江苏省淮安市淮海中学2018届高三3月高考模拟测试(一)英语试题 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期一 文章江苏省淮安市淮海中学2018届高三3月高考模拟测试(一)英语试题更新完毕开始阅读

car isn’t yours. I bought you this one.” I tapped the invoice with my index finger. Jane said, “No, I want this one right here.”

While this conversation was going on, there was no one in the store. Our sales consultant had arranged it so that we could share the moment alone. Even so, it’s impossible to have a lot of privacy when so many people are standing outside the showroom windows looking in. When Jane screamed and collapsed in my arms, I saw everybody outside applaud and begin to cry. 65. What did the writer visit the Saturn of Albuquerque for that Friday?

A. He wanted to collect some raw materials for his story. B. He was asked to write a report about that car store.

C. He was told the car store was launching a price reduction activity. D. He simply wanted to see why the car store enjoyed so much popularity.

66. Why did the writer buy a new Saturn?

A. Because his car was so old that he didn’t want to drive it any longer. B. Because Jane wanted a new car for her fifth anniversary of being cancer-free. C. Because he wanted to mark his wife’s fifth anniversary of being cancer-free. D. Because he thought the car could be helpful to his wife’s recovery from cancer.

67. When did the writer decide upon the white car?

A. On the next Tuesday. C. On the second Wednesday

B. On the first Friday. D. On the first Saturday.

68. How did Jane feel when she saw the sign on the car?

A. Surprised and thrilled. C. Shocked and frightened.

B. Angry but satisfied. D. Skeptical but overjoyed.

69. Which of the following belongs to the most wonderful part of this story?

A. Paying cash for a new Saturn. C. The couple’s conversation on the street.

B. Picking up the new car in the store. D. The writer’s first visit to the car store.

70. The purpose of the writer writing this story is ________.

A. to introduce a new type of car C. to sing high praise for a car store

B. to tell readers of his lovely wife D. to show his deep love for his wife

第四部分: 任务型阅读 (共10小题; 每小题1分, 满分10分)

请阅读下面短文,并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词。 ..

注意: 请将答案写在答题卡上相应题号的横线上。每个空格只填一个单词。

We all wish we had our very own libraries at home. They’re a great way to keep what you love reading best organized in one place. Technology has taken over our lives and everything seems to be attainable digitally. The sad part about online books is that the realness of holding one in your hands is lost. It may be of convenience to those who often travel, but there’s nothing like printed books in libraries that you can leaf through, as opposed to clicking through.

Unlike the Internet, printed books are much more reliable than any other sources. Rarely will you find a list of references mentioned at the end of the article section on the web. Professionals write their expert advice online under a license that permits them to distribute their information, thus showing readers that what they are looking through is not false information. Printed books are checked carefully before they’re published so that the facts mentioned in non-fiction books are all true and necessary. Reference pages at the end of these books are also mentioned in some works that require such a section.

Unlike electronic devices that can have problems such as the loss of data it stores, printed books have a way of lasting for years to come if stored with care. They can be collected as prized reads that you’d like to have in their physical form, as well as be passed on to others who’d like to read them as well. It’s great when you have something like a book to hold on to and read, while an online book lacks that close and constant companionship.

In addition, you can’t expect kids to hold up an iPad under the sheets late at night. Reading printed books ensures that kids have access to reading without being spoiled into buying an electronic product that can distract them from actual reading. Kids love picture books and the images that come with them, which is great for present authors who still design books that are intended for kids.

Libraries are a great place that dates back to a time when technology was non-existent and was an unbelievable idea to men back in that period. Today libraries are still fully functional, with many people going to them for the love of books. It is important for children to start off by reading the real thing before getting involved in what other media can offer. Anyway, never forget what first got you started.

Title (71) ▲ libraries are important ◆ Owning a library, you can place your favorite books in (72) ▲ . Introduction ◆ While online books may be convenient to (73) ▲ travelers, they lack the (74) ▲ that you can experience from the printed books . ◆ Printed books written by professionals ensure that the information is precise and (76) ▲ . (75) ▲ of printed books ◆ Printed books can be kept for a long time in a physical form and also can become your close (77) ▲ . ◆ Printed books can make reading accessible to kids. (78) ▲ , they would be addicted to electronic products. ◆ Libraries, which have a long (79) ▲ , are still working well, popular among many people. Conclusion ◆ Children should be encouraged to read printed books at their primary (80) ▲ of reading before being introduced to other media. 第五部分: 书面表达 (满分25分)

81. 阅读下面文字及图表,并按照要求用英语写一篇150词左右的文章。

Charging fees to run errands (跑腿) has slowly become a popular business model in China’s internet-based world. Now it seems to have caught on at Chinese university campuses after the shopping madness that was “Singles Day” on Nov. 11.

Millions of students now juggle (应对) their busy academic schedules with the additional chores of picking up deliveries of their online shopping. So other students have identified an opportunity to make some money and are now charging fees for doing things, like collecting deliveries or picking up bottles of hot water, for other students. The China News Agency has reported that students running errands for others can make as much as 3,000 yuan per month.

Some have “expanded” their business scope to include answering roll calls to cover for students who skip classes.

While many have applauded the resourcefulness of students trying to subsidize their tuition with hard work, others worry that the “business” could distract students from their studies, and lead to illegitimate work such as sitting in examinations for others.

1. Have you ever run errands? 2. Does running errands affect your studies? 73.13% 26.87% 21.92% 8.22% 【写作内容】

1. 用约30个单词概述上述信息的主要内容;

2. 用约120个单词阐述你对大学生兼职(running errands)的看法,并用2~3个理由或论据支撑你的看法。 【写作要求】

1. 写作过程中不能直接引用原文语句; 2. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称; 3. 不必写标题。 【评分标准】
