江苏省无锡市各地2018-2019学年八年级上学期12月英语月考试卷精选汇编:完形填空 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期日 文章江苏省无锡市各地2018-2019学年八年级上学期12月英语月考试卷精选汇编:完形填空更新完毕开始阅读




The lion is called the king of all animals. Once it was also called as the king of the desert (沙漠). However, lions ___36___live in any desert now. Their colour may___37___ different from yellow to brown and males (雄性动物) can be from blond to black. The male lions___38___up to 190 kg and are about 1.20 metres tall while the females(雌性动物)weigh nearly 130 kg and are 1 metre tall. They___39___ beautiful fur, strong legs with sharp claws and a long tail.

Panthera Leo (非洲狮) lives in sub-Saharan Africa and Asia.___40___ it feeds on many kinds of animals. When it’s___41___its food, it can reach the speed of 60 km per hour and jump even 12 metres. The lion likes to eat its food at once, ___42___ sometimes it has to hide the food because of hyenas (土狼). Hyenas are the only animals which kill lions for food.

The lion lives in small families___43___20 to 30 members. In each family there is usually one___44__male with two or three females with small baby lions. ___45___, the lion population is in great danger mainly because of people’s hunting.

( ) 36. A. never B. always C. sometimes D. usually ( ) 37. A. is B. are C. am D. be ( ) 38. A. eat B. weigh C. grow D. hold ( ) 39. A. want B. need C. have D. like ( ) 40. A. Where

B. Here

C. There D. Which

( ) 41. A. chasing(追逐) B. watching C. enjoying D. thinking ( ) 42. A. so

B. but C. and D. because

( )43. A. made from B. made up of C. made up with ( ) 44. A. healthy ( ) 45. A. Luckily

B. beautiful C. young B. Suddenly C. Unluckily

D. made in

D. grown(成年的)

D. Cheerfully


36-40 ADBCC 41-45ABBDC




The world of out-of-doors is full of secrets.And they are so interesting that quite a lot of people are busy 36 them.All 37 us are birds,trees and flowers.The facts about how they live and grow are as interesting as anything could be.

Do you know that one of the great presidents of the USA spent hours and hours studying birds? A businessman who lives near New York City became so interested in insects that he began to 38 them.He now has over one thousand different kinds carefully kept in glass boxes.

Come then 39 me,and I will help you find some of Nature’s secrets.Let’s go quietly 40 the woods and fields.Here we shall find how a rabbit 41 the other rabbits that there is danger.We shall follow a mother bear and her young ones as they search for food and get ready for their long winter 42 .We shall watch bees dancing in the air to let the other bees know where they can find food.I will show you 43 interesting things,but the best thing that I can teach you is to keep your eyes and ears 44 when you go 45 doors.Nature tells her secrets only to people who look and listen carefully. ( )36.A. 1ooking for B. keeping C. studying D. learning

( )37.A. about B. around C. among D. besides ( )38.A. kill B. catch C. collect D. keep ( )39.A. along B. into C. at D. with ( )40.A. through B. over C. to D. on ( )41.A. says B. tells C. asks D. speaks ( )42.A. rest B. trip C. holiday D. sleep ( )43.A. other many B. many other C. some others D. much other ( )44.A. open B. closed C. 1istening D. big ( )45.A. into B. inside C. between D. out of 二、完型填空(本大题共10分, 每小题1分) 36—40 CBCDA 41—45 BDBAD


三、完形填空 先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从下面四个答案中选择可以填入相


Mr Hand finished school from a famous university(大学). He has 36 for fifteen years. He is strict(严格的)in his work and he is kind and helpful, so he is very popular in the school. Last month he came to work at the Hope High School 37 a head teacher. It’s a beautiful and big school which has more than four thousand teachers and students.

One morning 38 he got there,he went to the teaching building for making his rounds of the school. As he got to the second floor,he 39 a terrible noise coming from one of the classrooms. He ran in and saw one boy, taller than 40 , who seemed to be making the most noise. He was very 41 and went straight to catch the boy, took him to the hall,and told him to 42 there until he came back. Then he returned to the classroom to make the students quiet and gave a talk about the 43 of good behavior (行为)to the class for half an hour. “Now”, he says,“Are there any 44 ?”

One girl stood up slowly. “Please sir,” she asked,“May we 45 our teacher back?”

( )36. A. studied B. taught ( )37. A. as ( )38. A. then ( )39. A. got

C. learned D. stayed

D. like D. while D. heard

B. for C. with B. after C. before B. knew C. smelt

( )40. A. others B. the other C. the others D. another ( )41. A. angry

B. happy C. excited

D. polite

( )42. A. sleep B. run C. speak D. wait ( )43. A. difficulty ( )44. A. questions

B. secret

C. importance D. difference

B. answers C. ways D. results

C. turn D. make

( )45.A.ask B. have

三、完形填空(共10小题。每小题1分,满分10分。) 36-40 BABDC 41-45 ADCAB


二、完形填空 (10分)

Do you know anything about earthworms (蚯蚓)? Earthworms are friends of 21 . They can make holes in the earth, so rain or snow can get through. That helps plants grow. But now in the United States, some earthworms are making 22 . The earthworms are called Asian jumpers. They first came to the US from Asia. They are big and 23 . They can also grow as long as 15cm.

These worms can get into very 24 earth. So in the 1980s, American farmers used them a lot. Now these worms are everywhere in some American forests.

However, Asian jumpers are big 25 . They also like to live in very big groups. When they get into the forests, they can eat the leaf litter (落叶层) on the forest 26 very quickly.

It is not 27 for the forests because the leaf litter protects the earth. With no leaf litter, the rain will wash the soil (土壤) away and the forest may get 28 easily. Many small animals eat the litter as food. And lots of plant seeds (种子) also need the leaf litter to 29 . The Asian jumpers 30 their food away. (

) 21. A. hunters B. drivers C. visitors D. farmers