,原文说 到:finding patterns and structure in information is how our brains extract meaning form the world, and putting words to music and rhyme is a way of adding extra levels of pattern and structure to language. 其中 sound similar or go together with 与 putting words to music and rhyme 对应,因此答案为 music。 Test 4 Test 4 Test 4 Test 4 Test 4 Test 4 Test 4 TASK 1 TASK 1 TASK 1 TASK 1 TASK 1

审题要领(Task focus)

这篇小作文是一幅柱形图(bar chart)。题目显示了 Southland 地区 2000 年和当年(2014 年)的主要出口产品,以及未来 2025 年的出口项目规划。考生需要提取并总结主要信息,同时做出相关对比。从图表信息我们可以看到,横轴分别代表旅游业(international tourism)、奶制品(dairy products)和肉制品(meat products);纵轴代表出口额数,从 0 到 10(单位:£ billion)。

写作思路(Thinking before writing)

考生需要在 150 字之内对图表里的信息进行概括,有侧重的描写主要特征,必要时选择适当省略。本文既涉及到不同出口项目之间的横向比较,还要考虑同一项目中不同年份数额的纵向比较。文章推荐的组织方式是以横向为主要顺序,三个项目各成一个主体段,分别描写。根据图标信息总体横向来看,旅游业占有最多的出口份额,奶制品其次,肉制品最少。纵向来说,从 2000 年到 2025 年,旅游业的出口份额持续增长;奶制品出口份额先涨后落;肉制品出口份额持续减少。由于图表信息横跨过去、现在和未来,考生在写作时需要特别注意调整时态。范文演示(Sample analysis) Model Response

This bar chart illustrates the performance of Southland's primary exports in 2000 and 2014. It also indicates future projections for 2025.

According to the data, it seems likely that international tourism will become the dominant industry, although dairy exports will remain strong. In 2000, we can see that tourism was the greatest exports earner of the three industries, with revenue standing at just over £8 billion. This figure has increased slightly, so that now, in 2014, it has reached almost £9 billion. It is estimated that international tourism will continue to grow, so that by 2025, it will be earning around £10 billion for the country.

In 2000, dairy exports were worth around £7 billion, but since then there has been a dramatic increase, and sales for this year are approximately £10 billion. Experts are predicting that exports in this area may fall slightly, so a figure of £9.5 billion is expected for 2025.

Meat products are the third key industry in Southland, but sales have dropped since 2000 and now stand at £5.5 billion. It is expected that sales will continue to decrease in the future. (187 words)

词汇句型(Vocabulary and patterns) 数据比较 Comparing figures ? greatest ? almost

? the third key industry

表示趋势 Expressing tendency ? become the dominant? ? remain strong

? continue to grow continue to decrease 描写变化 Describing changes ? become?

? increased slightly ? reached almost? ? dramatic increase ? fall slightly ? dropped

范文亮点(Sample highlights)

第 1 段:改写原题 段:改写原题 段:改写原题 段:改写原题

第一段通常为题目的改写或提炼,在范文中,原题里的 gives information about?变为 illustrates the performance of?,原题里的 main export 变为 primary export,并用 indicates 引出 future projections,这一系列的动词和形容词转换非常出色,既保留了原意,又提高了词汇等级。第 2 段:主体段一

描写旅游业 2000-2025 年的出口额,并进行了相关比较。根据数据(According to the data),旅游业占有统治地位(dominant industry),奶制品紧随其次。在 2000 年,旅游业获得最多的出口额(the greatest exports earner),达到超过 80 亿并小幅增长(increased slightly),在 2014 年几乎达到(reached almost)90 亿。据估计(It is estimated that?),旅游业出口额还会持续增长(continue to grow),到 2025 年可能会为国家收获约 100 亿份额。 第 3 段:主体二 段:主体二 段:主体二 段:主体二

描写奶制品 2000-2025 年的出口额。在 2000 年奶制品出口价值约 70 亿,但随即剧增(since then there has been a dramatic increase),2014 年的销量高达近 100 亿。专家预测(Experts are predicting that?),这一出口项目到 2025 年会轻微回落(fall slightly)至 95 亿左右。

第4段:主体三 第4段:主体三 第4段:主体三 第4段:主体三 第4段:主体三 第4段:主体三

描写旅游业 2000-2025 年的出口额。肉制品是第三重要的出口产业(the third key industry),但是从

2000 年开始销量一直下滑(have dropped since?),今年为 55 亿,据推测,其出口份额在将来还会继续下降(continue to decrease)。 结语

这篇小作文结构合理,逻辑连贯,语言清晰,词汇的多样性是这篇范文的最大亮点。文中使用了不同词性的 earner, revenue, earn, worth, sales 来表达收入和出口额的概念;用 over, almost, around,

approximately 来表示数据的约数浮动,用 estimate, predict, expect 来描述未来预测,用词多样准确,非常值得考生学习借鉴。 TASK 2 TASK 2 TASK 2 TASK 2 TASK 2 审题要领(Task focus)



