2019届高三人教版英语一轮复习练习案:必修四unit3word版有答案 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期六 文章2019届高三人教版英语一轮复习练习案:必修四unit3word版有答案更新完毕开始阅读

politics fun.\可知,作者对于政治幽默持赞赏的态度。 appreciative \欣赏的,赏识的

3. The fourth paragraph is developed mainly _______________ A . by example C. by comparison

B . by process D . by classification

解析:A [写作手法题。根据文章第四段的内容可知,作者是通过举例子来支撑自己的观点的。 4. What can we lear n from the last two paragraphs? A . Chapli n was n't aware of being laughed at.

B . The author feels helpless and worries about getting older. C . Never be the one who laughs at other people.

D . The author is determined to face life with a sense of humor.

解析:D [细节理解题。根据文章的最后两段可知,尽管生活有时候会很艰难,但仍然有连卓别林都 没有意识到的幽默,要记得用幽默的态度来面对生活。

II .完形填空(导学号02516160)


)Anson Lemmer, a 19-year-old from Glenwood Springs,

Colorado , was on his last pizza delivery __1_ of the night, on June 15, when he arrived at a __2_ house and found a man lying on the ground __3_

The teen swung into action and __4_

, according to the Post Independent.

CPR(心肺复苏 ),eventually saving the man ,who began walking

around soon after.Lemmer the n called his pare nts to __5_ his eve ntful day.

\I called my pare nts and said

‘ This has and came

bee n the __6_pizza delivery ever.I left a pizza boy

back a pizza man,'” Lemmer __7_ the thi ng. ”

Post Independent. “ They were proud of me. __8_ unexpected

The 19-year-old said that when he __9_ to the house that day, the situation was already very __10 . “There was something really wrong.His eyes had rolled up into his 11 and he was unresponsive,” the teen told 9 News,

12 the seene. \One of his friends was on the __13_ calling

911, and the other was attempting CPR , but 14 he asked me if I knew how to do CPR at all.\

The now- pizza delivery “ __15_ __16

” happened to have learned how to perform CPR when he was

, the Post Independent reported.EMTs (急诊医师)arrived at the 17 shortly after and took over

.The man was sent to the hospital after the 19


for Lemmer after the man started __18

Though saving lives isn't exactly in a pizza delivery guy's job description , the teen said he was happy to do it. “ They all __20 my hand and tipped me pretty well, and I got to take home a pizza so that was all right,\Lemmer

1. A.order

B. exercise

told 9 News.

[语篇解读]本文是一篇记叙文。19岁的Lemmer在送餐到顾客家的时候发现了一个躺在外面地上的男 人,他随即对其进行心肺复苏急救,最终挽救了该男子的生命。

7.A.invited . told


C.play D .show 解析: A [考查名词辨析。根据语境并结合本句中的 “on his last pizza delivery ”可知, 19 岁的 Lemmer

order 意为 “ 订单, 订购 ”; exercise 意为 “ 运动, 练习 ” ; play 意为

“ 游戏,

B . granny's D .reporter's

“on his last pizza delivery ”可知, Lemmer 在送晚上的最



比赛 ” ; show 意为 “表演,显示 ”。]



解析: C [ 考查名词所有格辨析。根据本句中的

后一份比萨订单;根据常识可知,此处表示Lemmer到达顾客家。friend's意为\朋友的” ;granny's意为\祖 母的”;customer's意为\顾客的”;reporter's意为\记者的”。]


B . behind D .outside




解析:D [考查副词辨析。根据语境可知,

知,Lemmer到达时,男子已经晕倒了,不可能给他开门, 这表明男子是在屋外晕倒的。

某处 ” ; behind 意为 “ 在后面 ” ; upstairs 意为 “ 在楼上 ” ; outside 意为 “ 在外面 ” 。 ]


B . performed D .observed

have learned how to perform CPR \可知,Lemmer


解析:B [考查动词辨析。根据第五段第一句中的

学过心肺复苏急救,因此,此处表示 Lemmer 迅速对这位男子进行心肺复苏急救。 declare 意为 “宣布 ”; perform意为\执行” ;follow意为\跟随”;observe意为\观察”。]


B . share

C.check D .celebrate

解析: B [考查动词辨析。根据语境可知, Lemmer 挽救了男子的生命后,立即给父母打电话,同他们

remember 意、为 i己得 ;share 意、为 分享 ;check 意、为 核对 ;celebrate


意为 “ 庆祝 ” 。 ]


B . funniest D .quickest

unexpected thing \可知,Lemmer送餐时挽救了一个


解析:A [考查形容词辨析。根据语境及该段中的

男子的生命, 所以说这次送餐是 Lemmer 最离奇的一次送餐经历。 crazy 意为 “离奇的 ”; funny 意为 “有趣 的”;easy意为\简单的”;quick意为\迅速的”。]

7.A.invited B . told

C. surprised

解析:B [考查动词辨析。根据第四段中的

D . con fused

fhe teen told 9 News\可知,此处应与其对应,指 Lemmer

将具体情况告诉了 Post Independent。invite意为\邀请”;tell意为\告诉” ;surprise意为\使惊奇” ;confuse 意为“使混乱”。]

8. A.Especially C. Totally

B . Properly D . Generally

解析:C [考查副词辨析。根据常识可知,送餐时发现一名男子躺在地上并对其进行心肺复苏急救, 这件事情完全出乎意料。especially意为“特别地 gen erally意为“普遍地”。]

9. A.moved back C. got off 解析:D


B . came along D . pulled up

“when he arrived at a __2_ house\可知,此处指 向后移动”;come along意为“出现” ;get off意为“动


Lemmer到达顾客家门外。 move back意为“退缩, 身,下车” ;pull up意为“停住”。]

10 . A.serious

B . desperate

D . unu sual

His eyes had rolled up into his __11_ and he was

serious 意为“严重的” ;desperate意

C . obvious

解析:A [考查形容词辨析。根据下文



11 . A.chest C . face

B . head D . n eck


解析:B [考查名词辨析。根据常识可知,当人处于昏迷状态且没有知觉时,一般都会翻白眼。

意为“胸部”;head意为“头” ;face意为“脸”;neck意为“脖子”。roll up into head意为“翻白眼”。]

12 . A.describ ing C . imagi ning

B . reach ing D . expect ing

解析:A [考查动词辨析。根据语境可知,此处应表示Lemmer在向9 News描述6月15日晚上发生的 事情。describe意为“描述” ;reach意为“达到” ;imagine意为“想象”;expect意为“期待”。]

13 . A.journey C. phone

B . topic D . way

解析:C [考查名词辨析。根据本句中的 calling 911 \可知,他的一个朋友在给 911打电话。journey意