小学四年级下册新标准外研版英语三年级起点四册全册教案 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期三 文章小学四年级下册新标准外研版英语三年级起点四册全册教案更新完毕开始阅读


Presentation S: In Chinese they may say something about it. OK, today let’s do it in English. 2. a. Show a map of America.(Teacher draw it before the class) And introduce “This is my project .It about America” (show “project…) read it and understand it. b. Use questions to show new words Q: what language do the people speak in America? S: people speak English in America. Q: what’s the capital of America? S: Washington D.C is the capital of the USA. Q: where is it? S: It’s in the east. New words :speak , east c. Use the map to show the position of New York and San Francisco. And present the text contest on the blackboard. (teach new words “ city , west , cousin ) d. Make sure that all the contest on the blackboard and 可修改编辑


use a color chalk underline the new words. a. Listen and repeat. And read it in pairs. b. Repeat some key sentences with a teacher .Understand the meaning of it. Step Ⅲ Drill c. Competition between two students. Read it “Who can read it more quickly?” (Improve the students ability of oral English) 1. Give them 2’ to remember the new words and the meaning of it .Then finish the part 1 on Activity book. Check the answer in groups Step Ⅳ Practice 2. Point ,ask and answer Show some pictures on TV.( on the blackboard) A: Where is New York? B: It’s in the east. ( Look at pictures and describe the position of it ) 3. Show a map of China and deal with the part 3 on activity book. Step Ⅴ Do you have a friend? If you have, please draw her / his house .And tell us where is his / her house? 可修改编辑


Game (Practice “I live in Beijing. My friend lives in …) 1. Practice to read and remember the new words .( look at the phonetic symbol and say them StepⅥ out) Summary 2. Important sentences ( make a simple translation) Make some sentences like the module ones. ( Chinese, speak , China) People speak English in Step Ⅶ Home work America.( capital , Beijing , China ) Washing ton is the capital of America

Module 7 Unit 1New York is in the east. It’s about America. Design It’s called USA. west north east


Module 7 Countries


south 精选资料

Unite 2 Beijing is the Capital of China.

Title Unite 2 Beijing is the Capital of China. New Two a. Key words and phrases: north, south Lesson Period b. Sentences: Beijing is the capital of China. c. Task aim: Learning Objects 1. Go on learning the position words, Learn about China and America from this. 2. Introduce some cities position and choose some cities to practice. Learning properties: map ,tape recorder ,pictures Learn about some simple English expression. And let students learn a little about America in order to Design idea: increase interesting and foster the students ‘consciousness of English. Procedures 1. Singing a song together. Step Ⅰ Warming Up 2. Choose your favorite country and describe it ( position capital nice city) 3. Teacher shows the picture of Beijing, Sanya, 可修改编辑