陕西汉德车桥有限公司生产物流存在问题及对策 联系客服

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本 科 毕 业 论 文

论文题目: 陕西汉德车桥有限公司内部 生产物流存在问题及对策

专业名称: 物 流 管 理 学生姓名: 宋 晓 翻 学生学号: 0802044230 指导教师: 葛 雁 峰 毕业时间: 二〇一二年六月



关键词:生产物流; JIT ; 精益物流


Shaanxi Hande Axle Company In-house Production Logistics

Existing Problem and Countermeasure

Abstract:Along with the development of manufacturing industry, domestic most manufacturing enterprise production logistics level from mechanization roughly in the modernization of transformation. In the process, manufacturing process of the high automation, flexibility, and the scale of production and the logistics system behind the contradiction between the increasingly prominent, and to some auto parts production enterprise for, the production and logistics systems research is more important. This article through to the shaanxi han bridge internal production logistics company, the analysis of the current situation, and find out the production logistics, the main problems of logistics management information and application of theory, the paper has pointed, practical production logistics management rationalization proposal, so as to realize the real-time distribution and effective material management, to solve the practical problems existing in the enterprise. Through the study of this company logistics system not only to the drive axle of the production logistics has an important meaning, and for other enterprises to improve production efficiency and economic benefit is has important theoretical significance and practical significance.

Key words: Production Logistics;Just In Time;Lean Logistics.


目 录

一、引言................................................................. 1 二、企业内部物流管理概述 ......................................... 1 (一)企业内部物流的基本概念 ........................................... 1 (二)生产物流的基本概念 ............................................... 2 三、陕西汉德车桥有限公司内部生产物流管理现状 ........................ 2 (一) 陕西汉德车桥有限公司公司简介 .................................... 2 (二)陕西汉德车桥有限公司生产物流管理现状 ............................. 2 四、陕西汉德车桥有限公司内部生产物流存在的问题及分析 ................. 4 (一)生产环节中原材料及成品的物流配送不当造成库存增加。 ............. 4 (二)先进的生产物流管理方法应用水平低。 ............................. 4 (三)生产过程中物流管理与控制不合理。 ............................... 5 (四)生产物流技术装备水平低。 ....................................... 5 (五)物流成本较高。 ................................................. 5 (六)厂内生产物流信息系统不健全。 ................................... 5 五、陕西汉德车桥公司内部生产物流合理化建议 .......................... 6 (一)采用物流业务外包方式 ........................................... 6 (二)促进汉德车桥公司在生产物流环节中实施“6S”管理 ................. 6 (三)应用JIT、看板管理方法.......................................... 7 (四)提高生产物流技术装备水平 ....................................... 8 (五)实行精益物流方式 ............................................... 9 (六)改进汉德车桥公司物流信息管理系统 ............................... 9 结论 ......................................................... 11 参考文献 ...................................................... 12 致 谢 ........................................................ 13