浙江省名校新高考研究联盟2017届第三次联考英语试题(附答案) 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期六 文章浙江省名校新高考研究联盟2017届第三次联考英语试题(附答案)更新完毕开始阅读

of his icebox, Moore explained, was that farmers would no longer have to travel to market at night in order to keep their produce cool. 27. We can learn from paragraph 1 that ______.

A. fish was shipped in refrigerated freight cars B. many fish dealers also sold ice to make money

C. fish was not part of the ordinary person’s diet long ago D. fish dealers were among the early commercial users of ice

28. In the early nineteenth century, what made it difficult to develop an efficient icebox?

A. A lack of networks for the transportation of ice. B. Lacking the knowledge of the physics of heat.

C. Not knowing how to prevent ice from melting quickly.

D. Competition among the owners of refrigerated freight cars. 29. Thomas Moore’s icebox allowed him to ______. A. charge more for his butter B. travel to market at night C. produce ice all year round D. transport butter more quickly 30. What’s the passage mainly about? A. The influence of ice on the diet. B. The development of refrigeration. C. The transportation of goods to market. D. Sources of ice in the nineteenth century.



You’ve probably heard horror stories about a new school, so it’s perfectly understandable if you’re a little worried about what it will be like. 31 Fear 1: What if?The other kids tease me?

Some “cool” older kid might give you a hard time at some point, but you can just ignore him and walk away. 32 The important thing is to focus on your own real friends, so that if a bully(欺凌) tries to put you down, you’ll have someone to turn to for support.

Fear 2: What if?The teachers are too strict?

Most teachers will be clear about what you need to do to succeed in their class. 33 If you do run into a teacher you just don’t get along with, ask if you can meet with her after class. Then ask her what you need to do to succeed in her class. Most teachers — even the strict ones — will meet you more than halfway if they see you’re sincerely trying your best.

Fear 3: What if?I lose all my friends?

34 However, that doesn’t mean your friendships will end. All you can do is keep being the loyal friend you’ve always been and assume your friends will do the same. But even if you and your friends do decide to go separate ways, it doesn’t mean you’re doomed to be alone forever. 35

In a word, if you approach your new school with the right attitude, nothing can stop you from having the time of your life there.

A. Your teachers will have higher expectations in high school.


B. As long as you do your work and obey their rules, you’ll do fine.

C. If it gets really bad, you can always talk to a teacher or another adult. D. To set those fears at rest, we give our best advice to see you through. E. It’s true that not every friendship survives the changes high school brings. F. A new school means a lot of new people and a lot of potential new friends. G. When you can rely on the friends by your side, nothing seems quite as hard. 第三部分:语言运用(共两节,满分45分)


阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 I have worn two wedding bands(婚戒) for more than a dozen years. The rings seldom get 36 , but when I am asked about them, I 37 , “I have two wives,” an answer that is met with a chuckle(窃笑) or a strange 38 . Recently, after leaving a business meeting, I stopped in the hallway to 39 text messages on my phone. While I was typing, a stranger 40 and enquired, “Why are you wearing two wedding bands?” “I have two wives,” I said. This time there was no chuckle. “No, 41 ,” he said. “Why?” I 42 that I lost my father in 2002. 43 we were saying our final farewells at his funeral, my mother 44 his wedding band and handed it to me. 45 , I placed the gold band on my left middle finger, next to my wedding band. There it has 46 . I told the stranger that I wear my father’s wedding band to 47 my father and my parents’ marriage. I also wear it to 48 myself to be the son, brother, husband, and dad that my father 49 me to be. The stranger nodded and, without any 50 , turned and walked down the stairs to the parking lot. I 51 my mobile phone and messages. 52 the corner of my eye, I noticed the stranger walking 53 toward me. He said, “Sir, you know, I have my father’s wedding band in my sock drawer at home, and from today on, I am going to start 54 it.” I silently nodded, and the stranger 55 turned and walked back down to the parking lot. And I smiled. 36. A. changed B. damaged C. noticed D. repaired 37. A. admit B. respond C. argue D. suppose 38. A. voice B. action C. look D. appearance 39. A. confirm B. judge C. mark D. check

