英语语法汇总(高中大学必备) 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期六 文章英语语法汇总(高中大学必备)更新完毕开始阅读

1. very, much

二者均为程度副词,very 修饰形容词或副词;much修饰“a”开头的形容词,过去分词或非谓语动词。例如:

very good/ exciting/ limited.(以习惯上被用作形容词的过去分词) He was (very) much afraid. I enjoyed the film (very) much. 2. already, yet, still

already 用在肯定句,表示某事已经发生;yet用于否定句和疑问句中,表示期待某事发生;still表示某事还在进行。例如: I have already finished my work. He hasn’t come back yet. Has she fallen asleep yet?

译:1)Keep still when I take a picture. 2) It is raining hard; still, we must go out. 3.almost, nearly

1)almost 比nearly 更接近某状况。例如: It’s almost 12 o’clock. (11:55) It’s nearly 12 o’clock. (11:45)

2)almost 多与nobody, nothing, no, none, never 连用。例如: I almost never see him.

not nearly为固定用法,含义为“远非”。例如: It’s not nearly easy. 4.quite, rather, fairly

1)quite 和rather 修饰名词时在a 之前。而fairly 在a 之后。例如: We had quite a party. It’s a fairly interesting film.

但如果有形容词和rather 一起修饰名词时,放在a 的前后均可,例如: They are rather a strong (a rather strong) team.

2)rather 通常修饰贬义词和不喜欢的词,而fairly通常修饰褒义词或喜好的词。 例如:

The question is rather difficult. The city is fairly clean.

第二节 形容词和副词的比较结构

英语中的形容词和副词可以划分为三个等级:原级,比较级和最高级。 原级 比较级 最高级 young younger youngest excellent more excellent most excellent 形容词和副词比较级和最高级的构成方法




quick → quicker → quickest large → larger → largest thin → thinner →thinnest clever → cleverer → cleverest simple → simpler → simplest narrow → narrower → narrowest happy → happier → happiest

2)其他双音节词及多音节词,在词加more或most构成比较级和最高级 famous → more famous → most famous beautiful → more beautiful → most beautiful

3)英语中有一部分形容词和副词的比较级和最高级是不规则的,如下表所示: 原级 far good, well bad badly, ill many, much little old 比较级 farther further better worse more less older elder 最高级 farthest furthest best worst most lest oldest eldest 注:1)farther, further均可表示距离上“更远”;但表示程度上“进一步”,用further。 I’m too tired to go any farther / further.

We must look into the matter further. 我们必须进一步调查此事。 I have nothing further to say. 我再没什么可说的了。 注:2)elder / eldest指家庭成员的长幼关系,作前置定语。 older / oldest 表示年龄大小关系,可作定语也可作表语。 My eldest sister is going to get married. 我大姐要结婚了。

My elder sister is ten years older than my younger brother. 我姐姐比我弟弟大十岁。 He is the oldest teacher of us. 我是我们中最年长的老师。

第三节 形容词和副词的比较结构


肯定形式 1)S + V + as adj / adv(原级)as 2)S + V + as adj + a + n(单数) as 3)S + V + as many / much / few / little + n + 其他成份 as This river is as long as that one = The river is the length of that one. Peter is as lovely a boy as Tom. = Peter is a boy as lovely as Tom. I will offer you as much help as I can. Try to make as few mistakes as possible. 否定形式 not as / so ? as This movie was not so good as I had expected.


I haven’t seen as old a car as this for years.



English is not nearly as easy as I imaged.

英语远没有我当初想象的那么容易。(not nearly远非)

We have produced 70% / twice as much cotton this year as we did last year. 今年我们生产的棉花是去年的70% / 两倍多。 2.表示A超过B

表达形式 S + V adj / adv(比较级)than This text is more difficult to understand than that one.

Work means more to me than anything. 对我来说,工作比任何东西都重要。 It is raining more heavily than ever. 雨下得比以往任何时间都大。 比较级前可加上多种程度状语

(多得多)much / far / a lot / a great deal (更)even / still I spend(一点)a bit / a little / rather / slightly more time on English than before. (两倍)twice (半小时)half an hour ※在否定句和疑问句中,比较级程度状语用any

Are you feeling any better ? I am so tired that I can’t go any farther. ※注:两者比较,形容词比较级前面不用冠词“the”,但句中带有“of + 比较范围”这一结


He is the cleverer of us two. Which is the cheaper of the two ? 3.表示越?越?

表达形式 1)the adj / adv(比较级)S + V 2)the adj(比较级)+ n S + V The sooner, the better. 越早越好。

The less she worried, the better she worked. 她越不担忧,工作效果越好。 The harder you study, the greater progress you will make. 4.表示“最”

三者或三者以上的人或事物之间进行比较,用形容词或副词最高级 表达形式:S + V + adj / adv(最高级)+ 比较范围

He is the best student in our class.(在某一范围或区域内比较用in)

He did the experiment (the) most carefully of / among all of us.(在与主语同类的人或物中比较用

of 或among)

(副词最高级前the ,可省略)

This is the most beautiful city that I have ever visited. 注:most作“非常”解时,其前不用the, 但可用a。 This city is most beautiful. He is a most skilled driver.



1) adj./ adv.(比较级)+than any other +单数名词/the others 2)?否定词(never, nothing等)+ 比较级 3)?否定词? + so ? as She speaks English more fluently than any other student in our class. No other country in Europe went through more wars than England. = England went through the most war in Europe.


It can’t be worse. = It is the worst thing I have ever known.

China has never been so powerful as it is today.中国从来没有象今天这样强大。 5.需了解的几种特殊表达方式

1)A no + adj / adv 比较级 than B A、B与形容词或副词性质相反 You are no more stupid than he. = You are as clever as he.

The dish tastes no worse than I expected. = The dish tastes as good as I expected.

这道菜的味道和我当初估计的一样好。 2)as much + 名词 as 表示双方在程度上一样 He has as much interest in politics as in art. 他对政治与艺术同样感兴趣。 选择:It is generally believed that teaching is it is a science. A.an art much as B.much an art as C.as an art much as D.as much an art as (答案D,本题为句型(2)的具体运用) 3)not so much A as B = more B than A A、B同结构,译“与其说A不如说B”

He is not so much a novelist as a critic. 与其说他是小说家,不如说他是评论家。 She was more sad than angry when her son lied again. 当他儿子再次说谎时,与其他说愤怒不如说他悲伤。