广东省深圳市文汇中学七年级英语下学期第14周周末作业(无答案) 牛津深圳版 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期三 文章广东省深圳市文汇中学七年级英语下学期第14周周末作业(无答案) 牛津深圳版更新完毕开始阅读

online. Jay: Look at all the stamps. (41) _____________ Do you collect stamps'? Janet: Yes. (42) _____________

Jay: Wow, you've been doing it for seven years. That's why you have so many stamps now. Janet: (43) ____________.

Jay: I like listening to music. (44) ____________. Janet: Do you like singing?

Jay: No. (45) __________. Janet: I don't like music that much. But sometimes I like listening to some music too.


46. The boy ________ (call) Joe came to visit you this afternoon, but you weren't at home. 47. Mr Brown was very tired yesterday, because he kept _________ (walk) for two hours. 48. Be brave, this is just the_______ (begin) of our adventure. 49. Tom dreamt of__________ (get) a lot of shoes as presents.

50. Every day he spends some time ________ (take) care of the flowers. VII. 根据句意及首字母提示写单词,补全句子。(10分,每小题2分)

51. Don’t say that, or you will hurt his ______ (feel) 52. If you ________ (agree), please shake(摇动) your head.

53. The _______ (卫星) will be sent into space. 54. Yesterday her father bought her a beautiful ______(钻石).

55. Everyone knows that _______ (知识) is power. VIII 句子翻译 (10分,每小题2分)

56. 这个公园看起来像一幅美丽的画。我们喜欢它。The park ______ ______ a nice picture. We love it.

57. 比尔喜欢在晴朗的夜晚里看星星。Bill likes ______ ______ stars on clear nights. 58. 学习英语对我来说是很大的乐趣。Learning English is______ ______ for me. 59. 这场大雨持续了一个多星期。The heavy rain ______ ______ more than a week.

60. 当我再见他时, 我已经不记得他的名字了。I couldn’t remember his name _____ I ______ him again.