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请按照下面汇票格式及练习中提供的信息制作英文汇票。 No. Exchange for At days after date pay to the order of the sum of Drawn To for signature


A draft for USD 100,000.00 is drawn by the American Exporter Co. Inc. Tampa, Florida, U.S.A on the French Issuing Bank, Paris on 9 May, 2009, payable at 60 days after sight to the order of themselves marked “Drawn under the French Issuing Bank, Paris L/C No. 154 dated 25 Feb, 2009”.


2013年5月3日,B Garments Singapore Co., Ltd 公司出具了一张以A Import and Export Corp公司为付款人,收款人凭C Office Products 公司指示的见票后90天付款远期汇票,票面金额为 1万美元,并将汇票交给了C Office Products 公司。请制作一张远期汇票。

