高中英语人教版选修六教案unit2单元教案(word版) 联系客服

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T: So, we call Du Fu realistic poet. Now, I’d like to take a poem written by Du Fu for example. (show a poem written by Du Fu on slide 2) Xxx, would you please read it for us

S1: (reading)

T: Thank you very much. Well, can you understand the meaning of this poem Ss: No.

T: I don’t know, either. I think if we don’t know the background of the poem and some necessary explanations, it will be very difficult for us to understand a traditional poem, right Ss: Yes

T: Well, what about this one Who’d like to read it for us (show a English songs “Do

S3: (reading)

Ri Mi on slide 3)

T: Do you think it is easier to understand Ss: Yes

T: I’m sure all of us know what it talks about.

Step 3: Reading (5 minutes)

T: Today we’ll learn some English poems. They includes many kinds…. Ss: (reading)

T: Thanks for your sweet voice. Look at the first poem , can you tell me what is the Nursery Rhymes

S4: Strong rhythm and rhyme, a lot of repetition, easy to learn and to recite

T: Yes. Good.

What the matter is. OK

T: Can you understand the meaning of this poem It talks about a football match, right With him S5: They lost the game.

Step 4: Discussion (10 minutes)

T: OK, up till now, we have collected several words to describe different styles of poems. Well, what other words will we need to talk about poems Now, would you please form a group of four and have a discussion.

What other words will we need to talk about poems Are you clear

Ss: Yes

T: Ok. I’ll give you three minutes. After that, I’d like some of you to list some words you need. Now, go! (Three minutes later)

T: OK. Time’s up. Who’d like to be the bravest one S6: funny, happy. T: Good. Any other

opinions S7: Boring, dull, sad.

T: Very good. Any other words

S8: Moving, meaningful, meaningless.


Step 5: Pair work (10 minutes)

T: Well, what about this one

(Sing an English song of another style by myself——Jingle Bells) Do you think it is very sad Ss: No.

T: Do you think it is happy Ss: Yes

T: Yes, it sounds very happy. It is also very lovely, right Ss: Yes

T: Well, compare with these two songs, which one do you like better This time, I’d like you to discuss with your desk-mates and make up a dialogue. Which song do you like better Why

You can make up your dialogue with these useful expressions and sentence patterns. Maybe this sample may help you a lot. (show the useful expressions

and a sample on slide 5) Is that clear Ss: Yes

T: OK, go. You have five minutes to prepare. (five minutes later)