新视野大学英语第二册Unit3单词 联系客服

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vi. 继续进行

|Having said how much she liked it, she then proceeded to make critical comments about the way I'd done it. |她说她很喜欢我做的这件事,可接着就批评起我做这件事的方式来。

Let's proceed to the next question. |现在讨论下一个问题。


v.引用; 引述

She worked, to quote her daughter, \if there was no tomorrow\|用她女儿的话讲,她工作起来“好像没有明天似的”。

He's always quoting from the Bible. |他总是引用《圣经》里的话。 n. 引语,引文

a dictionary of quotes |引语词典

She finished her speech with a quote from Shakespeare. |她引用莎士比亚作品的一句话来结束自己的演说。


n. 艰难;困苦

During the war we suffered many hardships. |战争期间我们尝尽


She's seen a lot of hardship in her life, but things are better now. |她一生经历了许多困苦,但现在情况好了。

|<43> racist


Racists like those of the KKK spread their theories of racial superiority. |诸如三K党之流的种族主义者四处传播他们的种族优越论。

He is a racist who refuses to employ blacks. |他是种族主义者,拒绝雇佣黑人。



Be realistic, you can't expect a big wage at 18. |要现实些,你不能指望18岁就能拿到高薪。

You have to be realistic about how long the job is going to take. |对这项工作要花多长时间你必须现实一些。

<45> devotion

n. 挚爱;热爱;忠诚

His devotion to work is exemplary. |他对工作的热爱堪作楷模。 The devotion of too much time to sports leaves too little time for studying. |如果花太多时间在体育活动上,那么学习的时间就不多了。

<46> idealistic

a. 理想主义的;理想化的

Those people were especially idealistic. |这些人特别理想化。 You mustn't be too idealistic about what might happen in future. |对将来会发生什么你一定不能太理想化。


vt. 解决;解除

We need to resolve this difference quickly. |我们需要很快解决这场争端。

The couple resolved their differences and made an effort to get along. |这对夫妻解决了他们的矛盾,努力和睦相处。 2. 决定;决心

The company resolved to take further action against thieves. |公司决定采取进一步的防盗措施。

She resolved that she would never speak to him again. |她打定主意再也不同他讲话了。

<48>ups and downs盛衰;沉浮

He stuck by her through all life's ups and downs. |他始终不渝地陪伴她历尽了人生的荣辱浮沉。

Like most married couples we've had our ups and downs, but life is like that. |像大多数夫妇一样,我们也经历过波折起伏。可生活就是那样的。

<49>work out 成功;产生结果

Things worked out quiet well. |事情的结局相当不错。

Is your new roommate working out OK? |你的新室友与你合得来吗?

<50>for a time 暂时;一度

You'll have your own office soon but for a time you'll have to share one. |不久你会有自己的办公室,不过你暂时还得与别人合用。 For a time, we all thought that Sherry and Frank would get married. |有一段时间,我们都以为雪莉和弗兰克会结婚。

<51>meet with遭遇;遇到

She met with much kindness.| 她得到许多好心的帮助。 They'd never met with such poor service before. |他们以前从未遇到过这么糟糕的服务。