新目标英语八下unit+7导学案 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期一 文章新目标英语八下unit+7导学案更新完毕开始阅读

Tom’s grandfather ______ _____ _____ for two years. 4. Jim is a boy. He is eight years old. (合并成一句) Jim is ______ ___________ boy. 5. Would you mind standing here? (改否定式疑句句) Would you _____ _____ standing here? 〖自主反思〗 知识盘点: 心得感悟: 八年级下册Unit 7 第3课时(Section B 1a—2c) 备注 【学习目标】 1重点短语 complain about something waitress bought bring sth. to sb.=bring sb. sth. sth. doesn’t/did’t work solution 【重难点预见】Would you mind + 动名词结构; 情态动词could表请求。 【知识链接】 1. get on / get off ( a / the bus,train,boat,plane) 上/下(公共汽车、火车、船、飞机) 如:She got on / off the bus quickly. get on还可以表示为:相处融洽、继续。 如:Get on with your work! 继续工作吧! I get on well with all my classmates. 我和所有的同学相处都很融洽。 get的其它的用法: (1)表示“到达,抵达”,如果后接表示到达某地的名词,get后面要接介词to,如果get后接的是地点副词就可以直接在get后使用。 如: She got there at six. 她六点钟到达那里。(there为地点副词) When we got to the station, the bus was waiting. 当我们到达车站时,汽车还在等着。(the station是名词) (2)get sth. done使;受;让人做好;经历;让;做(该做的事) 如: I'll just get these dishes washed and then I'll come. 我得把盘子洗了,然后就来。 I must get the television fixed. 我必须请人修理一下这台电视机。 (3)get与宾语+形容词连用,其意思是“使某物/某人成为” 如:I got my feet wet. 我把脚弄湿了。 It's time to get the kids ready for school. 该给孩子们收拾好去上学了。 (4)成为 如: My hands are getting cold. 我的手冷。 The food's getting cold. 菜凉了。 This skirt is getting dirty;it needs washing. 这件短裙脏了,该洗一洗了。 He is getting old. 他渐渐老了。 (5)获得,取得 如: I must get some fruit in the market. 我得在市场上买点水果。 I'll get something to eat before I got out. 我出去之前要找点东西吃。 【学习流程】 【自主学习·预习案】


■预习指导:1.预习Section B 1a—2c,掌握学习目标生词、短语句型,并能读写生词; 2.学习并牢记知识链接内容; ■预习反馈: 翻译短语 1、给你理了一个很糟糕的发型 2、迟到 3、给某人带来食物物 4、给你错了尺寸 5、根本不 【合作学习·探究案】 ■活动1:看1a中的图,小组交流自学成果。 ■活动2:听力大考验 1).认真听录音,选出Erin’s problem . 2).再听一遍完成2b 。 3).听力训练,听并复述关键句型。 ■活动3:朗读听力材料 〖展示提升〗 完成2c,对话练习,然后小组展示。 【过关检测·过关案】 一、单项选择 1. The watch you ______ (buy) doesn’t work well. 2. This one is big. Would you mind giving me a _______ (small) one? 3. Would you mind __________ (not make) so much noise? 4. Did your brother finish ________ (draw) the picture? 5. This skirt is too short. Would you mind giving me a ___(long)one? 二、补全对话 A: Excuse ___1__. B: __2__? A: I ___3___ a hamburger with French fries, but only got my hamburger. Would you mind ___4____ me my French fries? B: I’m so sorry. I’ll bring you some French fries right away. A: Thank you very much. B: You’re ____5___ 1._________ 2_________ 3_________ 4_________ 5_________ 〖自主反思〗 知识盘点: 心得感悟: 八年级下册Unit 7 第4课时(Section B 3a—4) 备注 【学习目标】1掌握重点单词、短语及其在句子中的用法。 2掌握并灵活运用Would you mind doing something 句式。 【重难点预见】掌握并灵活运用Would you mind doing something 句式。 【知识链接】 1. I can’t stand it. stand (1)vt. 忍受、经受、顶住。


