体验英语第三册Unit - 2 - - - passage - A - Einstein - and - his - compass课件 - 图文 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期一 文章体验英语第三册Unit - 2 - - - passage - A - Einstein - and - his - compass课件 - 图文更新完毕开始阅读

Summary of L1-L17

In this part we learn something about the young Albert Einstein. It seems he was neverexactly an ordinarychild. The writer pinpoints a case when he was given a compassat the age of five, which stirred his intellect.

Complex Sentence Analysis


The conceptthat one would prove theorems of angles and lines that were in no way obvious made an

“indescribable impression”on the young student. (L29-30)


indescribableThe concept made an “____________ impression” on

the young student.

The concept is about

one would prove theorems of angles and lines.__________________________________________.



obviousTheorems of angles and lines were not ____________.

Language Points (L17-L31)


Stimulate(V.)to encourage it to begin or develop further 刺激;激励;促使

America?s priority is rightly tostimulateits economy.


Stimulation(N.)an economy in need of stimulation. 需要刺激的经济??

Language Points (L17-L31)

Come over --to make a short informal visit 

?Whenever in trouble she would come over to us for help. 



I?ll come over to see you on my next day off.