新视野大学英语第二册Unit3单词 联系客服

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The mansion was more than luxurious; it was grand. |那座大厦不仅仅是奢华,而是壮丽宏伟。

<20> grandchild

n. (外)孙;(外)孙女

Most of the money is put into a fund for her grandchildren and great-grandchildren. |她的大部分钱被投入了一个为她孙儿女和曾孙儿女设立的基金里。

Nowadays my grandchildren come here for the family festival. |现在我的孙儿女们在家庭团聚日来这儿。


n. 祝贺;道喜

I gave him my congratulations on his success. |我祝贺他的成功。

Do pass on my congratulations when you see him. |你见到他时,务请代我向他祝贺。



He counseled them to give up the plan. |他劝他们放弃这个计划。

The school is now providing a service to counsel students with drug problems. |学校向有吸毒问题的学生提供咨询服务。


vt. 与...约会

I thought we were just friends, but when I started dating other men, he suddenly got really jealous. |我以为我们仅仅是普通朋友,但当我开始和其他人约会时,他突然变得妒忌起来。

The trouble is that they date very quickly. |问题是他们很快就开始了约会。


a. |后来的;随后的

The first and all subsequent visits were kept secret. |第一次及其随后的所有访问全都保密。

He died during the subsequent year. |他于次年去世。


ad. 后来;接着

They subsequently heard he had left the country. |他们后来听说他已离开了那个国家。

The old school was bought and subsequently turned into a private house. |这所旧学校被买下来并随后改建成了私人住宅。


vt. 心怀;怀有

Tiffany's been harboring spite against our boss ever since her transfer was refused. |自从蒂芬妮的调职被拒绝后,她对我们的老板一直怀恨在心。

I'm certainly not harboring a secret liking for the man, if that's what you are thinking. |如果你这样想的话,我告诉你我并没有暗恋那个男人。 n. 港,港口

All the ships stayed in the harbor during the storm. |风暴期间所有的船只都停泊在港湾里。

Some of the best natural harbors in the world are there. |那里有几个世界上最好的天然港。


n. 存疑;保留

I support this measure without reservation. |我全力支持这项措施。

She had some about her new job. |她对新工作心存疑虑。


We made a reservation for dinner at the restaurant. |我们在这家饭店预定了晚餐。

I plan to leave on August 4, and have made my flight reservation for that date. |我打算8月4日离开,并已预订那天的机票。


n. 偏见;成见

She has a prejudice against modern music. |她对现代音乐怀有偏见。

Many female college graduates are held back from some job opportunities by prejudice. |许多女大学毕业生都由于歧视而失去了一些工作机会。


vt. 迷人;使陶醉

He's a very effective boss; he in some way charms you into doing what he wants. |他是个非常能干的老板,总有办法能让你去做他所希望的事。

I was charmed by this gentleman when he stood up gracefully and came to me for a dance. |当这位绅士优雅地站起来并走过来邀我跳舞时,我被他深深地吸引了。