英语语法汇总(高中大学必备) 联系客服

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3.Between you and I, we have nothing in common. A B C D

4.You have to hurry up if you want to buy something cheap because there is hardly something A B C

left. D

5.The men and women who pushed the frontier(边境)Westward across America probably A

never thought of them as brave pioneers.



a solid bank account. 7.There are two buses to Baihai Park. You can take each of them. A B C D

8.Believe it or not. There is such no thing which will happen here. A B C D 9.His refusal came as none surprise. I expected it. A B C D

10.When each the pop star stepped into the hall, all the people present burst into cheers. A B C D 另外,替代上述之事用that, this, it;替代下文要说的事,用this: Her mother was ill. That / This is why she couldn’t come. The problem is this:he is suffering from cancer. 4.one和that

1)one替代上文提到的同种类的人或事物,但非同一个人或物。 one = a + 单数名词。

—— What do you think of the watches ?

—— Excellent. I’m going to buy one. = I going to buy a watch like them.

其复数形式为ones。The white coats match the hat than the blue ones. 白色上衣比蓝色上衣更配这顶帽子。

one只能替代可数名词。若其有形容修饰,需加“a”;若其后有限制性后置定语,需加“the”。 ........... 例1:This hat is too small for me. Can you change it for a bigger one ? 例2:This picture is the one my mother wants to have very much. 2)that替代上文提到的同种类的事物。 that = the + 单数名词,常用that of …结构。

例1:My seat was next to that of the mayor.(that = the seat)

例2:The air of a suburb is clearer than that of a city. 郊外的空气比都市的干净。


6.My wife and I reached the agreement that everything is more important for us than building

that可替代可数名词(例1),也可替代不可数名词(例2)。其复数形式为those。 Our rules are quite different from those of other organizations. one和that作“替代”的用法,是高考的一个重点热点。 5.疑问代词who, what, which

1)which既可指人,也可指物。表示在一定范围内“哪一个”。 Which of these ideas costs the least ? 在这些办法中,哪一个花费最小? Which do you prefer, classical music or popular music ? 2)who(谁),what(什么)则用于无选择范围的情况。 Who are you talking about ?

What is your hobby ? 你的业余爱好是什么? 6.部分否定

1)everyone, everything可用于肯定句、否定句和疑问句。 —— Is everyone here ? —— Yes, except Li Ming.

2)not与both, all, everyone, everything及副词always, entirely / wholly(全部地)连用,表示部分否定,译“并非…都是”

Not everyone is kind. = Everyone is not kind. 并非所有人都善良。 All your answers are not correct.

I don’t wholly agree with you. 我并不完全同意你的看法。

选择:I agree with most of what you said, but I don’t agree with . A. everything B. anything C. something D. nothing 答案A 7.other, the other, the others, the rest, another

1)other (adj) 其他的,仅作定语,修饰复数名词。no / some / any / many other可修饰单数或复数名词

Can we settle this problem in other ways ? You have no other choice but to wait. I have many other questions to ask. Please come to my home some other time. 2)another同类中另一个

Would you like another cup of tea ? Give me another chance, please.

I need another three dollars = I need three more dollars. 我还需要三美元。

3)others泛指其他人,别人或其他东西,常与some对照使用,表示“有的…有的…” It is like her to think of others. Some people believe in God; others don’t. 4)the other 表示两者的另一个。

He has two sons. One is thin and the other is fat.

5)the others / the rest 表示除去一部分其余的人或物。the others代替可数名词;the rest可代替可数或不可数名词。

Some of the boys went swimming, while the others lay on the beach, bathed in sunlight. 一些男孩去游泳,其余的躺在沙滩上沐日光浴。


用other, the other, the others, the rest, another填空:

1)I don’t know pop music. So I can hardly tell one song from . 2)You might as well paint side of the wall white. 3)Perhaps he came here for reasons.

4)Some of the equipment is made in China; is introduced from Japan.

5)We must try to meet the needs of .

Exercise 代 词

1. Shanghai is really a fascinating city and we’ve decided to stay for ______ two weeks.

A. another B. other C. the other D. other’s 2. ---Do you like ______ here?

---Oh, yes, the air, the weather, the way of life. Everything is so nice. A. this B. these C. that D. it 3. I like _____ in the autumn when the climate is clear and bright.

A.it B.that C.this D.one

4. We considered _____ logical(符合逻辑的)that not all plans can be put into practice. A.that B.quite C.it D.very 5. --- Are the new rules working ? --- Yes, ______ books are stolen.

A.Few B.Some C.Less D.None 6. --- Have you any money with you ? I need some badly --- Sorry, but _____ .

A.not B.nothing C.none D.quite a little 7. --- How much tea is left in the pot ? --- ______.


A.None B.Nothing C.Not some D.No one 8. ---You have no difficulty finding the answer to the question? ---_______.

A. Not a little B. No problem C. None at all D. Neither 9. --- Do you have_____ ready for tonight’s party ?

--- No. I still have to send all the letters of invitation.

A.anything B.something C.everything D.nothing 10. --- Do you mind if Peter join you in your work ? --- Yes, I do. I will be glad to work with _____ Peter.

A.anyone but B.no one except C.all besides D.everyone and 11. --- Where do you think I should put this pot of flowers ? --- Put it on _____ side of the meeting hall.

A.every B.any C.each D.either

12. As is expected, cities like Cario and Jakarta probably would _____ have a population of

20 million by 2010.

A.both B.each C.every D.either

13. You should learn to think for yourself; nothing taught by others can have the same

effect on you as ______ learned by yourself.

A.what B.it C.that D.the one 14. --- Why don’t we take a little break ? --- Didn’t we just have _____ .

A.it B.that C.one D.this 15. If this dictionary isn’t yours, ______ can it be ?

A.what else B.who else C.which elses’ D.who else’s

16. New English-Chinese dictionary has been republished many times, more up to date

than the last edition.

A.every B.either C.each D.any

17. They couldn’t have dinner in a restaurant because_____ of them ____ money. A.all, didn’t have B.everyone, had no C.none, had any D.no one, had any

18. Most of the equipment is made in China; _____ imported from Japan. A.others B.the others C.the rest D.the other

19. It is one thing to enjoy listening to good music, but it is quite _____ to perform

skillfully yourself.

A.another B.other thing C.others D.the other 20.The man is so familiar to me. I must have met him one day _____ .

A.or the other B.or another C.or else D.or something 21. One of the sides of the board should be painted yellow, and _____ . A.the other is white B.another white