杭州市2018年中考英语模拟试卷9 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期六 文章杭州市2018年中考英语模拟试卷9更新完毕开始阅读


There is a popular saying in the English language: \but names will never hurt me.\Well, that is not true.

Unkind words, name-calling or even the so-called \much as being physically(身体上) hit, sometimes even more so.

A recent study of middle school children showed that verbal abuse (语言攻击) by other children can harm development in the brain. The study was from researchers at Harvard Medical School in Massachusetts.

Researcher Martin Teicher and his team studied young adults suffered (遭受) in their childhood from both parents and other children. Then the researchers did imaging tests on the brains of the subjects (实验对象).

The results showed that the subjects who said to have suffered verbal abuse from their peers in middle school had underdeveloped connections between the left and right side of the brain.

The two sides of the brain are connected by a special material called the corpus callosum. This was the area that was underdeveloped.

The middle school years are a time when these brain connections are developing. So, unkind, hurtful comments from children or adults during this period had the greatest influence.

The researchers tested the mental condition of all the young people in the study. The tests showed that the group suffered verbal abuse had higher levels of fear, depression, anger and drug abuse than others in the study.

We cannot control what other people say to our children. But we can prepare them. A website called CreativeWithKids.com suggests 64 things that all children need to hear:________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 26. What does the English saying “ Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me” mean?

A. People won’t get hurt if they are hit by sticks and stones.

B. People won’t get hurt when others call his or her name when they meet. C. People won’t get hurt if others say unkind words to them. D. Names are not important for people.

27. What might the word “peers” mean in paragraph 6? A. The teachers.

B. The parents.

C. The subjects.

D. The classmates.

28. Which part of the brain is undeveloped for students who suffered verbal abuse?

B. The left part of the brain. A.The corpus callosum. C. The right part of the brain

D. They will be unkind to others, too.

29. What will happen to the people who suffered verbal abuse during their childhood? B. Their brain will be seriously hurt. A. They are easier to have mental problems. C. They will get physically hurt.

D. They will be unkind to others, too.

30. Which of the following will NOT be included in the 64 things that all children need to hear?

A. Your make me smile. B. You are creative. C. How can you be so silly!

D. You make a difference.

第二节(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)【根据2016年台州市中考卷阅读理解改编】 下面文章中有五处(第31—35题)需要添加小标题。 以下选项(A、B、C、D、E和F)中选出符合各段意思的小标题。选项中有一项是多余选项。

A. B. C. D. E. F. The cost of a Uber taxi What is Uber Uber taxis are always there Uber app brings much convenience Uber is popular among people The advantages(优点) of Uber For over 100 years, it is convenient for people to go from one place to another by taxi. But sometimes there are no taxis coming to the place you are waiting. However, this has become a thing of past since Uber app appears.

____ 31______ Uber is an American company that provides a taxi service through an app on the smart phone. It was set up in March,2009 and has grown quickly. An app, in fact, is a computer program working on smart phones, computers and other communication devices. By using your smart phone, you can easily and quickly order a taxi and takes you to the place you want to go.

_____32______ The nicest thing about Uber app is that you can see where your taxi is or how long it will take to reach you on your smart phone screen. And you can also find the telephone number of the driver in Uber app, so you can call or send messages to the driver when you are waiting.

_____33______ Uber is always available 24 hours a day. 365 days a year. If you want to go somewhere, you can easily open Uber app at home or anywhere in the open air, then it connects you to the nearest driver. Usually it takes only between 15 minutes to get a Uber taxi by using Uber app.

_____34______ Uber is popular because it is simple and very user-friendly. You have nothing to do with a taxi company. If you are not pleased with the ride and the driver, you can give the driver a low score through Uber app, so Uber is simple, time-saving, and above all very easy.

_____35______ At Uber, the payment is easy through your bank card. How much you need to pay depends on the country and the city you are in. It is sure that Uber taxis are much cheaper than taxis you used to take.