I can’t stand the noise/pain/your new haircut. (2)位于、座落 There stands a tall tree on the hill. 2.annoy v.使恼怒、使生气 (1) annoy sb. 使sb.恼怒、使sb.生气 The news annoys me. What annoys /annoyed you? (2) annoyed / annoying adj. I’m /get annoyed. The news is annoying. I get ______ to hear the _______ things. (annoy) 3. line 队、列、排 be in line 排成一队,成一直线;join the line排队 wait in line = wait in a queue 排队等候 stand in a line 站队 cut in line = jump the queue插队 4. polite adj. be polite to sb. 对sb.有礼貌 It’s polite of sb. to do sth. It’s very polite of us to help others. 5. happen to sb. What happened to him? = What was wrong with him? 6).try (not) to do sth. I should try not to be so polite. try / do one’s best (not) to do sth.尽某人最大努力做(不做)某事 【学习流程】 【自主学习·预习案】 ■预习指导:1.预习Section B 3a—4,掌握本课生词、短语及句型,并能读写生词; 2.学习并牢记知识链接内容。 ■预习反馈: 一、翻译并熟记下列词组 wait in line _______________ have a long telephone conversation ______________ follow sb. around ___________ 你能不做某事吗? ___________________________ 变得生气 __________________ 回到某地 ____________________ get annoyed _______________ happen to sb. ___________________ 在将来 __________________ 我受不了 ____________________ 一直 ____________________ 很兴奋做某事 _________________ try not to do sth. ____________ cut in line _____________________ What annoys you? ____________________ return sth.__________________________ close the door _________________________________ 【合作学习·探究案】 ■活动1:读 3a 理解文章大意并翻译, 小组交流自学成果。 ■活动2:找出短文中重点短语写在下面并理解其含义。 ■活动3:阅读P56 3a 回答问题 1. What annoys the girl when she was in a shop? 2. What will she do if the shop assistants get mad?


3. What do you do when someone talks to you while you are reading? 问题:_____________________________________________________________ 我的建议:______________________________________________________ ■活动4:请同学们观察3b的两张图片。假设你在现场,你很气恼。你将如何提出礼貌的请求。试着把你想表达的话写出来。 1. I get annoyed when someone stands in subway door. When this happens, I usually say: “Would you mind not standing here? / Would you mind not standing in the subway door?” 2. I get annoyed when people cut in line. When this happens, I usually say: “Would you mind waiting in line? It’s not polite to cut in line.” 〖展示提升〗 下面我们来看 P57中的第三部分。这也是我们要留给同学们的一个写作作业。要求是给朋友写封信,对他们讲述你的三件不愉快事情。写完之后可与老师给的参考答案进行对照(注:答案不唯一)。 【过关检测·过关案】 一、用所给动词的适当形式. 1. You’d better _______(wash) the dish after dinner. 2. Could you please ______(feed) the dog? 3. I can help you _________(learn) English. 4. This box is too big, I want ______( get) a small one 5. Would you mind_________(open) the window? 6. Would you mind ________(not smoke) here? 7. May I __________(use) your ruler? I left mine at home 8. I don’t like ________(wear) the old jeans. 9. Why not_________(go) to the school party. 10. You have to_______(study) hard to get good grade. 二、单项选择 ( )1.The child fell asleep in the end after crying for a long time. A. went to sleep B. went to bed C. was in bed D. stayed in bed ( )2.It’s very nice of you to lend me the bike. A. beautiful B. well C. fine D. kind ( )3.I’ll go out to find him in a minute. A. a minute ago B. soon C. quickly D. after a minute ( )4.My aunt will come back tomorrow. A. get back B. return C. go D. give back ( )5.The singer sang several songs for us before she left. A. a few B. many C. a little D. five 〖自主反思〗 知识盘点: 心得感悟: