2015-2016高中英语 单元综合技能训练5 新人教版必修4 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期四 文章2015-2016高中英语 单元综合技能训练5 新人教版必修4更新完毕开始阅读

A.The breeding season. B.The light in modern life. C.The dangerous environment. D.The noise from heavy machinery.

答案:B 细节理解题。根据文章第二段的David Dominoni, of Glasgow University, said that light from street lamps, takeaway signs and homes is affecting the birds' biological clocks, leading to them being wide awake...可知选择B。

26.What is the researchers' concern over the increase of birds' song output? A.The environment might be polluted. B.The birds' health might be damaged. C.The industry cost might be increased. D.The people's hearing might be affected.

答案:B 细节理解题。根据文章Singing is a costly behaviour and it takes energy.So by increasing their song output, there might be some costs of energy.可知,唱歌唱得越多,就会损耗更多的能量,故选择B。

27.What does the underlined word “nocturnal” in Paragraph 5 mean? A.Active at night. B.Inactive at night. C.Active during the day. D.Inactive during the day.

答案:A 词义猜测题。根据上文的And it is not just robins that are being kept awake by artificial light.Blackbirds and seagulls are also being...可知乌鸦和海鸥情况也一样,也就是说这两种鸟晚上也唱歌,故选择A,指晚上很兴奋。

28.Why do some birds thrive in noisy environments? A.Because there are fewer dangers. B.Because there is more food to eat. C.Because there is less light pollution. D.Because there are more places to take shelter.

答案:A 细节理解题。根据文章最后一段的It is thought that they are capitalising on their predators(天敌)fleeing to quieter areas.可知,它们的天敌都去了安静的地方,故选择A,指在这些工业区,天敌更少,也就是危险更少。


Traveling around the world is a dream that many people have. However, for many people this dream is too expensive to realize. Fortunately there are ways to cut

costs when planning a trip around the world, such as using an around-the-world ticket. If you are ready for a real adventure, then take these steps to plan your trip around the world.

Find your best airfare options. Check with various airlines and travel agencies to find out which airline offers the best prices and service for international fares or around-the-world tickets. Knowthatsomeairlineshavestricterrulesand restrictions than others. Look for the ticket that gives you the most flexibility as well as the best price.

Estimate when you'll take your around-the-world trip. Make an itinerary to plan a trip around the world: decide which countries you want to visit and how much time you'll want to spend in each. Decide on cities and towns you want to visit. Figure out what activities you want to do.

Set a date and purchase your plane tickets or your around-the-world ticket. Check








airlineandaskaboutpackagedealsthatinclude accommodations and other services (e. g., car rentals or tours).Knowthatsomeairticketpurchasesmay automatically include discounts for accommodations and other services.

Book accommodations. Confirm hotel or hostel reservations before leaving on your trip. Print out confirmation numbers or receipts—one set to leave at home and one set to take with you—to plan a trip around the world.

Get a passport, if you need one, and all of the travel visas that you will need for your trip. Organize items you'll need to apply for your passport. Realize that processing your passport takes much longer. Plan months ahead.

Pack light. Leave a few special outfits behind—you'll be glad to be without the extra clothes while carrying your luggage during your trip. Mix and match clothes. Fit the majority of your stuff into one large backpack or duffle bag ideally. Make sure it's not too heavy since you may end up carrying luggage for long periods of time. Set aside stuff you'll need on hand to keep in one carry-on bag.


29.How can you prepare for a trip around the world? A.Choose the most suitable airline. B.Take the most expensive airline. C.Find a hotel after you arrive.

D.Avoid airlines with stricter rules.

答案:A 细节理解题。从第二段的Look for the ticket that gives you the most flexibility as well as the best price.可知答案是A,要选择最合适的航空公司。

30.When you want to get a passport,you should ________. A.do it before you leave for a trip B.apply for it ahead of time C.wait at least for several months D.record the process of applying for it

答案:B 细节理解题。根据第六段的Realize that processing your passport takes much longer. Plan months ahead可知要办理护照的话,一定要提前办理。

31.While planning a trip around the world,you are advised to ________. A.bring more clothes in case of emergency B.fill all your stuff into a big backpack C.carry luggage as light as possible D.make sure the backpack is heavy enough

答案:C 细节理解题。结合最后一段的Pack light. Leave a few special outfits behind—you'll be glad to be without the extra clothes while carrying your luggage during your trip可知答案是C。误解分析:根据文章的you'll be glad to be without the extra clothes可知不需要带很多的衣服,因此A项错误;根据Fit the majority of your stuff into one large backpack可知B项中的all错误;根据Make sure it's not too heavy可知D项错误,应该是light而不是heavy。

32.Why did the author write this passage?

A.To call on people to travel around the world a lot. B.To give advice on how to save money in traveling. C.To introduce the benefits of traveling around the world. D.To tell us how to plan a trip around the world.

答案:D 主旨大意题。本文主要介绍了怎样计划一次环球旅行,比如寻找适合的航班、少带行李、提前办理护照、提前预订旅馆等,所以D项符合作者写作意图。


A cleaner stole an empty commuter train from a station and drove it to a suburb of Stockholm where it suddenly left its tracks and ran into an apartment building, officials have said.

The woman was seriously injured in the early-morning crash and was flown to a Stockholm hospital ,police spokesman Lars Bystrom said. No one else was injured.

He said the woman was arrested as a result of endangering the public.

Tomas Hedenius, a spokesman for the trainoperator Arriva,said the woman,who was born in 1990,stole the four-car train at a station outside Stockholm. She then drove it about a mile (1.6 km) to the end station on the railway line,where it jumped off the tracks, rushing for about 25 metres and crashed into a three-storey building. Photographs from the scene showed that the front car of the train buried deep into the structure.

“There were three families inside the apartment building, but no one was injured. At least not physically,” Hedenius said.

The aims of the woman, who worked for a company contracted to carry out cleaning for the train operator, were not immediately clear.

“We have only heard good things about her. We're looking into how this could happen, and why she did what she did,” Hedenius said. He said it was not clear how she got the keys to the train,but added that driving it was not that difficult.

“Generally speaking, that's possible even if you're not a train operator,” he said. “You can read about it on the Internet, or observe how others do it.”


33.Why was the woman arrested by the police?

A.Because she stole a train and put the public in danger. B.Because she was not fit for cleaning and did some wrong. C.Because she wanted to hide the train in the apartment building. D.Because she didn't want to work for the train operator any longer. 答案:A 细节理解题。根据前两段可知,她是一名清洁工,偷开火车并造成事故,所以因妨碍公共安全被逮捕。其他三个选项都与文章内容不相符。

34.According to the passage,the woman cleaner ________. A.drove the train into the apartment building on purpose B.aimed at becoming a train operator by doing so

C.might learn to drive a train by observing train operators D.borrowed the keys to the train from the train operator

答案:C 推理判断题。根据第五段中的... carry out cleaning for the train operator...和最后一段可推断出,这位清洁工是为火车司机服务的,所以她学会开火车很可能是靠观察。A项“故意把火车开进公寓大楼”,B项“她这样做的目的是当火车司机”,文中均没有依据;D项文章中没有依据表明钥匙是从火车司机那里借的。