江苏省无锡市前洲中学九年级英语上学期期末考试试题 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期六 文章江苏省无锡市前洲中学九年级英语上学期期末考试试题更新完毕开始阅读



一、听力测试 (本大题共20小题,每小题各1分,共20分) (一)听对话回答问题



1. Where does Kevin want to go during this Spring Festival?

A. B. C. 2. What subject does Timmy like best?

A. B. C. 3. What will the weather be like tomorrow?

A. B. C.

4. What is David wearing?


A. B. C.

5. What time will the woman watch the concert?

A. 9:00-12:30 on February 12th. B. 8:00-11:30 on February 12th. C. 9:00-12:30 on February 20th.

6. What does Jason think of his school life?

A. Stressed and bored. B. Exciting and colourful. C. Lively and interesting.

7. What kind of movie does the man like best?

A. Western films. B. Documentaries. C. Action movies. 8. What are they going to do this evening?

A. To listen to the pop music. B. To go to the theatre. C. To listen to Beijing Opera on the radio.

9. Why isn’t Betty allowed to drive his mother’s car?

A. Because she has to study for a text. B. Because she is not calm enough. C. Because she is not old enough.

10. How often does Peter play basketball?

A. Every day. B. Never. C. Twice a week.


你将听到一段对话和两篇短文,各听两遍。听每段对话或短文前,你将有时间阅读相关小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,每小题你仍有5秒钟的时间选择你认为最合适的备选答案。 听一段对话,回答第11-12小题。

11. When are they going to have a picnic?

A. Next Sunday. B. This Sunday. C. Tomorrow. 12. What is Jane going to bring for a picnic?

A. A guitar. B. A violin. C. A camera.


Some information about Guangming Travel Office New address New telephone number Business hours New treatment 13. A. square 14. A. 88487669 15. A. a free ticket special price

68 Park Road. Near the 13 , behind the Bank of China. Please call 14 . Open from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. If your holiday costs $500, you will get 15 .

B. park C. supermarket B. 88448996 C. 88478696 B. a free bag C. a



16. What will most burglars do to save themselves when they are in trouble? A. They will run away. B. They will kill people. C. They will make up stories.

17. Where does the story happen?

A. A small necklace shop. B. A big nice shop. C. A small jewellery shop.

18. What was the man trying to take away one day?

A. A camera. B. A necklace. C. A gold ring. 19. At first what did the owner want to do when he caught the burglar?

A. To call the police. B. To throw him out. C. To kill him. 20. How would the shop owner feel when the burglar asked for something cheaper? A. He would feel very angry and would like to send him to the police. B. He would feel sorry and went to get a cheaper one for him.

C. He would feel worried because he didn’t have anything cheaper.

二、单项选择 在A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。(本大题共


21. Do you think ________ story I told you yesterday ________ interesting one? A. a; the B. the; an C. a; an D. the; a

22. Tom has ________ that he lives a happy life.

A. a so well-paid job B. such a well-paid job

C. so a well-paid work D. such a well-paid work 23. --- Do you know ________?

--- All of them ________ the museum.

A. where are the students; have gone to B. where are the students; have been to

C. where the students are; have gone to D. where the students are; have been to 24. ________ are crazy about listening to pop music in their spare time.

A. Bill as well as Dick and Lucy B. Neither Victor nor Tom C. Not only Tim but also the twins A. with; with with; by

B. by; by

D. Either Anita or Jack

C. by; with


25. It’s said that his father was attacked ________ a man ________ a knife.

26. ________ everybody is here, let’s begin our meeting. A. Though B. Since

C. Because D. While


27. --- Staying up late is bad for your health. ---You are right. I decide to ________.

A. take it down B. find it out C. turn it off D. give it up 28. --- Mr Wu, could you tell me ________?

--- You’d better do more speaking.

A. how I can improve my English B. which way can I choose C. how I do with my English D. what’s wrong with my English 29. Sherlock Holmes is a very exciting film. It’s the third time that I ________ it.

A. will see B. see C. am going to see D. have seen

30. ________ concerts are never quite the same on the small screen.

A. Lively B. Alive C. Living D.


31. Oh, just imagine! ________ it is to go to the wonderful tourist attraction!

A. What a great fun B. How fun C. What great fun D. How great fun

32. --- ________ I know by what time you want the report to be done?

--- By the day after tomorrow. ______ you finish it on time?

A. May; Can B. Must; Need C. Could; Must D. Need; Would

33. I find this book ________ for a six-year-old child to read.

A. enough easy B. enough easily C. easy enough D. easily enough

34. The project they’re working on ________ many teenage problems that they care about.

A. covering B. covers C. include D. including

35. --- Will you go to the park tomorrow?

--- If you don’t, ________.

A. so do I B. so will I

neither shall I

三、完形填空 先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后在每小题所给的四个选项中,选出


The Sled (雪橇) Dog Race was about to begin. Susan’s team of dogs was lined

up at the starting gate. Susan stood behind them. 36 teams were lined up, too, and the dogs were excited. Susan kept her 37 on the clock. At exactly ten o’clock, she and the other racers yelled, “Mush!” The dogs knew that meant


C. neither do I D.