人教版高中英语选修七学案:Unit 4 Sharing 含答案解析 联系客服

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11.Recently neither have I seen her, nor ______ I ______ her. 12.I had waited ________ three hours, only to be told to come another day.

13.One thing is ________:he is sure to help us out.

14.The architect ________ the discussion about the style of the building.

15.The task is a bit difficult for us ________ on time.

答案:1.dried up 2.drying out 3.is relevant to 4.To be honest 5.has made a great difference 6.in need 7.stuck out 8.The other day 9.are dying to 10.coming across 11.have heard from 12.up to 13.for sure 14.participated in 15.to get through


1.________________,she always goes to her teacher for help. 她有困难时总找老师帮忙。

2.I____________in the street yesterday afternoon when I met my English teacher.


3.He hid himself behind the door,____________he saw the man take something on the desk.


4.These children in the mountainous area____________ knowledge.


5.He had intended to____________________,but on second thoughts,he gave up the idea.


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6.It is not who you are____________________that matters. 重要的不是你是谁而是你为这个社会做了什么。 7.____________she finds out that you've lost her book? 要是她发现你把她的书弄丢了怎么办?

8.It's serious.We'll have to____________him immediately. 情况很严重,我们得马上给他动手术。

9.I'd rather____________what that mean person offered me. 我宁愿挨饿也不愿意吃那个卑鄙的人送给我的东西。 10.These questions are difficult________________________. 这些问题对小孩子们而言很难回答。

答案:1.When in trouble 2.was walking 3.from where 4.are dying for 5.participate in the school debate 6.but what you have done for the society 7.What if 8.operate on 9.go hungry than eat 10.for little children to reply to

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World hunger.These two little words contain one huge problem: people do not have enough to eat.According to the World Food Programme,hunger kills more people than any disease.World hunger is a widely recognized problem and many intelligent and generous people are working toward a solution.

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Logically,it would seem that the best,fastest and easiest solution would be to give food to people who do not have it.While providing hungry people with food is great,unfortunately it is only a temporary fix to the global problem.

But maybe there is another answer.Statistics gathered within the past decade show that countries in which citizens spend a higher percentage of their yearly income on food tend to also have higher rates of malnutrition (营养不良).For example,people in Pakistan spend nearly half of their annual income on food,yet over 40 percent of their children under the age of 5 are malnourished.In contrast,Americans spend around 7 percent on food and only 5 percent of children are malnourished.

Perhaps to create a self-supporting system,the focus and resources should shift from giving food to giving something that lasts a little longer.Maybe the answer is in commerce (商业),not just charity.Heifer International is one example of a nonprofit organization that has shifted its focus from food.This organization gives poor families and communities breeding animals and teaches them to farm animals.

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Heifer International teaches people valuable marketing skills and provides the resources to start small businesses.The families who are initially helped can then assist other families in their communities by sharing their resources and knowledge.These people earn better incomes and have more money to have the freedom to buy more food.

A common saying goes,“Give a person a fish and you feed him for a day;teach a person to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.” Maybe if we turn our focus from giving fish to teaching fishing,we can get a little closer to solving world hunger.Not only does this help the individual,but it can help families,communities and generations.

【语篇解读】 这是一篇说明文,作者用实例诠释了古人所说的“授之以鱼,不如授之以渔”这句话所蕴含的道理。

1.When referring to the hunger problem,it's usually believed that________.

A.donating food is the proper way to solve it B.it is an extremely difficult problem to deal with C.it only catches the attention of generous people D.it will threaten the whole globe in a few years



2.The author compared Pakistan with America to________. A.imply people in Pakistan have a lower income B.prove people in America waste too much food C.show the way of giving food is not a good one D.put the blame on some related governments

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