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TPO 40

Conversation 1


1. Why does the student go to see the professor?

a. To find out all the requirements for a project b. To discuss a service gap at a restaurant

c. To get help understanding concepts relevant to his project d. To get help with designing a business plan

2. Why does the professor mention a student in another class?

a. To describe an interesting topic for a project b. To explain the cause of her initial confusion

c. To point out that she has not received e-mails from all her students yet d. To indicate that she has several students doing projects about restaurants

3. Why does the professor talk about the cafeteria on campus?

a. To give an example of an effective service design

b. To illustrate how service standards can inform service design c. To help the man understand a service problem d. To illustrate the concept of a service gap

4. What do the speakers imply about the bakery the student went to recently? Click on 2 answers.

a. The apple pie he bought there was not as good as it usually is. b. The bakery's service design was inefficient.

c. The bakery needs additional employees to fix a service gap.

d. The bakery did not meet a service standard.

5. What does the professor say the student should do for his project?

a. Compare an on-campus service model with an off-campus one b. Interview the service manager and employees at the cafeteria

c. Recommend service improvements at the cafeteria and the bookstore d. Analyze the service design of a nearby restaurant

Lecture 1(Art History)


1. What point does the professor make about the writing of a formal analysis in art history?

a. Its objective is to identify common features of several works of art. b. Its most important part is the explanation of an artwork's significance. c. Several styles of writing a formal analysis are used by art historians.

d. A particular approach is required to present Information about an artwork.

2. According to the professor, what will students need to do before writing the art history paper?

a. Look at examples of formal analysis in textbooks b. Take notes on the artwork they will write about

c. Go to different museums before selecting a topic for the paper d. Study the historical context of the artwork they will write about

3. Why does the professor mention an English class?

a. To explain the difference between visual language and written language

b. To explain that students need good writing skills for their assignment

c. To point out similarities between a poetry paper and the students' assignment d. To point out that many art historians become writers

4. What does the professor recommend as a way to understand the relationship between different parts of an artwork?

a. Looking for lines that connect different parts of the work b. Examining the artwork from several different angles

c. Looking for similar colors the artist used throughout the work d. Determining how the viewer's eyes move around the work

5. Why does the professor talk about his own experience analyzing the painting of a little boy?

a. To point out a common misconception about formal analysis b. To stress the importance of looking at an artwork thoroughly

c. To show why a formal analysis should not emphasize small details d. To provide an example of an artwork that is easy to analyze

6. The professor describes three sections the art history paper should contain. Place them in the order in which they should appear in the paper. Click on a phrase. Then drag it to the space where it belongs. 1. 2. 3. Answer Choices

a.Analysis of the design elements the artist uses b.Discussion of the meaning of the artwork c.Summary of the appearance of the artwork

Lecture 2 (Environmental Conservation)


1. What is the discussion mainly about?

a. Results of privatization in the cod-fishing industry b. Laws that regulate the cod-fishing industry c. A recent study on cod-fishing techniques d. Problems related to the overfishing of cod

2. Why does the professor compare Cape Cod to Newfoundland?

a. To explain how some of Cape Cod’s waters first became privatized

b. To illustrate the enormous size of Cape Cod’s seventeenth-century cod population c. To explain why large-scale cod fishing began later in Cape Cod than elsewhere d. To highlight the results of two different evolutionary pressures on cod

3.What change did scientists notice around Cape Cod after the 1940s?

a. The amount of pollutants dumped into the ocean increased dramatically. b. Trawling ships violated fishing regulations more often. c. The cod population's diet became less diverse. d. Cod began to mature at a younger age.

4. What point does the professor make about reproduction among small cod fish as compared to larger cod fish?

a. Eggs produced by smaller cod are less likely to survive. b. Smaller cod produce fewer eggs.

c. The offspring of smaller cod do not live as long d. Smaller cod produce eggs fewer times per year

5. What is the professor's opinion of privatization for the management of an environmental resource?

a. Privatization is an imperfect tool.

b. Privatization should be tried more often.

c. Privatization usually results in political conflicts. d. Privatization usually results in the best outcome.

6. According to the professor, what was the result of the 200-mile exclusive economic zone declared by the United States and Canada?

a. The cod population moved further out to sea. b. The cod population began to recover.

c. More trawlers began fishing around Cape Cod. d. Penalties for overfishing were toughened.

Conversation 2