第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分25分)

第一节 完形填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)【原创】 (材料来源:

http://www.51voa.com/VOA_Special_English/dual-language-schools-popular-in-new-york-city-66770.html) 通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后在各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出一个最佳选项。

In New York City public schools, 176 different languages are __36__ among more than one million students.21教育名师原创作品

For 160,000 children, English is not their first language. New York's Department of Education

__37___ learning better for these students by providing dual-language programs. Students are usually taught__38___ two languages, English and __39__, like Chinese or __40__. Math, social studies, science and all other __41__ courses are taught in both languages. And they__42__the culture of the other country at the same time.

Milady Baez is Deputy Chancellor of English Language Learners. She says these dual-language programs will help children __43__ in the future. \__44__ that our students know more than one language. They are going to be traveling __45__. They are going to be communicating with people from all over the world. This will open doors for them.\ Shuya Zhang teaches a dual language class. She says the program helps children get ready

__46__work with people in other countries.\America has started economic relationships with China. Lots of factories __47__. They need people who __48__ both practical skills and language skill.\

__49__ these dual-language programs are popular, some groups in the U.S. think English should always comes first. \have no problem with people speaking multiple (多种多样的) languages. It’s OK if people want to speak__50__different language at home. What we do think is schools should prioritize English.\36. A. speak 37. A. make 38. A. with 39. A. one another 40. A. Germany 41. A. regular 42. A. learn from 43. A. success 44. A. ask 45. A. abroad 46. A. for 47. A. have built 48. A. with 49. A. Because 50. A. a

第二节 语法填空【改编自2016年杭州市中考卷任务型阅读】


Everyone loves holidays abroad. They give us the chance to see more sights and have some fun. ___51___, holidays aren’t always good ___52___ (experience). Follow these tips and make B.speaked B.makes B. for B .another one B. Germans B. popular B. learn at B. succeed B. hope B. aboard B. to B. has built B. knows B. When B. an

C. speaken C. is made C. through C. other one C. German C. easy C. learn to C. successful C. require C. away C. at

C. has been built C. has C. While C. the

D. spoken D. made D. in D. other ones D. Germanian D. interesting D. learn about D. successfully D. advice D. outside D. on

D. have been built D. have D. However D./

sure you enjoy your holiday.

1. Get organized.

Have you packed your passport? Your tickets? Every year, thousands of people miss flights because they’ve ___53___(forget) their passports. 2. Do some research.

How much do you know about the place you will visit? Learning ___54___ little about the culture of a country will help you understand the people. Learning a few words of ___55___ (other) language can also help you make new friends.

3. Remember the environment

Travel by train if you can. Flying produces twenty times ___56___(many) carbon dioxide (二氧化碳) than traveling ___57___ a train. Of course, it might be impossible to avoid ___58___ (fly), but when you arrive, use buses or trains instead of taxis.

4. Keep a good memory for your holiday.

You won’t want to forget your holiday. Make a scrapbook—a book of memories—about your holiday. You can show it ___59___ your friends, or just use it to remember all the good times, which will surely become the ___60___ (value) treasure when you get old. 第Ⅱ卷

第四部分 写作(共两节,满分25分)



61.Tom’s garden is quite nice, but I prefer m_______. 【改编自2016年宁波市中考卷】 62. Do not s________ your private information on Weibo.【改编自2016年宁波市中考卷】 63. Children usually attend a primary school at the a________ of six in China. 【改编自2016年衢州市中考卷】

64. It was so boring in the countryside, I had n_________ to do but read in my room.【原创】 65. He has already eaten three apples, and now he is eating a f________ one! 【原创】 66. Sorry, you can’t get in u________ you can show me your ticket. 【原创】 67. Of all the animals, I like g________ best. Their long necks are so cool! 【原创】 68. You are e________ to bow in Japan when you meet people for the first time. 【原创】 69. In my hometown, A________ is the hottest month of the year. 【原创】

70. A person who is h________ is funny and always tells jokes to make others laugh. 【原创】

