Lesson Three Detective on the Trail综合英语一下册课文,练习语法讲解 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期六 文章Lesson Three Detective on the Trail综合英语一下册课文,练习语法讲解更新完毕开始阅读

A 报刊登广告都是按字数收费 ,所以有很多省略 现象。因此没必要在广告上面留下多余的字眼。这则广告就显然有问题。 B remember sb.给某人礼物,给某人送钱 ,给小费等。 Page 55 Para. 3

4. “That’s a funny one,”Bob thought. He reread the notice. Why pay more money to say “on next Sunday”when“next Sunday”would have been enough? “这条启事有点蹊跷,”鲍勃想着。他反复读着这条启事。干嘛要多花钱再写进一个字“在下星期日”?写“下星期日”本来就够了。 A reread 重读,再读(看) B when 既然

C would have been 本来就?..

5.“Cross. Cross.”Bob felt sure he had come upon that name in the personals before. But he didn’t remember those initials. What did N. E. stand for?

“克罗斯??克罗斯??”鲍勃确信他曾在登载个人信息与广告的副页里见过这个名字。但是他不记得那些首字母“N.E.”。N. E.这两个字母代表哪两个词呢?

A felt sure 动词原形为 feel sure:觉得有把握,确信 B come upon ? 1. 突然产生

A good idea came upon me. 我突然想到一个好主意。 ? 2. 偶然遇到

I came upon her in the bank last week. 我上星期在银行碰巧遇到她。 ? 3. 降临

Fear came upon him as he waited. 他在等待时感到一阵恐惧。 ? 4偶遇


I've come upon the word several times. 这个单词我已经碰到好几次了。

C. personals 指刊登个人信息与广告的栏目 D stand for 是?的简称/缩写,代表 e.g. N.Z. stands for New Zealand. 字母N.Z.代表新西兰。

e.g. CEO stands for Chief Executive Officer. 字母CEO是首席执行官的缩写。 Page 56 Para. 4

6.For some reason that advertisement haunted Bob Sugg. Here was a mystery he wanted

to solve. 不知为什么,那则启事时时萦绕在鲍勃·萨格的心头,他想解开这个谜。

A .for some reason 由于某种原因

B haunt 经常出现,为?而忧心时常萦绕心头,使困窘;常去;以鬼魂形式出现;时常


e.g. Clare was haunted by the fear that war might soon break out. 战争有可能很快就爆发,克莱尔提心吊胆。

e.g.The decision to leave her children now haunts her...


e.g. The college library is a favorite haunt


C he wanted to solve 定语从句 修饰 mystery D mystery 迷 Page 56 Para 5

7.、Four days later, a headline about a burglary caught his eye. 四天后,一条关于入室行窃的标题吸引了他的目光。 A burglary 入室行窃


B catch one’s eye 引人注目

8. He quickly read the story. A few minutes later, the man in charge of the newspaper files saw an excited boy rush into the room. “May I see the back number files, sir?”the boy asked. The man motioned toward a wide shelf. Bob intently studied a paper.

他快速浏览了这则新闻。几分钟之后,管理报纸档案的职员看见一个神情激动的男孩子跑进了他的办公室。“先生,让我看看过期的报纸好吗?”男孩问道。那个职员指了指一个宽的书架。鲍勃拿起报纸认真地读了起来。 A in charge of 负责

B excited boy 感到兴奋的男孩 C number files 过期的报纸 D intently 专心的,专注的 E motion 示意


The teacher motioned his students to be silent. 老师示意学生不要讲话。 动作,姿态;手势,眼色[C]

All her motions were graceful. 她的一举一动都很优美。 动机,意向[U]

He did that of his own motion. 他出于自愿做了那事。 Page 56 Para. 6

9、“Look! These two personals,”Bob was breathless with excitement.“They appeared

on different dates, but it’s the same advertiser, Cross.” “看!这两条私人信息启事,”鲍勃激动得喘不过气来。“这两则启事在不同的时间刊



A . breathless: out of breath 踹不过起来 (激动所致) B appear (主动)刊登

Page 56 Para. 7

10、“Wait,” the man interrupted. “The initials aren’t alike. One is

W. Cross and the other is S. W.”

“等等,”那人打断了他的话,“首字母不一样。一个是W. 克罗斯而另一个是以S. W


A wait = wait a moment B initials 个人姓名首字母缩写 C interrupt 打断, D alike

①adj. 相似 表语形容词

e.g. The twins are so alike that I can't tell which is which.


② adv副词 同等地;同样地 You use alike after mentioning two or more

people, groups, or things in order to emphasize that you are referring to both or all of them. 【搭配模式】:n and n ADV 【语用信息】:emphasis 翻译为: A 和 B 都一样?.两者都一样 e.g. The climate here is always hot, summer and winter alike.


e.g. The government taxed the rich and the poor alike.


e.g. Her manners recommend her to high and low alike.
