【配套K12】北京市海淀区2017-2018学年七年级英语上学期期末考试试题 人教新目标版 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期四 文章【配套K12】北京市海淀区2017-2018学年七年级英语上学期期末考试试题 人教新目标版更新完毕开始阅读



Here are the most popular sports starts among students in our school. Soccer star Full name: Ronaldo De Lima Date of birth: 18 Tennis star Full name: Roger Federer Date of birth: 8 August, 40. Where does Ronaldo come from?

A. The USA

41. Michael Jordan’s birthday is on

A. 18 September, 1976

C. 8 August, 1981

42. Who won the Olympics gold medal in 2012?

D. 16 February, 1988 B. 17 February, 1963 .

B. Switzerland

C. Brazil

D. China

1988 Date of birth: 16 February, Full name: Zhang Jike Ping-pong star Date of birth: 17 February, Full name: Michael Jordan Basketball star 教育配套资料K12


A. Ronaldo De Lima

C. Roger Federer

D. Zhang Jike B. Michael Jordan

43. How many popular sports stars are talked about?

A. Four


I still remember crying on my first day at school. I am not writing about kindergarten (òfl?)

because everyone cries there—sometimes every day. I am talking about my first day in primary school. My brother brings me to school, hands me over to a teacher and them she has to leave. I think that she is not with me anyone. That makes me really sad.

Right after my mother leaves, I start to cry. Then the boy next to me starts to cry, too. And almost everyone is crying. The teacher clearly knows what to do. She doesn’t look at us. Soon,we learn that we are not going to get our mothers back no matter what we do, and so we start to do some

coloring. Later, she stops us one by one and gives us our name cards. Then we know that we belong to Mrs. Foo our teacher.

We are coloring all day and we finish over ten pictures. But we’re happy about one thing. Everyone can speak to the teacher and she speaks English the way we do.

The end of the day comes soon. When my mother and I meet at the school gate, I find there is a big smile on her face. I feel I am a grown—up boy now .I am in school.

44. The boy feels really sad because he thinks .

A. it’s too boring at school

C. his mother isn’t with him anymore D. it’s very difficult to color the

B. the teacher is not very kind

B. Five

C. Six

D. Seven




45. What does the teacher give the kinds?

A. Name cards

46. What can we know about the boy?

A. He cries all day long

C. He likes coloring the best


Are there Harry Potter looks in your school library? Many kids all over the world are reading J.K Rowling’s books in school. But some parents think their children shouldn’t be able to find those and some other books in school libraries.

Should some books be kept away from school libraries? All over the country, schools are discussing the question.

Yes! Some Books Should Be Banned from School Libraries!

Many parents believe that books with violence (?}) or bad words shouldn’t be in schools. Some parents want the Harry Potter books to be out of school because there are fights and magic.

Most parents know what’s good for kids. They have a right to decide which books should or should not be in school libraries.

Books should meet certain standards (?‰) before they are put in schools. Is this a good book

for kids to read? Is it full of violence? Does it have bad words or ideas kids shouldn’t learn about? If a book is not good for all kids, it should not be in

D. He’s ready for school in the end B. He’s lost in the school

B. Story books

C. Pencil boxes

D. Model planes 教育配套资料K12


school library.

No! Books Should Not Be Banned from School Libraries!

Many people say that it’s the parents’ job, not the school’s job, to check out what their kids are reading. Parents should also decide what their own kids read. If they don’t like a book, they should not let their kids read it. For example, kids can be stopped from reading stories like the Harry Potter series if their parents don’t think they’re OK.

Many schools let kids borrow these books if they have signed (???%) paper from a parent.

That works fine. Kids without the paper can’t read the book.

Some books are not OK for all kids to read. But if more parents are careful about what their own kids read, they won’t have to ban books from the library. 47. Parents think that their kids shouldn’t read Harry Potter books .

A. because there are bad stories B. because there are strange ideas

C. because there are wrong words D. because there are too much violence

48. To borrow books like Harry Potter series, kids should

A. ask teachers for help

B. pay some money themselves

C. have a signed paper from parent

D. make sure their parents like the

