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22. 火鸡 23. 灯笼 24. 月亮的;月球的

turkey lantern lunar 46. 国际劳动节 47. 龙舟节(端午节) 48. 中华人民共和国(缩写) International Labor Day Dragon Boat Festival the PRC 二、词组

1.春节 the Spring Festival 2.表演舞狮和舞龙 give each other presents/give 3.互相送礼 4.元宵节 presents to each other 5.吃元宵 eat sweet dumplings guess riddles on lanterns good luck enjoy the bright full moon in many countries decorate with the night of December 24th put up the morning of Christmas Day greet each other stay up on the first day of the lunar new year knock on give sb. treats 6.赏花灯 8.团聚吃大餐(2种) 10.中秋节 12.最重大的节日 14.忙着做某事 16.在平安夜 18.做礼拜 20.在床尾 22.那天晚些时候 24.开始做某事 26.在午夜 28.压岁钱 30.对??大声喊叫 32.看龙舟赛 perform lion and dragon dances Lantern Festival watch lantern shows get together for a big dinner/have a get-together with a big dinner Mid-autumn Festival the most important festival be busy doing sth. on Christmas Eve go to church at the end of the bed later that day start doing sth. at midnight lucky money shout at watch dragon boat races 7.猜灯谜 9.好运 11.赏满月 13.在许多国家 15.用??装饰 17.12月24日晚上 19.挂起 21.圣诞节的早上 23.互相打招呼 25.熬夜 27.在新年的第一天 29.敲 ... 31.招待某人 33.举办竞赛 35.升起 37.三天的假期

have a race go up a three-day holiday 34.在国庆节 on National Day 36 龙舟节(端午节) Dragon Boat Festival 38..捉弄某人 play tricks on sb. 三、根据汉语翻译或提示词,写出句子


They often eat turkey and Christmas cakes and give each other presents. 2.人们通过贺卡或者其它礼物向母亲表达他们的爱。

People show their love for their mothers by giving cards and other presents. 3.圣诞节在很多国家是最重要的节日。

Christmas is the most important festival in many countries. 4.孩子们将长筒袜挂在壁炉旁或者在他们睡觉之前放在床尾。

Children put up stockings by the fireplaces or at the end of their beds before they go to bed.


They usually greet each other and say, “Merry Christmas!” 6.在中国,春节是一件大事。

In China, the Spring Festival is a big event. 7.他们熬夜,并在午夜吃水饺希望好运。

They stay up and enjoy dumplings at midnight for good luck. 8.孩子们十分开心地从他们父母那得到压岁钱。

Children are very happy to get lucky money from their parents. 9.然后我们敲邻居的门,喊道“不给糖就捣蛋”。

Then we knocked on our neighbors’ doors and shouted, “Trick or treat!” 10.人们也还可以享受一天假期。(too) People can enjoy a one-day holiday, too. 11.许多人去天安门广场观看升国旗。

Many people go to Tian’anmen Square to watch the national flag go up. 12.在这个一个月以前,人们通常就开始为节日作准备(usually)

People usually start preparing for the festival one month before it comes. 13圣诞节快乐!/你也一样

Merry Christmas!/The same to you.




描述春节,圣诞节 ,元宵节,中秋节和端午节。