四川省2017年普通高校职教师资和高职班对口招生统一考试 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期六 文章四川省2017年普通高校职教师资和高职班对口招生统一考试更新完毕开始阅读

11:50-12:05 12:05-12:20 12:20-12:35 lunch Social science lunch Social science lunch Social science lunch Social science lunch Social science 12:35-12:50 Writing Writing Writing Writing 12:50-1:05 1:05-1:20 Physical Physical education education 1:20-1:35 reading reading 1:35-1:50 reading 1:50-2:05 2:05-2:20 reading reading Physical Physical 2:20-2:35 education education 2:35-2:50 2:50-3:05 23. This is most likely a_________. A meeting schedule B. travel schedule C. class schedule 24. When does the reading period start on Thursday?

A. At 12:20am. B. At l:05pm C, At l:35pm 25. How long is the lunch break?

A. 20 minutes. B. 30 minutes. C. 40 minutes


阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A. B. C. D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡


Min Jie has been caring for his mother for more than six years

The 29-year-old from Beishan village in Rizhao, Shandong province, also has to search for his older brother, who left home in 2006 and never returned.

Min's mother has dementia, meaning she often gets lost and is unable to care for herself.

One time, while out searching for her eldest son, she was knocked down by a car and had to

spend a month in hospital recovering.

Min's father died in 2010. Ever since then, Min has been taking care of his mother all by himself--- even taking her to work with him. Whenever they move and wherever they go, the first thing they do is looking for his older brother.

Finally, Min found a car-washing job at an automobile maintenance(维修)school in Rizhao,

where he can earn money while learning a trade. Moved by his story, the head of the school offered Min a 20-square meter dorm, where both the mother and the son now live.

26. The underlined word in Para.3 means _________ A. the ability to take care of others B. the ability to take care of oneself

C. an illness that makes one unable to speak D. an illness that makes one often forget things

27. Min Jie started to take full care of his mother in________.

A. 2000 f3. 2006 C. 2010 D. 2016 28. The head of the school helped Min Jie by providing ______ for him. A. a job B a room C. some money D. a car 29. We learned from the story that _______.

A. Min Jie has been doing his best for his mother. B. Min Jie's brother has come back home. C. Min Jie's father died of an illness. D. Min Jie once had a car accident.


14 February 2017 Dear Parents*,

I would like to give you a warm welcome and invite you to our school event on Saturday

morning, 25th February.

This will be a good opportunity for you to meet the Arts Program teachers and learn the details of our Arts Program. We would also be happy to discuss other issues that you are interested in and answer any questions that you may have.

The schedule on Saturday 25th February will be as follows: Time Event Venue 8:30am-9:30am Light Drinks & Charting Room 381, Block C 9:45am-11:45am Introduction of the Arts Program Room 382, Block C Further information of the event will be given to you closer to the date We look forward to meeting you. Warmest regards,

Chan Poh Meng Head of School Office

* For parents of all 2017Arts Program students (classes 1701, 1702, 1703, 1704) 30. The letter is from ________.

A. a parent B. the school office C. a student D. class 2017 31. The event is planned to start at ________.

A. 8:30 am, 25th February B. 9:30 am, 14th February C. 9:45 am, 14th February D. 11:45am, 25th February 32. The Arts Program has ______ classes.

A.2 B.4 C.6 D.8

33. The main purpose of the event is to ________ .

A. provide the opportunity for parents to talk with each other B. encourage parents to attend school activities C. introduce the Arts Program to parents D. gather parents for light drinks C

Do you know the name Momofuku Ando'? If' you don't, you probably don't live

in Japan, but you do know what made him famous - he invented the “instant” noodle that now you see in the soup aisle of every store.

Ando was born in Taiwan. Faced with the food shortages (短缺) in post-world war II Japan, Ando thought a quality, convenient noodle product would help to feed the hungry people.

At 23, he entered Ritsumeikan University and, at the same time, he founded a small trading firm in Osaka. The company went belly up one year later. However, he didn't give up. In 1948, he founded what later would become Nissin Co., in Ikeda, Osaka. It was then a small family-run company that produced salt.

Ando was sure a product with such simple instructions (Take the noodle out of its package and place it in a bowl. Add boiling water, cover, and wait three minutes.) would be a hit, but the Japanese food industry rejected the product as something with no future.

But they were wrong. The packages sold beyond anyone's expectations, and over ten other

companies rushed to put similar products on the market. By the end of 1958, it had become a staple (曰常必需品)in Japan.

Today, each Japanese person eats about 45 packages of instant noodle each year. It's catching on in the U.S., too. Customers there eat about nine packages each year. 34. Which of the following is true about Momofuku Ando? A. He was born in Japan.

B. He founded Nissin Co. at 23. C. He rejected the instant noodle. D. His invention made him famous. 35. Ando's first company____ . A. helped hungry Taiwanese B. was moved to Ikeda C. was unsuccessful D. produced salt

36. The last paragraph suggests that the instant noodle is _______.

A. not popular in Japan

B. as popular in U.S. as in Japan

C. becoming less popular in Japan

D. starting to get popular in the U.S.

37. What's the best title for this article? A. The History of Nissin Co.

B. Ando and the Instant Noodle C. The Food Shortages in Japan

D. How to Cook the Instant noodle D

Bike sharing services can serve people very well, considering the increasing traffic jams in many cities. The services are quickly accepted by the public for their cheap prices and other benefits(益处). For instance, people are exercising while riding a shared bike, which also helps to protect our environment. This is like shooting a few birds with one stone.

But with the new bike-sharing fever come some problems. For a whole week, I kept seeing a

shared bike at the from door of my neighbor's flat where it should not be parked. It was there every morning when I headed to my workplace and it was still there every night when I came back home. Of course, it may not be the same one. Also, I have heard, more than once, from friends saying that they would like to lock up the bike or take it home. Clearly, some people still haven't fully realized that it's not right to do that.

Of course, the government has realized this and some people have been warned or even lost their jobs for breaking the rules of using these bikes .As such services are still pretty new, both the public and the companies owning these bikes need time to adjust. But hopefully, more people in the near future will stop treating the shared bikes like private ones

38. According to the text, one reason the public like bike-sharing services is that______.

A. people can enjoy fresh air B. riding a bike is fashionable C. riding a bike is good for health

D. the traffic condition is better than before 39. What does the underlined part in Para.l mean? A. One act achieves more than one thing. B. People like to kill birds with stones. C. People like to ride shared bikes. D. One stone can kill two birds.

40. According to the text, one problem of the bike-sharing services is that____ A. the bikes do not always work well B. the bikes are often stolen by thieves

C. the bikes are often broken by careless riders

D. the bikes are not always parked at the right places

4 Z. To improve bike-sharing services, the government has been ______. A. punishing those who break bike-sharing rules B. increasing the number of private bikes C. adjusting the design of shared bikes