江西省南昌市2018届高三年级摸底考试英语试题 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期六 文章江西省南昌市2018届高三年级摸底考试英语试题更新完毕开始阅读

W: I could be interested, but will there be snakes I hate snakes. They make me scared. Text 3

W: Is that the menu for the student canteen Let me see what’s for lunch today M: It’s yesterday’s. You can find the latest one on the school website. Text 4

W: Where are you now Still working at the cafe The football match is about to begin.

M: No. I’m on the subway. You’d better go in first. Otherwise we’ll both miss the start of the

game. Text 5

W: I hope you like the book I lent you. I wasn’t sure if you would be interested.

M: Well, I had the same doubt at first. But once I started, I simply couldn’t put it down. Text 6

M: Hi, Julia. Why didn’t you come to my party Everyone missed you. W: What party

M: I had a party last Saturday.

W: What a pity! If you had called me, I wouldn’t have gone to the museum. M: I left a text message to you. W: Oh, I changed my number. M: You should have told me. W: Sorry, it is my fault. Text 7

W: Jiffy Pizza. Can I take your order M: Yes, I’d like a large pizza.

W: What kind of toppings would you like on that M: Oh, I don’t know. What toppings can I order

W: Well, we’ve got sausage, bacon, ham, pineapple, mushrooms, tomatoes, and green peppers. M: Hmm...I’ll have sausage and mushrooms. No, wait...let me change that. I’d like ham and pineapple

on it.

W: Okay. That comes to...ten ninety. May I have your name, address, and phone number M: Uh, my name’s John Smith. I’m at 533 Rose Avenue, and you can reach me at 8762435. W: Okay. We’ll be there at 5:15. M: In half an hour Great, thanks! Text 8

W: Hi, Ben! Only one more week at college, and then our summer holidays begin. Great, isn’t it

M: I don’t know. It might get a bit boring. I want to fly off somewhere hot, and lie on the beach

and go swimming. But I don’t think I’ve got enough money to go anywhere nice for a holiday this year.

W: Hey, I’m going on a walking holiday in Scotland with some friends. Why don’t you come with

us It won’t cost much.

M: I’m not sure. Walking all day sounds like hard work to me. W: Not exactly. You’ll come home feeling really relaxed and fit.

M: Look Lisa, thanks a lot for asking me, but I think I’ll just have a rest at home! Text 9

M: I’m talking to Jackie Gould, who’s a proud mother. Her daughter Olivia appeared on the stage

of London theater, in the musical The Sound of Music last month. So how did it all come about W: Well, until last year, the idea of her appearing at the London theater would have been unthinkable

for our family. Things started to happen when Olivia got the leading role for the show Annie at the local theater. For Annie, Olivia had to learn more than 200 lines. She was on stage for most of the two-hour show. I decided that we’d do ten pages a night. After memorizing it, I gave her a line, and she would have to tell me what the next line was. She picked it all up even better than her homework. M: And she did well in the part

W: She was great in the part. She had always been shy, and she suddenly became less shy and more

confident. A member of the stage management team for the show was taking over a local agency and asked her to sign up. So then she had an agent to represent her and try to get roles for her. Text 10

M: Good evening, everyone. I’m Henry James. It’s weather time now. So what will the weather be

like tomorrow The fine days will finally be gone. On Tuesday morning, there will be a mix of sun and clouds. The temperature will be 17℃. There will be no rain. There will be wind that travels 10 kilometers per hour.

On Tuesday afternoon, there is a risk of a storm. The temperature will reach 28℃. And there

will be some rain. Wind will travel at 15 kilometers per hour.

On Tuesday evening, it’ll be cloudy with showers. The temperature will be 21℃. Wind will

travel at 10 kilometers per hour.

On Tuesday night, there is a risk of a shower. The temperature will be as low as 18℃. Wind

will travel at 10 kilometers per hour.

That’s so much for tomorrow’s weather. Next are this week’s most popular songs. Thank you

for your listening. See you at the same time tomorrow evening.