2019届高三人教版英语一轮复习练习案:必修四unit3word版有答案 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期六 文章2019届高三人教版英语一轮复习练习案:必修四unit3word版有答案更新完毕开始阅读

为\旅行” ;topic意为\话题”;phone意为\电话 为\在打电话”。]

14. A.by and by

;way意为\道路” 。on the phone为固定搭配,意 B. once more


C. now and then D. right away

解析:D [考查短语辨析。根据语境可知,当时的情况很紧急,所以另一个人立马问

做心肺复苏。by and by意为\不久以后”;once more意为\再一次”;nowand then意为\偶尔,有时”: right away意为\立即,马上”。]

15. A.teenager C. guy

B. man D. hero

解析:B [考查名词辨析。根据第三段中的 “left a pizza boy and came back a pizza man \可知, 经历这次 事件之后,这个送比萨的男孩现在已经变成了 \男人”。teenager意为\青少年”;man意为\男人”;guy

意为\家伙,男人” ;hero意为\英雄”。]

16. A.younger

B . more curious

C. freer D . more en ergetic

解析:A [考查形容词辨析。根据上文语境可知,Lemmer会做心肺复苏,这说明他小的时候学过。younger

意为\更年轻的”;curious意为\好奇的”;free意为\自由的” ;energetic意为\精力充沛的”。]

17 . A.i nterview B . call

C. scene

D . hospital

解析:C [考查名词辨析。根据第四段中的 “the teen told 9 News, 12 the scene” 可知,此处与 fin terview意为\采访”;call意为\电话,访问”; he scene\相照应,表明不久后急诊医师就到达了现场。 scene意为\现场”;hospital意为\医院”。]

18 . A.talki ng C . thi nking

B . walki ng D . breath ing

解析:D [考查动词辨析。根据常识可知, Lemmer对该男子做的是心肺复苏,此处应表示该男子开始 有了呼吸。talk意为\谈话”;walk意为\步行” ;think意为\思考”;breathe意为\呼吸”。]

19 . A.media C . delivery

B . in cide nt D . in struct ions

解析:B [考查名词辨析。 根据语境可知,该男子在Lemmer对其进仃心肺复苏并恢复呼吸这件事后被

;delivery 意为\递送” ;in struct ion 意为


指令”。] 20. A.felt C. shook

B . raised D . touched


解析:C [考查动词辨析。根据语境可知,男子的家人非常感激 的小费。握手表明了男子的家人当时感激而激动的心情。

feel意为“感觉” ;raise意为“提高”;shake意

为“握手” ;touch意为“接触”。shake one's hand为固定短语,意为 “握某人的手”。]


A woman was taken to the hospital.While having an operation , she had a nearly death experience.Seeing God, she asked how this was it.God said,“ No, you had another 40 years.” On recovery the women decided to have a plastic surgery.She had some one cha nge her hair color , thinking since she had so many time to live , she'd better make full use from it. Fin ally she got out of the hospital.While cross ing the street, she killed by an ambula nee speeded by.Arriving in the front of God , she demanded, “ They said I had another 40 years ! ” God replied , ut

I did n't recog nize you.


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plied /'But I didn't recognize you. ”