高中英语人教版选修六教案unit2单元教案(word版) 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期一 文章高中英语人教版选修六教案unit2单元教案(word版)更新完毕开始阅读

T: Who is ready


(check some pairs.)

Step 6: Conclusion (3 minutes)

T: Today we just begin our magical journey of poetry. We have talked about some famous poets and learnt many words to show our ideas about poems and songs, right Besides, we also enjoyed two beautiful songs. Do you feel good this class Ss: Yes

T: Thank you.

Step 7: Homework (5 minutes)

T: Here comes your homework. Next period we’ll make a further study about poetry, especially English poetry. So:

1. Please preview the reading part and look up the new words in the dictionary.

2. Try to find an English song or poem, and write a review. Are you all clear Ss: Yes

T: Ok. So much for today. Thanks for your attention. See you! Ss: See you!

Blackboard Design:




romantic 浪漫主义interest

funny 滑稽的,可笑happy meaningfulyric 抒情moving 感人

encouraging 振奋人心

realistic 现实主uninterestdull / boring 枯

sad 悲伤meaninglesbold and lovely 可爱

poetry 诗歌(总

poet 诗人

limerick 打油

style 风



Slide 1: 2





寂寞书斋里,终朝独尔思。 更寻嘉树传,不忘角弓诗。 短褐风霜入,还丹日月迟。 未因乘兴去,空有鹿门期。

——李白 日照香炉生紫烟,




Slide 3:

Slide 5:

沁园春——考试 考场风光, 千里纸飘, 万里眼瞟。 望教室内外, 风景甚好, 交头接耳, 互打手势, 欲与考官试比高;

需来日, 看试卷成绩, 互喜互贺。 惜八股取士, 摇头晃脑。 死记硬背, 甚是苦恼。 一代天骄, 时代骄子, 考试作弊出高招。

俱往矣, 数风流高手, 还看今朝。


1. I’m interested to …… 2. I’m (not) interested 3. I think it will be 4. I’ve never heard of …… 5. I don’t know much about …… 6. I’d like


A: Which song do you like B: I’m interested A: Why are you interested B: Because …… What about A: Well, I prefer

Because I

Slide 4: the lyric of the song “My Heart Will Go On” (omit)

Unit 2


Period 2 —— Reading

(content) Teaching material: Unit 2

Lesson type: Reading

NSEFC Book 6 ——