新视野大学英语视听说教程第二册第二版答案(最新版) 联系客服

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Listening skills: Identifying special quantities ABBDC

Listening in > Task 1

(2) The couple was going to celebrate the wife's birthday.

(5) The husband put the cat out before the taxi arrived.

(3) The cat shot back into the house when the couple was going to the taxi.

(1) The husband went back to chase the cat out.

(4) The wife told the driver a lie.

(6) The husband got into the car.

Listening in > Task 2 A D B C C

Listening in > Task 3 C D B A C Let's talk > Task 1

1-6: five dollars, chops, worst/lowest quality, barked, finest, money

7-12: own/have, followed, apartment house, third floor, scratched on, door 13-18: yelled at, stop, smartest/cleverest, lamb chops, looked at, his key

Further listening and speaking > Further listening > Task 1

1-5: a dog, delighted/pleased, one of her friends, be close, interview 6-9: warn, smell, foretell/predict, a chicken

Further listening and speaking > Further listening > Task 2


Further listening and speaking > Further listening > Task 3

1. in the theater 2. a ticket

3. well-trained, intelligent, human

4. any problem, leave the theater, any other dog 5. let the dog in, almost empty

Unit 5 test

1.A. His parents wanted him to learn to be responsible

2.B. She once worked at stables

3.A. Dogs.

4.C. She is willing to accept a dog, but on certain conditions

5.A. The woman disagrees with keeping animals in zoos 1.how's

2.they seem to be

3.protects them from

4.all the time

5.scaring away

6.though 7.they're lazy/they are lazy

8.avoid being seen

9.much faster

10.like horses

11.in Greek

1.B. The cat is named after a singer called Bo

2.C. He catches various kinds of animals

3.D. He could not walk steadily.

4.A. The cat attacked the vet

5.C. He wanted attention and love 1.A. Out

2.A. fed up

3.C. So...that

4.B. was hooked

5.C. sense of smell

6.D. Showing

7.B. Deserve

8.C. behave himself

9.A. Tiring