(人教版)2019-2020学年八年级上英语同步单元双基双测AB卷: Unit 1 测试卷(A卷)含答案 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期一 文章(人教版)2019-2020学年八年级上英语同步单元双基双测AB卷: Unit 1 测试卷(A卷)含答案更新完毕开始阅读

She learned a lot there.

John spent most of his time at home. He likes music. He read a lot of books about art. 26. Big Apple is _______.

A. Beijing B. Sanya C. New York D. Shanghai 【答案】:C

【解析】:细节理解题。根据文中Kelsey went to New York City in the US. It is a very big city. It is also called Big Apple可知,New York被称为Big Apple。 27. _______ went to the shows in Sydney.

A. Lily B. Victor C. Sonia D. Jet 【答案】:

【解析】:细节理解题。根据文中Sonia went to Sydney with his family. They also went to the shows there可知,Sonia一家人常去看演出。 28. Vera visited many_______ in Beijing.

A. parks B. schools C. stores D. museums 【答案】:D

【解析】:细节理解题。根据文中Vera went to Beijing, China. She visited them可知,Vera去了北京,参观了很多博物馆。

29. John read a lot of books about _______.

A. China B. museum C. art D. beach volleyball 【答案】:C

【解析】:细节理解题。根据文中John spent most of his time at home. He read a lot of books about art可知,John阅读了很多有关艺术的书籍。

30. How many friends of Lucy’s are mentioned (提到) in the article? A. Four B. Five C. Six D. Seven 【答案】:B



It was a nice day on July 3, sunny and cool. Steve’s mother took him and his sister Helen to visit the Hong Kong Museum of History. The museum is in Kowloon Park.

They got to the museum at eleven o’clock. They saw an old store, a village house, an old boat and many other old things. They learned about what Hong Kong was like 100 years ago. In the past, Hong Kong was a small fishing village. Most people were fishermen. Steve and Helen took some notes about the history of Hong Kong. They also took some photos of the old things.

They left the museum at two o’clock in the afternoon.

31. How was the weather on July 3?

A. Sunny and hot. B. Sunny and cool. C. Sunny and windy. D. Cloudy and cool. 【答案】:

【解析】:细节理解题。根据文中It was a nice day on July 3, sunny and cool可知,天气晴朗,气温凉爽。

32. What didn’t Steve and Helen do in the museum?

A. Swimming. B. Taking notes. C. Taking photos. D. Seeing some old things. 【答案】:A

【解析】:细节理解题。根据文中第二段They saw an old store, a village house, an old boat and many other old things. Steve and Helen took some notes about the history of Hong Kong. They also took some photos of the old things可知,Steve and Helen没有游泳。 33. How long did they stay in the Hong Kong Museum of History?

A. For an hour. B. For two hours. C. For three hours. D. For four hours. 【答案】:C

【解析】:细节理解题。根据文中They got to the museum at eleven o’clock. They left the museum at two o’clock in the afternoon.可知,他们11点到,下午2点离开,共停留3个小时。 34. What was Hong Kong like in the past?

A. It was an old city. B. It was a village park. C. It was a fishing park. D. It was a fishing village. 【答案】:D

【解析】:细节理解题。根据文中In the past, Hong Kong was a small fishing village可知,香港过去是一个渔村。

35. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A. There is an old boat in an old house in the museum.

B. There are still lots of fishermen living in the old houses. C. Steve and Helen had lunch in the museum with their mother. D. Steve and Helen learned a lot about old Hong Kong in the museum. 【答案】:D

【解析】:推断题,根据文章第二段可知,Steve and Helen在博物馆里了解到很多香港过去的事情。A项表述不全;C、D相关细节文章没有提及。



A: Hi, Dave. I saw some photos on your blog. They are wonderful! B: Thanks, Kate.

A: The mountains in your photos are very beautiful and I like them very much. B: Me too.

A: (36) _______________________________________ B: They're in a national park.

A: (37) _______________________________________

B: I went hiking along a river and climbed a mountain. A: (38) _______________________________________ B: Yes, I did.

A: (39) _______________________________________

B: A lake, lots of mountains and quite a few green trees. A: Wow. (40) _______________________________________ B: Of course! We can take a road trip there together.

A. What did you see on the top? B. Can you take me there sometime next week? C. What did you do in the park? D. Sounds great.

E. Where are they? F. Did you get to the top? G. Did you go with anyone?

36. 【答案】:E

【解析】:根据下句They're in a national park可知,A在询问山脉的地点。 37. 【答案】:C

【解析】:根据下句I went hiking along a river and climbed a mountain可知,A询问B在公园的活动情况。 38. 【答案】:F

【解析】:根据下句Yes, I did可知,A在询问B是否到达山顶。 39. 【答案】:A

【解析】:根据下句A lake, lots of mountains and quite a few green trees可知,A在询问B在山顶看到什么。 40. 【答案】:B


第II卷 非选择题


(一) 用方框内所给单词的适当形式填空 different like somewhere bore play

41. I ________ math because I think it is a little boring. 【答案】:dislike

【解析】:根据下句it is a little boring可知,我不喜欢数学。

42. Nancy, can you find out six ________ between the two pictures on the wall? 【答案】:differences

【解析】:根据句意可知,墙上的两幅图片之间有六处不同。six后跟名词的复数。 43. Wang Hua was ______ with his teacher’s long speech, so he felt sleepy. 【答案】:bored

【解析】:根据下句he felt sleepy可知,他感到困倦是因为厌倦了老师冗长的演讲。