40. A. paused B. visited C. sighed D. admired 41. A. really B. possibly C. totally D. particularly 42. A. analyzed B. explained C. declared D. insisted 43. A. Though B. If C. Because D. As

44. A. fixed B. inspected C. removed D. measured 45. A. Surprised B. Amused C. Worried D. Embarrassed 46. A. improved B. remained C. survived D. expanded

47. A. introduce B. support C. honor D. praise 48. A. allow B. warn C. assist D. remind 49. A. forced B. expected C. permitted D. begged


50. A. promise 51. A. took down 52. A. Out of 53. A. ahead 54. A. protecting 55. A. quietly

C. word D. permission C. worked out D. returned to C. In between D. Other than C. outside D. down

C. decorating D. wearing C. proudly D. curiously

第Ⅱ卷 (共55分)




Fans learning to love effort

For years, Chinese sports fans had attached a lot of importance to gold medals when they watched the Olympic Games. 56 , 2016 Rio Olympic Games saw a healthier and more relaxed attitude 57 sportspeople, fully in line with the Olympic spirit.

China didn’t win any gold medals on the first day. But, instead of 58 (criticize) the athletes who couldn’t finish on top of the podium, most fans praised their efforts. Defending champion Sun Yang failed 59 (win) the gold in the men’s 400-meter freestyle. However, he received many words of comfort and understanding from Chinese sports fans who had seen 60 hard Sun had worked. Swimmer Fu Yuanhui won fans’ 61 (heart), even if she could only win a bronze medal in the 100m backstroke final. Her fans on microblogging platform Sina Weibo 62 (increase) from 100, 000 to over 6 million since then. The 63 (major) of sports fans appreciated her straightforward character.

“As we mature in mentality, learn how to appreciate competition, and become able to 64 (calm) applaud our competitors, we present the confidence and tolerance of a great country,” 65 article in the People’s Daily pointed out.

第四部分:写作(共两节,满分40分) 第一节:应用文写作(满分15分)


1.考虑大学招生要求和未来发展; 2.考虑自身兴趣和特长; 3.多了解相关信息。 注意:




B. reason B. held up B. Away from B. back B. replacing B. anxiously



A few months ago nobody knew for sure what would happen inside Windsor Place, a nursing home, when it became home to a class of kindergartners. Never before had a Kansas school or nursing home tried this — mixing the old and young in a way for each to learn from the other.

Sure, organizers hoped some good things would happen. But as they watched the class of 21 students in their white, paper graduation caps, they said they didn’t expect this. They couldn’t have known ahead of time the transformations, in the young and old, they would see through seasons.

The kids have learned sympathy, kindness and how to be patient as they wait behind someone in a wheelchair or using a walker. At home they talk about how the very young and old are alike and how Grandma or Grandpa lived when they were young. They’ve also become strong readers, progressing from the everyday praise and guidance of the seniors.

“If you look at our children, they’re just different,” said Dawn Crow, whose daughter Lily went to see the seniors during Christmas break because she thought they’d be lonely. “I think my child has learned so much more than 123s and ABCs. Every day we send our kids there, we feel like we’ve been given a gift.”

Those who live at Windsor Place say they are the ones who have been given the gift. Marian Nelson has no grandchildren of her own. “These kids have filled a void(空虚感) in me,” the 87-year-old said.

Stories like these have led other places to look at the program and consider carrying it out themselves. Michelle Foreman, a board member of a senior center in Alaska, said when she visited Windsor Place she cried nearly half the time she was there.

“One of the things we have not done right in our society is that we have not sent the right message to our senior population,” Foreman said. “We need them to pass on valuable things to our next generation.”