写作思路(Thinking before writing) 首先从观点上来讲,考生可以放开思路,先考虑自己是否比较赞同题目中让政府“增加税收”的方法,若认为比较可行,那就想想理由是什么;如果觉得这个想法没有道理,

那就需要讲出理由,同时给出自己的观点。辩证类题目一般的结构是开头先讨论题目,表达自己是否同意题目观点,然后用二或三个主体段给出理由,也可以写个让步段,最后结尾段总结全文,给出自己的观点。这篇范文分为四段,首段讨论了话题背景,引出下文;第二段从经济的角度进行讨论;第三段从消费主体的角度进行论证;结尾段总结全文,给出观点。 范文演示(Sample analysis) Model Response

The growth of the fast food industry has, without doubt, impacted on the eating habits and the health of many societies around the world. Diabetes, high cholesterol, heart and respiratory problems are all on the rise due to fatty and sugar rich food. However, the question is whether higher tax would improve this situation or not.

From an economic point of view, higher tax might seem sensible. In countries such as the USA, Australia and Britain, the healthcare system spends a large part of its budget on people with diet-related health problems. It could be argued that these people have caused their own illnesses because of their choice of food. In this case, why should they expect the state to pay for their treatment? The tax could help fund the healthcare system.

However, we also need to consider which socio-economic group consumes fast food as the main part of their diet. Statistics indicate that lower income groups eat more of this food than wealthier people. One possible reason for this is that fast food is far cheaper than fresh produce. This is because many governments offer large subsidies to farmers who provide products for the fast food industry, such as corn, wheat and beef. Fruit and vegetables, on the other hand, are not subsidised. Research suggests that many families simply cannot afford to buy healthy food or pay higher taxes on fast food. For them, fast food is not a choice but a necessity.

In conclusion, imposing a higher tax on fast food does not seem to be the answer. If the government chose to do this, it would only lead to greater poverty and families facing further hardship. (278 words)

词汇句型(Vocabulary and patterns) 与健康饮食相关的单词 ? diabetes ? consume ? income ? subsidies ? necessity ? poverty ? budget ? diet

? wealthier ? afford ? imposing ? hardship

与健康饮食相关的词组 ? fast food industry

? high cholesterol ? diet-related

? socio-economic group ? eating habits

? fatty and sugar rich food

? heart and respiratory problem ? fresh produce 高分句型

? ? has, without doubt, impacted on? ? the question is whether ? or not ? ? might seem sensible ? It could be argued that?

? why should they expect the state to? ? Statistics indicate that?

? One possible reason for this is that? ? Research suggests that? 范文亮点(Sample highlights)

第 1 段:讨论话题 段:讨论话题 段:讨论话题 段:讨论话题 引出下文 引出下文 引出下文

范文开头段先对话题进行了讨论,毫无疑问(without doubt),快餐业的增长(the growth of the fast food industry)影响了世界各地人们的健康和饮食习惯。接着用举例论证提出,由于摄入过多的高脂高

糖类食物(due to fatty and sugar rich food),糖尿病、高胆固醇、心脏和呼吸系统问题日益增多(all on the rise)。然而,要解决这个问题不在于是否需要提高税收。

最后一句用了“the question whether?would improve this situation or not”清晰的表达了自己的论调,生动的引出下文。第 2 段:主体段一 从经济角度来看(From an economic point of view),提高税收可能些道理(sensible)。在美国、澳大利亚和英国等国家,医疗保健系统大量的预算都花在(spends a large part of its budget on)与饮食相关的健康问题上(diet-related health problems)。有争议性的是(It could be argued that),的这些疾病的人们是源于他们自己对食物的选择。这样的话(In this case),他们为什么要期待政府来出医疗费呢?税收应该用于完善医疗保健系统(fund the healthcare system)。

这一段同样使用了几个国家的实例来进行论证,贴切有力。同时,还用“why should they expect the state to pay for their treatment?”的句型提出疑问,发人深思,情感表达也更强烈。 第 3 段:主体二 段:主体二 段:主体二 段:主体二

然而,我们还应考虑谁是快餐消费的主要社会经济群体(which socio-economic group consumes fast food as the main part of their diet)。数据显示(Statistics indicate that),较低收入人群比高收入者消费更多的快餐。一个很可能的原因就是快餐比新鲜食物要便宜。因为很多政府给予种植玉米、小麦、牛肉等快餐原料的农民经济补贴,相反,种植水果、蔬菜是没有补贴的。研究显示(Research suggests that),很多家庭就是买不起(simply cannot afford)健康食物或者为买快餐付更多的税。对于他们来说,快餐不是选择,而是必须的(not a choice but a necessity)。

数据论证是这一段最突出的亮点。"Statistics indicate that?" 与“Research suggests that?"并用,使论证更具说服力。