人教版高中英语选修七学案:Unit 4 Sharing 含答案解析 联系客服

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注意:词数不少于60。 参考词汇:视频video

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_______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ 答案:

Graduation finally came.My classmates and I decided to do something.After a heated discussion,we agreed on making a video to record our experiences at school.

Material collecting took us a whole week,during which we interviewed our teachers and took pictures of every aspect of school life.The editing part after that was tough.We debated over what to be put into the video.Some compromises were unavoidable,but the video turned out perfect.Several days later,when the video was played on the graduation ceremony,it was well received.The students and teachers shared a great time.That surely gave us a great sense of achievement.

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A级 基础过关


1.It is said that only club members have the________(特权) to use it.

2.The secretary has made the________(arrange) of a time and place for the interview.

3.Since everything develops,we have to make________(adjust) to the changing situation.

4.Take your boots off outside if they're________(mud). 5.This should be a true national movement that needs the________(participate) of every citizen.

6.The map shows the________(distribute) of this species across the world.

7.He lost his________(politics) position because of the incident of food safety.

8.It is a global dream to live in________(secure) and lead a happy life.

9.The________(operate)of a big new machine can be hard to

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10.The school bus was donated to them by a motor company and they received________(donate) from other companies as well.

答案:1.privilege 2.arrangement 3.adjustments 4.muddy 5.participation 6.distribution 7.political 8.security 9.operation 10.donations Ⅱ.选用短语的适当形式填空

be dying to; hear from; the other day; for sure; in need; be relevant to; stick out; dry out; dry up; come across;get through;make a great difference; participate in;to be honest;up to 1.What's worse, the only river in this area ________ in that extremely hot summer.

2.Granny is ________ some Chinese cabbages by putting them in the sun.

3.It is said that he________________________the case. 4.________, I don't like the design of the hall. 5.The Internet ________ to people all over the world.

6.As a volunteer, I would like to do all I can to help those ________.

7.The little girl made a face and ________ her tongue at him. 8.________ my brother drove his car down the main street at what I thought was a dangerous speed.

9.Beijing University, founded in 1898, is a first-class university, where lots of people ________ study.

10.You can't avoid ________ her if you both work in the same office.

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