2017-2018学年上海市建平中学高一第二学期期末考试英语试卷分析 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期六 文章2017-2018学年上海市建平中学高一第二学期期末考试英语试卷分析更新完毕开始阅读

【分析】investment 投资.根据句意,不鼓励对农业投资的治理制度。故填 investment. 8.【答案】D.

【分析】contribute 贡献. contribute to/toward 固定词组搭配可解释为:有助于。根据句意,所有这些都有助于创造条件,迫使最贫穷的人陷入饥饿。故填contribute. 9.【答案】H.

【分析】extreme 极其的,极度的.根据句意,过去十年来,全球减少饥饿和极度贫穷的努力取得了一些重大成功.故填extreme. 10.【答案】F.

【分析】insecurity 不可靠,不保障.根据句意,有超过815,000人仍然生活在日常的粮食无保障中。故填insecurity.

III. Reading comprehension. Section A

Directions: For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.

When 17-year-old Quattro Musser hangs out with friends, they don't drink beer or cruise around in cars with their dates. __1__, they stick to G-rated activities such as rock-climbing or talking about books.

They are in good company, according to a new study showing that teenagers are increasingly delaying activities that had long been seen as rites of passage into __2__. The study, published Tuesday in the journal Child Development, found that the percentage of adolescents in the U.S. who have a driver's license, who have tried alcohol, who date, and who work for pay has plummeted since 1976, with the most sudden __3__ in the past decade.To be sure, more than half of teens still engage in these activities, but the __4__ have slimmed considerably. Between 1976 and 1979, 86 percent of high school seniors had gone on a date; between 2010 and 2015 only 63 percent had, the study found. During the same period, the portion who had ever earned money from working plunged from 76 to 55 percent. And the


portion who had tried alcohol plummeted from 93 percent between 1976 and 1979 to 67 percent between 2010 and 2016.

\__5__ the larger trend,\Rather, she said, kids may be less __6__ activities such as dating, driving or getting jobs because in today's society, they no longer need to.

According to an evolutionary psychology theory that a person's \his or her __7__, exposure to a \resource-rich and secure environment has the __8__ effect, the study said.

In the first __9__, \have kids young, and expect that there will be more __10__ and fewer resources,\professor at San Diego State University who is the author of \Up Less Rebellious, More Tolerant, Less Happy - and Completely Unprepared for Adulthood.\

A century ago, when life expectancy was lower and college education less prevalent, \not violin lessons by 5,\

In that model a teenage boy might be thinking more __11__ about marriage, and driving a car and working for pay would be important for \But America is shifting more toward the __12__ model, and the change is apparent across the socioeconomic spectrum, Twenge said. \idea that children need to be carefully __13__ has really sunk in.\

The __14__ of \noting that teens today spend fewer hours on homework and the same amount of time on extracurriculars as they did in the 1990s (with the exception of community service, which has risen slightly). Nor could the use of smartphones and the Internet be entirely the __15__, the report said, since the decline began before they were widely available. 1.A. moreover 2.A. work 3.A. conflicts

B. unfortunately

C. rather

D. consequently D. adulthood

B. schooling

B. effects

C. adolescence C. decreases C. majorities

D. costs

D. resources

4.A. responsibilities B. options


5.A. challenging B. predicting C. missing D. analyzing

6.A. distracted from B. particular about 7.A. stocks

B. surroundings 8.A. incredible B. insignificant 9.A. case

B. round 10.A. opportunities B. properties 11.A. hesitantly B. regretfully 12.A. more scientific B. slower 13.A. organized B. observed

14.A. standard B. postponement 15.A. cause

B. trend


【分析】根据上下文,选择Rather,相反地。 2.【答案】D

【分析】根据上下文,选择adulthood,成年。 3.【答案】C

【分析】根据句意,decrease,减少。 4. 【答案】C

【分析】根据上下文,选择majority,大多数。5. 【答案】C

【分析】根据句意,选择missing 6. 【答案】D

【分析】根据句意和后文推出interested in

C. disappointed with C. outlooks C. immediate C. place C. diseases C. seriously

C. more responsible D. smarter C. selected C. promotion

C. burden D. pattern7

D. interested in D. contributions D. opposite D. strategy D. benefits D. innovatively

D. educated D. arrangement

7. 【答案】B

【分析】根据句意选择surroundings 8. 【答案】D

【分析】根据上下文意思,选择opposite,相反的。 9. 【答案】A

【分析】根据句意选出case 10. 【答案】C

【分析】根据句意,故填diseases 11. 【答案】C

【分析】根据上下文意思可选出seriously 12. 【答案】B

【分析】根据上下文意思可推出时更慢的速度,选择slower 13. 【答案】D

【分析】根据句意选出educated 14. 【答案】B

【分析】根据全文可知这一空填postponement,推迟。 15. 【答案】A


Section B

Directions: Read the following passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statement. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.