体验英语第三册Unit_2_-_passage_A_Einstein_and_his_compass课件 联系客服

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1.The car ___ well to the controls.这辆汽车操纵灵敏. AA. responds B. corresponds C. replies D. reflects


2.The electrician went at once in ___ to the phone call.D电工一接到电话马上就去了.

A. reply B. respond C. reflection D. answer



3.Please ____ at your earliest convenience.请尽早答复. CA. answer B. reflect C. reply D. respond


4.The illness quickly ____ to proper treatment.D疾病经适当治疗后很快好转.

A. replied B. answered C. reflected D. responded

Language Point (L1-L17)


Stir (V. )1) to excite 2) to be roused Harry Potter has stirredchildren?s imagination. Old memoriesstirredas she looked at the photographs.





He was deeply stirred by the news. Language Point (L1-L17)

Intellect (N. )

?1) the ability to use the power of reason 智力/理解力



Gates is a man noted more for his intellect than his charm. 


2) a person of great intellectual ability 有才智的人


Maria, historian, socialist and intellect, has died at the age of eighty-nine.