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C.the other white D.the rest white

22. I intended to compare notes with a friend, but unfortunately _____ couldn’t spare even

one minute.

A. they B. one C. who D. it

23. I read about it in some book or other. Does it matter _____ it was ? A.where B.what C.how D.which

24.There is _____ thing _____ private ownership(私有制)of land in China today. A.no such a, as B.no such, as C.such no, as D.no such, like 25. --- Is David a man with good manners.

--- I don’t think so. As a matter of fact, he is ______ but polite.

A. something B. everything C. nothing D. anything

26. Meeting my uncle after all these years was an unforgettable moment, _____ I will

always treasure.

A. that B. one C. it D. what 27. --- Can I help you?

--- I’d like to buy a present for my father’s birthday,__ ___ at a proper price and of

great use.

A. one B. it C. that D. those

28. The Parkers bought a new house but _____ will need a lot of work before they can

move in.

A. they B. it C. one D. which 29. --- What do you think of her idea?

--- I was not in the least surprised for I had fully expected ______. A. that much B. as much C. very much D. so much 30. --- What an amazing film. It’s the most interesting film I’ve ever seen.

--- But I’m sure it won’t interest _______.

A. somebody B. anybody C. everybody D. nobody 31. He seems to have little, if ______,to do with it.

A. so B. any C. some D. anything 32. In that case, it was ______ she could do not to cry.

A. something B. anything C. all D. nothing

33. If your daughter can make what her teachers teach ______, she will make rapid


A. it B. that C. herself D. hers

34. Due to lack of fund and equipment, we have ______ choice than to give up the


A. some other B. other C. another D. no other 35. --- Who on earth could it be?

--- It was ______ other than Clint Eastwood.


A. nobody B. none C. nothing D. not 36. --- Is Jissica a diligent student?

--- No, but she is a lazy one, if ______.

A. something B. everything C. anything D. nothing

1-5 ADACA 6-10 CACCA 11-15 BBCCD 16-20 CCCAB 21-25 CADBD 26-30 BABBC 31-36DCDDBC

第四章 冠 词




1.泛指:一般提及人或事物,不作具体说明叫泛指。下列两种情况为泛指 a)未明确交待的人或事物

I met her in a coffee shop near the station. 我在车站附近的一家咖啡馆遇到她的。 b)表明数量“一”

He asked for a book and two magazines. 他要一本书和两本杂志。

2.特指:具体指明人或物叫特指,其基本意思是“这,那”。下列三种情况为特指。 1)上文提到过的人或物

I bought a book yesterday. The book is of great value. 昨天我买了一本书,这本书很有价值。 2)说话人或听话人心中都有数的人或事物 —— When will the meeting be held? —— At 2:00 o’clock in the afternoon. 3)带有限制性的后置定语

The movie directed by Mr. Zhang Yimou was a great hit. 张艺谋执导的那部电影极为叫座。


1.可数名词 单数可数名词 复数可数名词 泛指 a book books 特指 the book the books 表示泛指,单数可数名词用不定冠词a(an),复数名词不用冠词。 表示特指,可数单数名词和复数可数名词,均用定冠词the。 2.物质名词和抽象名词 物质名词和抽象名词不用冠词。 Blood is thicker than water. 血浓于水。 Wisdom is better than strength. 智慧胜于力量。



The snow in front of the house is beginning to melt. 房前的雪开始融化了。 a(n) 与物质名词连用,可表示种类或一杯之量。 Maotai is an excellent wine. Bring me a coffee, will you?

选择:The warmth of sweater will of course be determined by the sort of wool used. A.the ;the B.the ;不填 C.不填 ;the D.不填 ;不填 四、需要用定冠词的其他几种情况 1.用于表示世界上独一无二的事物名词之前。 the sun, the moon, the earth, the world, the sky

2.用于表示方位名词,序数词和形容词最高级之前。 sail to the east turn to the right This is the most expensive of all the clothes. This is the third time that he has been elected chairman of the Student Union. 3.与某些形容词或分词连用,代表一类人或事物。

I was brought up to respect the old. 我从小就接受教育,要敬爱老人。 The beautiful can never die. 美是永恒的。

4.用在表示江河、海洋、山脉、群岛、海峡、沙漠,建筑物等名词之前。 the Pacific(Ocean)太平洋 the South-China sea 南中国海

the Sahara 哈拉沙漠 the Persian Gulf 波斯湾 the Beijing Station 北京车站 5.用于姓氏的复数形式之前,表示“夫妇”或“一家人”。

The Turners are sitting at lunch table. 特纳一家正吃午饭。 6. 由普通名词构成的专有名词(如国家,党派等)前。 例:the United States; the Communist Party of China 7. 用在表示发明物的单数名词前。 The telephone was invented by Bell. 8.用在某些固定短语中:

on the spot 当场 on the whole 总的来说

for the most part 多半,在多数情况下 out of the question 不可能


1. 物质名词,抽象名词(见第三章),人名,地名等专有名词前。 Air is important to us. Beijing is the capital of China.

2.表示季节、月份、周日、节假日(中国传统节例外)名词之前。 I like spring most. I’m going to return to England at Christmas Day. 若具体指明哪一年的季节,应有定冠词。 The war broke out on the spring of 1942. 3.表示学科、球类、棋类和三餐名词之前 He is good at maths. I like playing football. I often go to school without breakfast.


注:强调一顿饭或特指某顿饭可用冠词。 Mother cooked me a nice dinner this morning. The dinner cooked by my mother tastes delicious. 4.表示正式的或独一无二的职位、头衔的名词,在句中作宾补或同位语。 He has been elected chairman of the student union. Mandela, president of South Africa, was awarded the Nobel prize for peace in 1997. 南非总统曼德拉于1997年获得诺贝尔和平奖。

5. 在与by 连用的交通工具名称之前。 例:by taxi, by bike, by boat

但注意:get into a taxi, take a bus, on the train 等表达形式。 6.某些固定短语中,要求不用冠词。

at present 目前 take part in 参加 in peace 平安,平静 by chance 碰巧 注意:有些词组中有无冠词含义不同。 at table


in hospital 住院

in the hospital 在医院工作或参观等 out of question 不成问题 out of the question根本不可能

at the table 坐在桌子旁 be in charge of 负责? by day在白天 by the day按天计算 7.高考中冠词考查热点

选择:Summers in south of France are for most part dry and sunny.(2000年春季高考)

A.the ;不填 B.不填 ;the C.不填 ;不填 D.the ;the

答案为D。分析:方位名词要用定冠词the,故可考虑的选项为A、D。for the most part为固定短语,故答案为D。近几年来,高考试卷对冠词的命题方式大多数情况是,一空考冠词的基本用法,一空考固定短语中冠词使用。因此在我们学习固定短语中,一定要留神并准确记忆固定短语中名词前使用的冠词。


be in the charge of 由?负责