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江苏省宿豫中学(奥赛部)高三英语一轮复习检测学案 编者: 吴苏

M1U2 Growing pains

I. 词汇检测(vocabulary test)

1. When the parents arrived back from vacation, they found the curtains of the living room closed. 2. Eric sounded frightened when he realized his parents were back early from vacation, because the room was out of order.

3. Nowadays many people are still starving so we shouldn’t waste our food. 4.The room is full of garbage (rubbish). What have you done with it? 5. Usually adults grown-ups) can look at problems from different angles. 6. The teacher couldn’t tolerate Jack being late again and again and he decided to talk to his parents. 7. Such behaviors as smoking and spitting in public are not proper. 8. A teenager usually refers to a young person aged 13 to 19. 9. I feel like he is finding fault with me because whatever I did never satisfied him. 10. He looked a bit upset because he failed to pass the maths test. 11. We have found out the truth. Do you have anything to say to defend yourself? 12. Many people are in the habit of putting away some money in case of an emergency. 13. Daniel was unwilling to tell the truth because he thought his parents wouldn’t trust him anyhow/anyway. 14. I think such problems are too hard for a 10-year-old child to handle.

15. I am writing to ask for some guidance about my son, who looks like a rebel to us. I hope you can give me some practical advice.

16. Many schoolchildren enjoy chatting on line with strangers, which is not advisable(可取的). 17. I think it’s foolish of her to eat so little every day to lose weight. 18. As a doctor, he is very patient with violent patients. 19. The teacher’s harsh words hurt the pupil, and he is now very distant and cold to him. 20. He got annoyed to learn that the train would be delayed. 21. It’s normal for a student to get a little nervous in an exam. So you needn’t worry about that. 22. She tended her husband carefully during his illness. 23. He is an old man with great wisdom, from whom you can learn a lot to deal with life. 24. A balanced diet, enough sleep and regular workout are the keys to good health. 25. When I arrived at the cinema, the film had lasted half an hour, so decided to give it up.

II 短语检测(phrase test)

1. Do you have to turn up your music so loud? I am doing my homework. 2. The guest speaker arrived half an hour late than expected. 3. After the exams, the students couldn’t wait to know their own scores. 4. Mum and Dad were supposed to return tomorrow, but they are back today! 5. The dining-room of the kindergarten is in a mess after each meal, and it’s quite a job for the workers to tidy it up.

6. David is left in charge but he makes his parents disappointed. 7. I think Daniel’s parents are too hard on him; they should have given him a chance to explain everything. 8. Now that he is so rude to us that we have to punish him or he won’t respect us. 9. I got the top score in the maths test and my parents were proud of/took pride in me. 10. He must haves stayed up last night as his eyes are as red as a rabbit’s.

11. To my joy, I turned out to get the first place. All my worry was for nothing. 12. The twins are so alike that I often mix them up. 13. Eventually this period of change and challenge is traded for the changes and challenges of grown-up life. 14. I had thought he had an accident, but he turned out OK, which was really to my relief. 15. Young people often find it difficult to fit in society for lack of social experiences. 江苏省宿豫中学(奥赛部)高三英语一轮复习检测学案 编者: 吴苏


1. When astronauts are far away from the earth and there is ________ gravity, they find they are unable to stay in one place.

A. no more B. no longer C. not any more D. not any longer 2. He came back ______ later than ________.

A. much; expecting B. very; expected C. much; expected D. even; to be expected 3. _____ his father, Wang Lin entered the room, ______ by his two brothers.

A. Follow; follow B. Following; follow C. Followed; following D. Following; followed 4. The train _______ arrive at 1:30, but it was an hour late.

A. was about to B. was likely to C. was supposed to D. was certain to 5. The professor also mentioned an article _______ by Zhu Ziqing. A. supposed to have been written B. supposed to be written C. supposing to have been written D. supposing to be written

6. I have a composition _______ this afternoon and I won’t have my hair ___________. A. written; cut B. to write; cut C. to write; to cut D. written; to cut 7. ––– Did Peter fix the computer himself?

––– He ______, because he doesn’t know much about computers.

A. has it fixed B. had fixed it C. had it fixed D. fixed it 8.After all the harm she has done, she ________ whatever she gets. A. costs B. deserves C. rewards D. pays

9.______ you’ve got a chance, you might as well make full use of it.

A. Now that B. After C. Although D. As soon as 10. You’d better have your room _________. It’s ___________.

A. clean; in mess B. cleaned ; a mess C. cleaned ; in mess D. clean ; in a mess IV. 句子翻译:

1、我不明白他为什么无缘无故在冲我发火。(for nothing) It puzzled me why he got angry with me for nothing. 2、这个小伙子坚持认为他是无辜的,坚持要求立刻释放自己。(insist)

The young man insisted that he was innocent and that he (should) be set free without delay. 3、我该怎么办呢?目前,为了避免因争吵使他妈妈难过,我对他放任自流了。(allow sb sth)

What am I to do? At present, to prevent upsetting his mother with an argument, I am allowing him his freedom. 4、来点儿耐心和交流,许多问题是能解决的。(with+名词)

With a little bit of patience and communication and many problems can be handled. 5、爸爸禁止我在网吧和朋友聊天。 (forbid )

My father forbids me from chatting with my friends in the Internet café. 6、伴随着这些身体变化的,是许多心理变化。在这一方面,男孩和女孩往往不同。

Along with these physical changes, there come many psychological changes. Boys and girls tend to be different in this regard. 7、由于青少年很难平衡他们的需要,他们常质疑他们是谁以及他们怎样去适应社会。

Since teenagers have difficulty balancing these needs, they often question who they are and how they fit in society 8、这些山民(mountaineer)常拿他们的农产品(produce)去换取必需工业产品。 These mountaineers often trade their produce for necessary industrial products. V. 单元话题写作:


江苏省宿豫中学(奥赛部)高三英语一轮复习检测学案 编者: 吴苏


Many teenagers have growing pains during adolescence. They will go through some physical and psychological changes. Boys and girls tend to be different in this regard. Boys like to take risks, while girls want someone to talk to to deal with their strong feelings. However, they don’t have the wisdom to decide on their behavior, and therefore they often feel lonely, confused and misunderstood and they also feel they can’t fit in society. As a consequence, they have difficulty getting along well with their parents. However, everything will turn out OK—the changes and challenges during adolescence will be traded for those of grown-up life.