外研版八年级英语上册同步指导及练习(Module 1--Module ) 联系客服

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1. as引导状语从句与其他词连用 (1)用于the same…as结构中

This is the same book as I read last week .这本书和我上周读的那本是一样的。 (2)用于such…as结构中

I don‘t like such books as he recommends.我不喜欢他推荐的那些书。 (3)用于―so+ adj. +a/an +n.(单数)+as‖结构中

I am not so strong a man as I was.我已经没有从前那么强壮了。 2. as单独引导定语从句

as单独引导定语从句时,先行词可以是一个词,也可以是一个句子或短语。例如: (1)She is late ,as is often the case.她迟到了,这是经常的事。(先行词是整个主句) (2)To shut your eyes to facts, as many of you do ,is foolish.对事实视而不见----你们好多人都是如此的愚蠢。(先行词是不定式短语)



He came to China as a tourist five years ago. 他五年前以游客的身份来过中国。



They don‘t have as many airplanes.他们没有同样多的飞机。


(一)本模块是围绕TV programmes展开的,现将与此有关的短语和句子总结如下。 1. TV programmes: (1)the TV guide 电视指南 (2)world news世界新闻

(3)a programme on animals.关于动物的节目。 (4)a comedy programme喜剧节目 (5)music programme音乐节目 (6)News in Chinese汉语新闻 (7)Thai cooking泰国烹饪 (8)top ten songs前10名的歌曲

(9)sports programme体育节目 (10)action film动作电影 (11)watch cartoons看卡通片 (12)game show游戏类节目 (13)nature and science自然与科学 2. what‘s on now现在演什么节目

3. the news is on in ten minutes十分钟后会演新闻节目 4. change channels换频道 5. film director电影导演 6. the type of film电影的类型 7. scary film恐怖电影

(二)其他短语 1. fall asleep 入睡 2. no idea不知道

3. play their latest music演奏最新的音乐 4. the best bands最好的乐队 5. switch the TV off关电视

6. interview four students采访四位同学 7. play sport做运动 8. plenty of action许多动作 9. win prizes获奖

10. get more acting jobs得到更多的演出工作

11. give the information about the day‘s events给出关于一天中的大事的信息 12. smile at sb.冲某人微笑

13. walk over to the river向河边走去 14. look around the farm向农场四周看 15. the ending of the film电影的结局

四、重点句式的讲解与分析 1. It was so boring that I fell asleep.


The film was so interesting that made me laugh.这部电影如此有趣以至于我笑了。 <拓展>

①so后跟形容词或副词的原级,表示程度。 so后是形容词还是副词取决于 so前面的谓语动词,若是系动词,一般用形容词,否则就用副词。

The desk is so heavy that I can‘t move it.这张桌子如此重以至于我搬不动它。 ②so后可跟many, much, few, little加名词

I have had so many falls that I‘m black and blue all over.我摔了这么多跤以至于混身青一块紫一块。

③so后可以跟adj. +a/an+名词+that从句。

This is so heavy a bag that I can‘t carry it.这个包如此重以至于我拿不动它。


A. 简单句so…that中间是形容词或副词时,若从句是肯定句,可以用enough to改写。 The film was interesting enough to make me laugh.这电影足够有趣,使我笑了。 若从句为否定句,要用too…to改写,用not+原句形容词、副词的反义词+enough to 改写;或主从句主语不一致时,要在不定式前加for sb.作不定式的逻辑主语。第1的例子可改为:

The desk is too heavy for me to move.(省略宾语以避免重复) 也可以改为:The desk isn‘t light enough for me to move.

B. o+ adj. +a/ an+ n. +that从句可改为such…that句型。如第3的例句可改为: This is such a heavy bag that I can‘t carry it .或This is too heavy a bag for me to carry. C. 可改为并列句。

The film was very interesting ,so it made me laugh.

(2) <拓展>boring的用法:bore vt. 使……反映如:

<1>The trip to Beijing is boring. 北京之旅叫人厌烦。 <2> He is bored to die. 他讨厌得要死。

<3>Don‘t bore him. He is studying. 不要烦他,他正在学习。 <拓展>so…that与so that的区别.

(1)―so+形容词或副词+that从句‖是常用的引导结果状语从句的句式,意思是―如此……以至于……‖。so that也可以放在一起引导结果状语,so前用逗号隔开,可以译为―因此;所以‖。

如:The sunshine today is so beautiful that I‘d like to go swimming in the sea. 今天的阳光如此明媚,我真想去大海里游泳。 He got up too late, so that he didn‘t catch the train.


(2)so that 也用于引导目的状语从句,表示―为了,以便‖,从句中常出现can, could, may, will等情态动词。如:

Mr. Black walks to work every day, so that he could save some money to buy his child some food. 布莱克先生每天走着去上班,以便节省下来些钱给他的孩子买点食物.

2. I watched the whole programme even though it was two hours long. 我看完了整个节目,尽管它长达二小时。

<拓展>①even though ―尽管,虽然‖=though, although. 引导让步状语从句.

注意:汉语中常说―虽然……但是……‖,英语中两者只能用其一,即although/even though/though 不与but连用,但可与still, yet连用。

如:Although/Though/Even though she is ill, she still keeps working. =She is ill, but she keeps working. ②even though ―即使‖=even if

They won‘t accept it even though I give the house away. 即使我把房子白给他们,他们都不要。

3. He enjoys them because there is plenty of action.他喜欢他们,因为有许多动作。 <拓展>―许多‖的表达法:

(1)a great deal of, much, a great amount of. 这三个词+不可数名词 而a great amount of 多修饰钱

(2)a great many, many, a great number of, many a

除many a +单数名词外,其他三个词都+名词复数,这四个短语都表示复数意义。 注意:many a +单数名词,虽表示复数意义,但谓语动词用单数。

<试一试> has entered for the speech competition.许多学生报名参加了演讲比赛. A. Many a student B. A great many students C. A lot of students. (3).a lot of ,plenty of


注意:plenty of 多用在肯定句中=a lot of,在否定句或疑问句中多用 a lot of, many, much 4. She likes watching people run, jump and do funny things so they can win prizes. 她喜欢看人们跑,跳,并且做一些有趣的事,这样他们能获奖.

<拓展>watch sb.

与之相同用法的动词还有:hear ,notice ,feel ,listen to,…… <拓展>win prizes 荣获 win与beat, defeat的区别 (1)win +a game(比赛) a war (战争) a prize(奖品)等词