职称英语考试综合类B级试题及参考答?- 百度文库 ϵͷ

ʱ : ڶ 职称英语考试综合类B级试题及参考答?- 百度文库ϿʼĶ

One of the murals that will be restored now is Kent Twitchell's \Street Altarpiece.\(50) Twitchell said, \to . must drive. The open hands represent peace.\

Artists often call murals the people's art. Along a busy freeway or hidden in a quiet neighborhood, murals can teach people who would never pay money to see fine art in a museum, \artist.

A. The city trying to stop the spread of graffiti, has painted over some of the murals complete.

B. This striking work depicts two people facing each other on opposite sides of the freeway near downtown Los Angeles.

C. Artists like murals because they like the work of Mexican artists. D. Now the city is beginning a huge project to restore the city's murals. E. The mural represents the history of ethnic groups in California.

F. Soon, their murals became a symbol of the city's cultural expressions and a showcase for .'s cultural diversity.

6֣(51~65⣬ ÿ1֣ 15)

15հףݶΪÿհȷ1ѡ The Internet House

A leading British building and design company has just announced their plans for the home of the future. The new design,_____(51)as the Internet House, has five bedrooms, plenty of bathrooms and a double garage. But these are not the main selling _____(52),for it is the 25000_____(53)of automation that makes this house really different.

It will be _____(54),for people who have plenty of money, but not a great _____(55)of time; young professionals in other words. They are likely to be _____(56)to the idea of a microwave that provides easy-to-cook _____(57)via the Internet and cooker that switches itself on or off at a command received via e-mail.

All the appliances in the house,_____(58)the heating and lighting controls, are linked together _____(59)means of a gadget(Сװ)called a router Using what's called a Webpad, a kind of portable lap-top computer, the owners of the house tap in commands from _____(60)they may be. The Webpad _____(61)a signal to the router, which _____(62)the message and then activates the necessary controls. On the home at night, for example, the owners can switch on the lights or _____(63)the central heating working, and so_____(64)sure that they have a nice warm welcome when they _____(65)into their home. ( ) 51. A. entitled B. known C. referred D. named ( ) 52. A. plots B. plans C. points D. paths ( ) 53. A. value B. price C. worth D. cost ( ) 54. A. accurate B. model C. precise D. ideal ( ) 55. A. length B. deal C. lot D. extent

( ) 56. A. excited B. intended C. interested D. attracted ( ) 57. A. recipes B. projects C. receipts D. invitations ( ) 58. A. as long as B. as soon as C. as well as D. as far as ( ) 59. A. for B. in C. with D. by

( ) 60. A. whatever B. however C. whichever D. wherever ( ) 61. A. draws B. speaks C. sends D. hearsay ( ) 62. A. decodes B. discounts C. decides D. deserves ( ) 63. A. lead B. have C. put D. get ( ) 64. A. come B. make C. keep D. hold ( ) 65. A. stay B. stand C. step D. start


1֣ʻѡ(115⣬ÿ1֣15) 1-5. C A B D A 6-10. C C BBA 11-15. CAAAD 2֣Ķж(1622⣬ÿl֣7)

16-22. C A B C A B C

3֣ɾ(2330⣬ÿ1֣8) 23-26. E D A C 27-30. F ECA

4֣Ķ(3145⣬ÿ3֣45) 31-35. DBDBB 36-40. DABBA 41-45. AABDB

5֣ȫ(4650⣬ÿ2֣10) 46-50. ADCEB

6֣(5165⣬ÿ1֣15) 51-55. B CCDB 56-60. DACDD 61-65. CADBC