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Directions: Choose the right answer. 1.

Australian mothers, on the other hand, spend three hours a week purely looking after their children — a much greater ____________ than in other countries like America, Denmark, Italy and France. A. balance

B. parity

C. disparity

D. disclosure 2.

These findings will infuriate those who want to ____________ the perhaps unfair image of Australia as a land of old-fashioned male chauvinism. A. make off

B. shake off

C. rid off

D. get of 3.

____________, Australian parenting is seen as a woman's job and a man's hobby. A. In short

B. In a short

C. In word

D. In the word 4.

The good father never misses the kids' school plays, and he ____________ a drink at the bar after work so that he can get home in time to read their bedtime story. A. skips over

B. skips through

C. skips on D. skips 5.

When I knew that my parents would ____________, it felt like a piece of my heart or something was gone. A. split down

B. split up

C. break down

D. break through 6.

Our daughter has ____________ the second grade and now has to repeat it.

A. failed

B. failed through

C. failed on

D. failed over 7.

I'll try to stick to ____________ your daughter feels to be a problem and hope he will help your daughter do better at school. A. it B. that C. what

D. which 8.

Also, you should spend quality time with her and allow her to ____________ her feelings to you. A. flow B. flood

C. invent D. vent 9.

Amy, sit down. We need to talk. Your mother and I are going

to ____________. A. separate

B. separate with each other

C. divorce ourselves

D. divorce with each other

10. I'll apologize if I think I'm ____________.

A. in the mistake

B. in an error

C. in the wrong

D. with the wrong

11. So you're still single? If you ____________ to me and used the

Internet, you'd have a husband by now. A. listen

B. have listen

C. have listened

D. had listened

12. I ____________ an online ad that read, \